Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 825: I have no Ma Feifei

Chapter 844

As the saying goes, it is a **** to have the advantage and not to take advantage. He already knew the purpose of the other party, and Mark didn't intend to make these fun under his hands, and then go hard.

Except for an increase in casualties, no results were obtained.

The pointed steel pillars that fell from the sky were originally used to destroy the units lurking underground.

These pointed steel pillars are all weapons dropped from platforms above the atmosphere.

The steel pillar easily broke through the surface soil, and then deeply inserted into the ground, piercing the bodies of those lurking. A lot of blood.

A large amount of blood poured out from under the ground, dyeing all the surrounding ground red. The red blood merged with the acid on the ground and turned into a weird purple.

However, the surrounding bugs directly rushed up and began to continuously swallow the purple liquid.

Mark began to wonder what exactly is the mixed liquid? Exciting those bugs.

"Biomass!" Kerrigan didn't know when he appeared behind him.

Mark completely relaxed and came in. Here Mark turned off all his perceptions, every move of everyone in the spacecraft.

"You said these things are biomass? How do I remember those things are green like..." Mark realized those things when he thought of this.

Those things are just modified according to the characteristics of the game to facilitate the player's identification. It's not what those things should be.

"But the blood of those bugs is obviously mixed with the acid on the ground. Isn't it a problem for those bugs to eat it?" Mark asked.

"Abasher has used similar acidic liquids to mix with sufficient blood, and then new cultures have appeared. Those cultures have greatly strengthened the body of insects and can improve in a short period of time. The ability to resist during transformation." Kerrigan said, recalling some past events.

"You mean, in fact, those things on the ground are almost similar to that kind of substance?"

"You can understand it this way, but there is still a certain gap. But I am even more curious that the control behind this bug stays behind. I want to study it carefully. Maybe there is still a big deal for you. Help." Kerrigan actually didn't want to intervene in the Swarm anymore, but again and again for Mark, she broke her agreement.

In other words, she decided to control the swarm just for Mark.

If it were in the past, she would never control those bugs again, but now it is hard for Mark to protect herself and the dangers he faces are increasing.

In this case, there is not much she can help Mark.

Mark could feel Kerrigan's disgust in controlling bugs, and said, "In fact, you don't have to force yourself like this."

"It's okay, I can bear it as long as it is your business."



When the two were about to kiss each other, a crisp cough sounded.

Mark cast his gaze over, and the one standing outside was really Wanda, and he didn't know when the little guy slipped over quietly.

"What's the matter? Wanda." Mark immediately corrected his attitude and said to Wanda.

"Yrel, waiting for you to go over to eat!" After saying that, Wanda left the bedroom with a black face.

Mark gave a bitter smile. Such a good opportunity was broken by Wanda.

After losing such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the two did not intend to continue their relationship.

There is no way. In that situation, the two people can't help themselves, but if they want to perform again in this situation, both of them will be a bit embarrassed and shy.

Although the two have already understood each other in depth, even a couple who is accustomed to it will have similar situations in certain things.

There is no such thing as a kiss in the first place, and there is no need to go into it too much.

"You go down first! I'll do the above things and go over." Mark said.

Kerrigan left Mark's bedroom just after nodding, and Mark opened his perception again.

It's just that this time it only shot 1%, and what kind of spacecraft was enveloped.

The reason why Mark did this was to prevent the things from happening again.

Mark didn't want to re-enact the embarrassing situation again.

Time hasn't been long since, and the situation is excellent, and there is no major problem at all.

It's just that even after the lurkers were defeated, they did not move forward.

If it weren't for the detector and showed that the surrounding ground did not ambush other units, Mark really would have to wonder if it was underground, whether there were poisonous explosive insects, or people who exploded themselves.

After encircling the remaining bugs, Mark spilled all the detectors.

The fungus blanket is the best clue to find the main nest of insects.

These things are the worms that have finally expanded, and they will never be destroyed by themselves, and even if the traces left on the ground are destroyed, they cannot be ground out at all.

