Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 1052: Our Lady

Chapter 1071

The child in the father's mouth is naturally Fulian, and there are other people.

For the old man, they are all created by themselves, and they are all their cutest children. But all his children in this universe are dead.

This is not a happy thing for the old man.

"Sorry, do you need me to call them back?" Mark said embarrassedly.

It is really the first time for Mark to make this kind of wicked thing that the father of the child cannot see his child.

Looking at Mark's nervous look, the old man couldn't help but laughed and said, "No. I will leave here soon and go to the next universe."

"Are you still going to continue drifting?"

The old man took out a cowboy hat from nowhere, put it on his head and said, "I am a prodigal, a wandering man, and the gems of children are good things, but don't be fooled by its power."

It is often said that the older the man, the more flavorful it is. This is how the old man is now.

"I understand. I still don't understand one thing. I hope the old man will help me understand." Mark looked at the rare opportunity now, so he asked the question.

The father's original footsteps stopped and said: "You are talking about someone from outside the universe, are you?"

"Yes!" Mark also acquiesced that the Zerg was a comer from outside the universe.

The old man looked at Mark with full expectation and said, "Don't you know yourself? Don't you be?"

Mark watched the old man disappear in front of him, toward the last sentence.

The dialogue between the two people is not long, but it is already a great help to Mark.

"How are you, Mark?" Tony's caring voice broke Mark's contemplation.

Mark didn't get annoyed, and said to Tony: "I'm fine, I'm dealing with some things now, Tony, pay attention to your own safety."

"No problem. The old man Mark just now..." Tony still asked the question he wanted to ask the most.

"After I go back in time for this matter, I will tell you personally. Don't worry for now."



Three days later, Mark crushed the last stone and looked at the underground research room of the Avengers base.

Sure enough, it was not destroyed, and Mark wanted to see if there were any technological residues from here.

Walking into the basement, it was cold, and there were dead bodies everywhere.

In the end, those people came here to take refuge, but they didn't expect it to be completely covered up. The research institute barely maintained for a while, and finally they starved to death unavoidably.

Mark walked into the hall, entered the Avengers' password, and looked at the interface that should be changed, Mark packed all the information away.

Before leaving, Mark burned the place on fire, which was the last treatment for those who starved to death.

Dust returns to dust, everything returns to its original point.

The flame engulfed the research institute at an extremely fast speed, all the fire-fighting equipment in the research institute had been shut down, and the fire spread unscrupulously.

In three days, Mark didn't just do this thing. He also went to some places and took out some weapons that had not been destroyed.

These weapons used to be the killer that deterred the world, so their preservation was extremely strict. Unfortunately, these weapons did not fulfill their mission in the end, and the world still became a wasteland.

Nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs, these big killers that can still be used even in the age of the universe, were packed by Mark.

As for the explosion... if they can explode in a space where time does not flow, Mark is willing to call it the strongest.

Just as Mark was about to return, he saw a large fleet in the distance.

The Shandars were the first to recognize the fleet.

Because these ships are Shandal's own fleet.

The Earth Fleet also recognized the identities of these ships, but they dare not actively contact them.

Steve opened the communication with Sandal and the Earth Fleet, and said in the communication channel: "Now take the initiative to negotiate with the other party to explain our identity, so as to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding."

The earth is still hesitating, and Sandal is also the same, but after hearing Steve's words, he can be regarded as paying attention.

Difficulty in choice is sometimes not so difficult to treat.

Three communication messages were sent to the Shandal fleet in this world at the same time.

The other party accepted the communication request and looked at the two Earthlings and one Shandar in the display.

The commander of the Sandal fleet in this world was also surprised.

"Who are you! Why do you want to disguise the Sandal fleet and personnel? Now immediately hand over your weapons and actively accept review."

Pretending this thing is basically zero tolerance, because once a bad head starts, the guys behind will just add unscrupulous. At that time, a series of diplomatic incidents will be able to make the Shandars feel devastated.

