Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 893: Worms at low temperatures

Chapter 912

The surrounding snow began to melt, and more and more insects crawled out of the ground.

In the face of high temperature, insects still have their own weak resistance, but when facing low temperature, the resistance of insects is much weaker.

Otherwise, it is impossible for titanium alloys to last so long in this environment.

Low temperature is far more terrifying to insects than high temperature. Everyone thinks that high temperature can completely kill insects, but everyone does not know that many insects can live well in high temperature environment, and even purified into a form that adapts to high temperature environment.

But insects can only be frozen in low temperature environments.

Even the Queen of Blades, who has almost a perfect evolutionary gene, was frozen in Kayadir, the satellite of the giant gas star fan Dilweisi.

This is one of the coldest known inland planets in the Coplu region. The upper part of his atmosphere bounced heat and blocked almost all sunlight that could reach the surface, resulting in only two native indigenous creatures found on this planet.

One is bacteria that can grow in extreme environments, as energy to sustain another organism.

And the other is the mutant pet that Queen Blade once raised, Ice Bear.

After the Queen of Blades entered this planet, she also absorbed the biological genes of the ice bear on this planet, thereby enhancing the resistance to cold.

And gained the ability to act in the local nightmare weather-flash frost storm.

Even a Protoss equipped with advanced equipment, through countless methods to resist the cold wind, cannot act in such severe weather. It can only be frozen into pieces of ice sculptures, and finally can recover after the storm leaves.

However, it is said that some Protoss have found a way to avoid this kind of storm, that is, to build a huge city directly underground.

Protoss did indeed do it, and established several launch points on this planet, successfully avoiding the attacks of flash frost storms.

It even built a space-time shuttle device here.

This is the famous escape incident that happened later.


The cold restricts the normal activities of the insects.

If it weren't for the latitude, plus the fact that the blizzard had just passed, the combat effectiveness of these insects would have to be improved by one or two points.

Several villains dragged Bartok up from underneath.

Although everyone doesn't like this very much, wearing a tights with a mustache perverted, but all his plans did make many people survive, as for those unlucky ghosts who remember it!

And the next escape action, maybe this mustache metamorphosis will be used

Mrs. Mask stuck Bartok with the only therapeutic agent in his hand. The masked Bartok really had a temperament similar to Tony, and Mrs. Mask was confused for a moment.

However, he recovered quickly and pulled out the healing agent fiercely. The toxins in his body were suppressed. Bartok gradually recovered his consciousness, but he was still very weak now. He looked at the bugs around and moved slowly. Titanium alloy.

He knew that the current situation was not optimistic.

Bartok pressed down the communication button with all his strength, and then shouted in the communication channel: "We have important information about the bugs in this cave. Hurry up and save us, otherwise the entire planet will be in danger. It doesn’t matter if we die, but the earth has no time."

Bartok used alarmist methods to force people from the World Security Council to come to rescue.

The people of the World Security Council didn’t believe it at first, but listening to Bartok’s breath, he gritted his teeth and said: "We sent reinforcements. The plane is already on the way. Hold on for a while! It will be here soon. ."

If these super villains did not bring back any news, he vowed to tie these villains to the gallows and complete the hanging one by one.

Several supersonic space fighters and transport aircraft flew towards Bartok's location.

Except for one of the transport planes which is empty, the other transport planes are full of superheroes.

This superhero team is not from Mark’s company, but a hero company in Europe. The number is small, but it has also reached an agreement with the World Security Council.

Now it's dirty work, and they need to take action.

Even knowing that the road ahead is dangerous, but there is no way.

Take money to do things, the basic rule.

Several modified black hole missiles were thrown in the direction of the cave. There was an explosion next to the group of villains. The pilot apparently launched the missile with evil interest.

The villains can only curse loudly in the communication channel

The transport plane began to land slowly, and the loading bay under the transport plane had already descended ahead of time. The heroes standing on the loading platform, using the weapons in their hands, began to suppress the insects underneath.

