Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 1047: Civilized people

Chapter 1066

"Then what do you plan to do in the future? Spend a whole life in this universe in a muddle-headed manner. I am going to return with the power of infinite gems after the replenishment of this universe is over." Thor's eyes burned with a flame called revenge.

Luo Ji doesn't know how to say it, but revenge is always right. She agrees with Thor's idea. If a person's obsession with revenge disappears, then what is the difference from The Walking Dead?

There should always be a little obsession to live alone.

"In that case, I will help you!"

"I can't hurt you, you have a wonderful family now, Rocky in this world, the end result is not..."

"Of course I know, and I will be alone. I have my husband, my parents, and other friends. They will be willing to help me. But I also have one condition." Luo Ji said.

Thor looked at this sister in a different world. He got serious for the first time. He wanted to sacrifice his soul, so he wanted to get revenge.

"You said!"

"The ether in your hand will finally be handed over to me." Luo Ji said.

Thor almost didn't even think about it. He took out such a precious infinite gemstone and put it in Luo Ji's hands. He solemnly said: "If it's just this, it doesn't matter to me. For me, apart from opening the crack back There is no use outside of home. If I can get a chance for revenge, I will not hesitate."

"Okay, the next step is to discuss and discuss how we should get revenge."

"Do you have any good candidates?" Thor doesn't know much about his sister in this different world, and he doesn't know what his friends are.

"The Avengers and my husband, Mark Komunen, and his invincible fleet. And the people on Earth are also happy to help you open up a new universe and get something from the new universe."

"Are you going to invade across the universe?" Thor thought of a very crazy term. He had only heard of this term from his father. Those who detached themselves from ordinary existence could achieve this terrifying ability.

"What are you talking about? When will we soon invade the universe! Just to help you get revenge, and destroy the dark elves, and then bring back the legacy of the dark elves, or the spoils. How can it be said that it is an invasion? Luo Ji smiled and said such horrible words.

Thor realized at this time that the sister in front of him was far more terrifying and threatening than he thought.

It's not as kind and pure as the kind and pure that I see before my eyes.

"it is good."


Avengers base.

Before coming, Luo Ji gave the infinite gem in his hand to Mark.

She knew that Mark had been collecting this thing. Although it was lost some time ago and I don't know what happened, it is now back again.

After seeing the infinite gems, Mark gave her a big kiss. Mark really did not expect that when another world came last night, he even brought such a big gift. He now has half of the gems.

However, after Mark's careful observation, it was discovered that this gem was not the body either.

Although there is no movement for the time being, is it possible that this is related to the previous incident.

But Mark didn't think much about it. The top priority was to help the brother-in-law in another world get revenge, and wait for him to finish his revenge before talking about other things.

Luo Ji repeated what she had encountered and heard.

After hearing the other world, everyone's eyes lit up.

However, this mood did not last long.

Because everyone had heard that the world earth was destroyed, the news made them feel happy.

But everyone is also fortunate that everything in this world is intact, unlike another world that is riddled with holes.

"I want to ask you what you think?" Mark asked.

This universe Thor didn't even think about it, and stood up while patted the table.

Although it was not his girlfriend and parents who died, it was also from other universes, and he could experience this anger firsthand.

"Fight! Why don't you fight? Asgard does his best to help!" Thor is now the **** king of Asgard, and his strength is above the first-line level. Even in the face of the current Hulk, it is a 50-50 situation. .

"The Avengers is a big family. We will not let any member take risks. We will share the blessings and share the difficulties. I will join!" As a senior leader, Tony's words are still very influential. of.

Although Steve is now out of the battle sequence, he is more of a commander, but if necessary, he will also contribute his own strength.

As Tony said before, the Avengers are a big family, he feels the warmth of home here, and he will not let his family take risks alone.

"I agree too!"

Others also began to express their views.

However, some people are simply unable to take care of the burden they are currently carrying, and everyone can understand that the Avengers also need other people to continue to maintain normal operations.