"Sorry, I am from the Sandal fleet in another parallel universe. You do not have the right to inspect and interrogate us. If you continue to move forward, we will open fire." The attitude of the Sandal people is very resolute, completely unlike before. That kind of hesitant look.

Steve is not a man who is good at strategy, but behind him is the entire Avengers, plus Steve himself is a magnificent image, so it gives people a kind of cordial feeling.

"Gentlemen, we have no malice. We are just here to help His Highness Thor of Asgard complete his revenge on the dark elf. Now we have completed and are preparing to evacuate. It will not affect the stability of your world." Steve explained Tao.

The Sandal people in this world obviously didn't believe what Steve said, and insisted on Thor to prove it.

In desperation, Steve had to let Thor in his own world prove it.

Thor of this world had left a few days ago to prepare to find his own people, and he was not here at all now.

"I am the king of Asgard, Thor Odinson. I invited these friends of mine to help me. Is there anything you can do?"

"Your Majesty Thor, we detected the signal of our ship, so we came to investigate. If you find a ship belonging to Asgard in the universe, I believe you will have the same idea!" Shan The Darren recognized Thor, but still asked to inspect the fleet here.

Seeing that the negotiation is about to collapse, the joint fleet is preparing for battle, all weapon systems are warming up, and the short-range folding system is also charging, ready to be caught off guard.

"In this case, we can only use the simplest way to solve the problem."

Violence is never the only means to solve problems, but it is definitely the most effective means.

When the barrage appeared, the nearby star field had already become a war zone.

The flagship of the combined fleet.

"We haven't collected enough resources yet!"

Mark has nothing to say about the greed of these guys. They seem to think that they can easily defeat the fleet.

"Then you have to calculate whether your losses after the hard battle are proportional to your gains. You still have at most three days, that is to say, within three days, can you collect enough to make up for this fleet loss? Resources. You think about it clearly, in the end you are likely to go to a military court because of this matter." Mark said.

The fleet commander seemed to have some concerns, and finally made a decision after thinking twice. He said: "When can I leave?"

"At any time, my fleet and Asgard's fleet are behind, your fleet can leave first, and Shandal's fleet is behind."

"Well! Komunen, we owe you this time!" The fleet commander said weakly.

"You owe me more than this." Mark didn't bother to care about these guys, and after speaking, he opened the portal to the original universe.

The Shandal fleet of this world watched as the fleet began to evacuate, ready to continue pursuing.

However, not long after the pursuit, a blue ray swept across the fleet.

That's right, just scratched like a glass knife.

Then the ships were cut open, and there was an explosion!

But this kind of disaster is not over yet, and two glass knives easily opened the fleet and divided the entire fleet.

This kind of terrifying power made them start to panic. What kind of power can do this!

Surprised, they did not give birth to those arbitrators flying in an array in the distance. These arbiters used their positions to perfectly cover a Madonna ship.

Referred to as mother ship.

This kind of mothership, which appeared in the golden age, was devised by an engineer named Geras. The purpose at that time was very pure, just to explore the corners of the universe, trying to have a clear understanding of the universe.

But with the year 1500, the core energy supply system of the hesitation mothership had a serious design flaw.

The two mother ships plunged into the gravity well of the neutron star, causing the deaths of more than 8,000 Protoss people.

This is a very painful lesson for them.

Precisely because of this time, these large motherships have always been hidden or even abandoned, mostly staying in the farthest area that the Protoss can explore, becoming a sacred place for exploration.

However, these lunatics who rely on archaeology for science and technology are naturally unwilling to end like this. They transformed these motherships into terrifying war weapons, which is the earliest appearance of the current Madonna ship.

Subsequent updates and improvements have not stopped, and even Tadalin has carried out a certain degree of imitation and reform.

But this is another matter.

The three attacks that looked like glass knives just now were the handwriting of the mothership. Mark now only has a few ships in his hand with this kind of destroying weapon.

The eldest son of God who likes Marvel, please collect it: ( The literature of Marvel's eldest son has the fastest update speed.

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