They don't care how much the villains below will die, they only attack the bugs that can threaten their safety first.

The villains below also knew what these guys were thinking, so they all shrank into a sneer of fear that they might come at any time.

It's just that there is no way to clean up the insects completely. If they continue to be consumed here, they will only be wiped out. The only empty transport plane has also hovered in the air.

The villains grabbed the lift platform where the transport plane was lowered, and within a few seconds everyone had boarded the plane.

The transport plane slowly took off and launched several strong acid spines, which smoothly hit the villains' transport plane engines. Fortunately, only one engine was destroyed, and the other engine could continue to operate.

The other two transport planes released auxiliary flying hooks and nailed them to the damaged transport plane. The two transport planes took the damaged transport plane and began to flee the scene.

The fighter plane that circled around in the air fired a few more missiles and violently attacked the insect queen who had just climbed out of the ground.

Facing the flying plane, the bugs can only roar on the ground.


Two hours later, the transport plane returned to New York City.

Several villains including Bartok began to be treated.

Bartok was lying in the white treatment room at this time, and the surrounding windows were strengthened with bulletproof glass. Most people don't want to escape this treatment room.

Standing next to him is a type of person from the World Security Council. All the villains know that they have found no secrets at all.

So all the questions were pushed to Bartok's head.

Of course this is also the most correct choice. Bartok woke up and smiled and looked at these guys from the World Council. The mustache couldn't help but jumped, and he didn't know if it was showing his pride.

"Now you can tell me what the **** is going on! There is a crisis about the earth! Time is running out!" The impatient World Security Council man slapped the bedside and shouted loudly.

"I found that my brain suddenly hurt." Another World Security Council member dragged the guy who just ranted back.

"Bartok, you have no room for bargaining now!"

"No, I have! You don't know what's there, don't know what's going on there, let alone what I saw. So you must listen to me now, I can't ask too much, and disarm my controller! "Bartok said roguely.

"You know it's impossible. 100 ways can get things out of your mind and get what we want out."

"Then there is not enough time then, maybe the earth will bury me!" Bartok is also quite a bachelor.

Under this threat, the World Security Council guys had no choice but to make concessions and relieve Bartok's controller from his mind.

This kind of small craniotomy is very straightforward and can be resolved in less than ten minutes.

In order to ensure that Bartok could finally speak out, he did not use anesthetics, but I believe Bartok should be able to withstand this pain.

Bartok was certain that these guys had definitely deliberately retaliated against him, but a smile appeared on his face when he thought that he would be able to regain his freedom soon without being threatened by others.

The controller was thrown in front of Bartok, with a lot of unknown liquid on it.

"Insects, countless insects and eggs. After a large number of insects, what I saw with a searchlight was a thunder beast still in the incubation stage. If I remember correctly, the information you gave me should be recorded How threatening are the bugs called Thunder Beasts. And there is more than one. I checked at least ten, and there are only ten. There are others that are probably Thunder Beasts. If they are all, then I guess there is no city that can withstand them." Bartok said what he had seen and heard, of course it was an added version.

Guys at the World Security Council have already known how harmful these bugs are.

After hearing that there were so many Thunder Beasts, their complexions became extremely ugly.

You must know that as of now, humans have no other means except black hole technology that can effectively kill those monsters.

As for those superheroes, they are not counted as conventional forces by the World Security Council.

"How many queens are there?" a World Security Council man standing behind asked.

"At least ten." Bartok said

Outside the glass window, Mark said to a person in charge of recording: "Incubators with more than ten units, prepare for a bad battle."

From the beginning to the end, Mark only believed such a sentence, and only this sentence is the truth, but he is also judging from this truth that there are at least ten incubators. If all of them start to hatch, they are no longer on the Ten thousand bugs are hundreds of thousands of bugs.

The person in charge of the recording also felt a strong pressure, cold sweat broke out, and his hands that he was recording now began to tremble.

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