Coalition government.

After Mark had a meeting with the Avengers, he hurried to the coalition government.

After learning that Mark had important news, the coalition government quickly called all members to a meeting.

The United States and China were in conflict before, but now because of the arrival of Mark, they have to put aside their conflicts temporarily. Listen to this special gentleman, what is there to say?

No one wants to miss an opportunity for a technological leap.

Mark is now in technology!

To put it simply, all countries are now unable to develop new technologies, and plagiarism is still possible, but we hope to develop new technologies on this basis.

The technology tree is not complete, how to develop?

Mark is now abruptly, pulling the earth technology up, and if Mark doesn't take the earth technology, he can only stand still.

"Gentlemen and ladies, great news. We have discovered a whole new universe. The earth of this universe has been destroyed for various reasons, but there are still a lot of resources. The reserves of these resources are greater than they are now. There are more earths. With our excellent and advanced collection equipment, we can obtain a lot of resources from this universe.

At the same time, in this universe, there is also our old opponent, the Dark Elf. It is worth mentioning that their technological reserves are more and more complete than the dark elves we faced last time. If available, we will have a complete set of technological levels.

What we need to pay is the expeditionary operation of an expeditionary fleet! I don't know if you are willing to join this hunt, of course, if you are not interested, just assume that I have not said it. "Mark walked to the center of the meeting, turned around and said.

Everyone was amazed. Another universe, another earth, everyone knows the earth’s current reserves of resources.

In the past, it was because they knew it, so everyone was saving it.

Now someone suddenly tells you that resources are doubled directly, saving? Save a hammer.

Even if a large amount of resources are continuously collected from the universe to supply the earth, the current development speed of the earth is still too slow.

The demand for various resources is really too great. The science and technology given by Mark has improved the level of science and technology of the earth, but it also increased the demand for resources of the earth.

Even if there are a large number of cosmic merchants constantly traveling to and from the moon and trading large amounts of resources with other places, they are still not enough.

Another problem is that it is too expensive to buy resources from them. The mark is clearly marked. According to the price of the universal currency, there is no way for the earth to come up with that much money. Even if it is to sell land, the mark is Not accepted.

Things like land are the least valuable in the universe.

The calculations are based on the entire planet.

"Mr. Komunen, are you sure you are not joking?"

"Am I kidding? If you don't believe it, you can leave it alone." Mark said indifferently.

It's Mark that sometimes looks boring, and no one will doubt that the most important thing is a resource of the earth.

A resource of the earth, this is considered to be a fake by Mark, and the resources that have been privately hidden are now equivalent to being used by everyone.

In any case, it was a golden opportunity.

Everyone moved quickly, constantly using the keyboard in front of them to send the latest news to their country, hoping to form an army in the shortest possible time.

Mark looked at their busy appearance and knew that they had entered into his plan.

Mark secretly sent a message to Lao Zheng who was sitting in the corner at the scene. Mark glanced over, and Lao Zheng also nodded a little bit.

The meeting ended soon. When Mark was about to leave, the U.S. representative hurried to Mark’s front and said to Mark with a very friendly smile: "Mr. Komunen, do you have time now?"

"There is time, but my time is precious. If there is nothing important, then forget it." Mark looked at the expensive watch in his hand and said.

The U.S. representative also knew that Mark was only preparing to set conditions, and then said: "Of course, how could we waste your time? It's easy to say."

Mark left with the US representative with a smile like this, while Lao Zheng stood in a daze in the distance.

I was planning to say a few words, but I am in a very bad mood now.

Obviously it's me first!

PS: Kill Bai Xue!

Michelin star restaurant.

Mark doesn't know anything about this Michelin restaurant. Anyway, it should not be too bad to be branded as Michelin.

Mark was tasting the red wine there and said with a smile, "Go ahead, what do you want to know?"

"Mr. Komunen, can you give us some technical help?"

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