Although the surface of Venus is very barren, this is true, but there are still other tiny creatures living on this land.

Wherever the fungus blanket goes, no microbes can survive at all.

Because these micro-organisms are assimilated into a part by the bacterial blanket and become nourishment for the insects.

But when investigating along the fungus tumor, the last thing I found was an independent fungus tumor.

Mark was also very surprised. He didn't expect the other party to be so smart.

The trick is actually very common. Insect swarms will ensure that their motivation will not be exposed, and will send king insects to spit out part of their internal organs that can be constantly repaired, and form a short-term fungus blanket on the ground.

After a certain blanket of fungus appears, order to lay eggs on the blanket tumor from behind.

After that, a fungus blanket network that is not connected to the main nest can be easily formed, which not only ensures the mobility of the team, but also ensures that the risk of not exposing your own base.

Mark kept groping his jaw, he greatly underestimated the other's intelligence.

Facing this situation, Mark really could only sigh and choose to turn on his own plug-in.

Of course, Mark has always been straight to the outside world. I would definitely not say that a friend came to his house and temporarily downloaded a plug-in using his computer to show him how the plug-in is.

Don't tell me the truth, the protagonist of the novel opened a plug-in that year, isn't it normal operation? Does anyone still watch if you don’t open it?

Mark quickly threw all the mess out of his mind.

Anyway, these plug-ins are only obtained through their own efforts, and each one has paid a great price. There is no way in this world that can become stronger without paying a price.

However, some people use their own money abilities, and some people use their own hard power.

After another round of simple scanning, Mark finally found a powerful mental signal point, but the chance of being away from Mark and the battlefield were too far.

And it's not just that the battle has just ended, many people are exhausted, and now continue to order them to fight, let alone whether it will cause disease, the combat effectiveness has been reduced a lot, and whether the effect can be achieved is two things.

Moreover, Mark has located the position of the opponent, so long-term planning is not a problem.

A few days later, the mining base was established, and the established location was near the location of the last signal point.

In this way, the soldiers of the mine protection team can be justified to participate in this battle.

But this time, it is not only the mine guards who are responsible for the protection, but also the soldiers of the World Security Council. Mark’s promise to the World Security Council is that the first batch of mined ore will be sold at a very low price. To the World Security Council.

As for what the World Security Council does with these minerals, that is not something Mark needs to consider.

Moreover, once the ores of Mark appear on the market in large quantities, it is easy to have a great impact on the good market that has now formed.

The situation of good coins driving out bad coins will happen soon, and the inferior mineral resources on the earth will soon be eliminated, with lower prices or larger amounts of cosmic ores.

Is it expensive to mine ore in the universe?

Actually not.

The loss caused by the energy required for space jump is indeed great, but who said that the ore must be transported through space jump.

It takes eight months for the earth to be away from Venus. During these eight months, with so many ores floating slowly in the universe, it is not a problem at all.

And the earth has not yet reached the point where it is urgently needed.

In this case, the World Security Council can only make compromises and concessions. Moreover, after making compromises and concessions, it is not that they cannot make a profit. They only need to process this batch of ore reasonably to get a good profit from it.

The worm mother hidden under the ground seemed to feel the vibration coming from the surface. The insect mother did not hesitate to order the insects to attack, a large number of insects broke out of the ground, and the mining team under construction rushed away.

The mine guards and the soldiers of the World Security Council, who had been preparing for a long time, began to attack.

I have had an experience, and when I faced it the second time, it was not as busy as it was the first time. On the contrary, many soldiers had become calm, not shooting like the first time.

However, the problem is still the same. Without the support of the "heavy firepower" of the mine protection team, there is no way to stop these levels of attack.

Just as the battle was about to sink into heat, the airdrop troops appeared again.

It's just that this time the airdrop troops didn't cut into the battlefield so smoothly.

Corruptors appeared in the sky, and these corruptors were intercepting the airdrop capsules.

The eldest son of God who likes Marvel, please collect it: ( The literature of Marvel’s eldest son has the fastest update speed.

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