Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 903: There must be someone

Chapter 922

Little Spider's words were like a thunderstorm, which made everyone present wake up.

Yes, if you just want to intensify the conflict!

Once these super-difficulties appear, the police naturally cannot sit back and die. The use of force to subdue these super-powers will inevitably affect ordinary people in the surrounding parade.

Coupled with the recent actions of the World Security Council, the people have long complained about them, and this time the incident may lead to even greater conflicts.

Once this kind of conflict escalates, it will be out of control.

"The World Security Council has suffered losses, who is the biggest beneficiary?" Mark asked everyone.

"You!" everyone replied in unison.

"So, what is the new dispute?"

"You and the World Security Council." Tony answered directly.

"That’s right, it’s the conflict between me and the World Security Council. I really don’t know who it is, but their purpose is obvious. At this juncture, there will be a conflict between me and the World Security Council. Just me and the World Security Council, and the earth!"

"It all makes sense!" Steve said.


"These little things can't be done well. The plans of the empire are all destroyed in their hands! Now they are caught by those superheroes again! Just now, the protection mechanism in their minds was triggered. "

"It's for sure that we can't do it well. They were originally the lowest-ranking group of guys. We didn't expect them to succeed. Fortunately, we performed the operation in advance and didn't let the secrets in their minds leak out.

"That's right. If the secrets in their minds are leaked out, it will be a big trouble. Humans don't know our situation yet, but Komunen is a tricky existence. Last time we would fail. The reason."

"Now anyway, we must ensure our concealment and prevent problems. Once the subsequent plans are exposed, don't even think about it. We have plenty of time and the slow consumption of human beings. Human science and technology Leapfrog development will definitely not reach our level. And don’t forget our racial advantage!"

"Of course not, will you forget?"

"How could I forget it?" A green-skinned guy walked out of the darkness, and immediately after his voice fell, her body began to change, becoming Tony Stark's appearance.

When everyone saw this face, they laughed haha.

World Security Council Building.

The demonstrators had already pushed them to a desperate situation, and no one dared to show up. Even the security guards who had been standing outside also evacuated inside the fence.

The only difference from before is that there are fewer mobs holding Molotov cocktails.

It's not that there are no, but there are very few, and those guys are quite restrained, not directly throwing, but constantly threatening with words.

"What should we do now?"

Looking at the situation outside through the glass, the senior officials of the World Security Council also have a headache.

"What else can we do? We lost that battle, and we can't produce more troops. Now we can only count on the fellow Mark."

"Then our previous efforts were wasted, so why did we do that before?"

"The blame is on ourselves, for misestimating our strength, and also for underestimating the strength of those bugs."

"That's right, we can only make progress after we understand it."

Two hours later, Mark spoke of an invitation to go to the World Security Council Building to discuss the specific content of cooperation.

And these things were announced directly to the outside world, which made the people who stood outside as a parade quieter, and some even returned home directly.

When Mark's car appeared in the sight of everyone, the marchers automatically let out a road so that Mark's car could enter smoothly.

Mark stepped out of the car and tidyed up his messy suit.

Mark said to the crowd: "Everyone, since I'm here, I promise everyone to retake the lost land and wipe out the bugs from the world. Failure twice is not shameful, nor terrible. Human beings have failed countless times in the process of progress. Human inventions will be even more in failure to build such a glorious world. Knowing the shame and then courage, failure to learn lessons, is the key to our human continuous progress. And Please rest assured, I am here! Is there anything that cannot be solved."

Mark completed his transfer speech impassionedly, but the demonstrators present chanted that everyone would prefer to believe in Mark, who has always been able to win, rather than believe in the high-ranking officials of the World Security Council who are holding back.

Above the building, the senior officials of the World Security Council gritted their teeth. They could clearly hear Mark's speech below, but there was no way.

In fact, they lost. Without the support of Mark, why did Mark get rid of those bugs again and again?

These guys in the World Security Council are very clear.

Mark took the elevator to the top floor, where representatives and senior officials of the World Security Council have been waiting here for a long time.

Mark managed to put his own brand on the seat and smiled and said to everyone, "It shouldn't be late yet, right?"

"Mr. Mark came just right."

"It's good if you don't arrive late. I always don't like to sit on the vanguard of being late, and being late for justice is not justice." Mark Ruo said meaningfully.

Others were still trying to figure out what Mark meant, but Nick Fury walked out from behind the screen and said, "Mark hasn't seen him for a long time. I said I will come back."

"Yes, but I didn't expect to meet in this way. I probably know now why they have the confidence to start that war. You are behind it, right?"

"Yes, I not only supported me behind the scenes, I also knew that you helped us." Nick smiled and sat down.

Mark really couldn't laugh at all, this feeling of being grasped was really bad.

"Don't laugh, I am not helping you, I am helping all mankind. I am not interested in you at all." Mark said in a cold tone.

"Really? I really have no interest at all. If not, why are you still sitting here now?"

"I'm not here to play word games with you. The reason why I sit here is for the people, for those who are still protesting and marching outside. By the way, I have already controlled the explosions inside. , Their plan is to deepen the conflicts between us and cause conflicts between us. Who did it? I don’t have specific information yet, but it’s certain that it’s a good guy who just wants to destroy the earth sooner. A bunch of villains.” Mark emphasized his tone when he said the last “villain”.

Of course Nick couldn't hear what it meant. Mark was obviously talking about the relationship between Nick and Hydra.

Nick did not get angry either, and continued to smile and said: "I know we had some misunderstandings before, but now the misunderstandings have been resolved, I think we still have a chance to cooperate, don't we?"

"The opportunity for cooperation is based on the premise that hundreds of thousands of soldiers’ lives have been lost in vain? I don’t need such an opportunity for cooperation. Not only are you stupid and ignorant, but you don’t know how many pounds you are. Becoming a partner with you, I’m better off alone Fight, at least I don’t need to worry about being stabbed in the back."

"Mark's past is over."



"How's the talk?" Hawkeye asked Mark as soon as he walked out of the building.

"It's terrible, but it's settled. Hawkeye can trouble you to run. Now go to the headquarters and fall into a dark templar and ghost. Tonight, sneak into the World Security Council Building to help me steal some information."

"Really?" Hawkeye asked cautiously.

After all, this is not a trivial matter. This is to sneak into the World Security Council Building, and the defense level is not low at all.

"Yeah! I want to confirm something. If these things are confirmed, I can let go of my hands and cooperate. If I can't get confirmation, I can only investigate by myself and then cooperate. I am worried that someone will be contracted."


"Yes, that's right, it's just a reconciliation. This matter is not clear in one sentence or two sentences. Let's get in the car first."

Driving all the way back to the company, Mark told Hawkeye all his guesses on the road.

Hawkeye also felt a bit weird after hearing it, but he believed in Mark's judgment and intuition. Mark's judgment and intuition had always been very sharp and accurate.

The night was over.

Hawkeye led the two teams to sneak into the World Security Council Building. The defenses were as tight as ever, but for the two teams, they were relatively uninhabited.

This kind of defense is fine against ordinary people, but against them.

Optical camouflage camouflage, unless it is detected by old-fashioned physical methods, or it has no effect at all. But the World Security Council obviously does not have such physical detection means.

The team came from the database of the World Security Council and began to download the required information from the database. Hawkeye also began to investigate some internal personnel lists.

He quickly found his former boss, Nick Fury, and let all his information be downloaded separately.

When everything was processed, the two teams left smoothly. No one knew that they had been there, and no one knew that they had touched the database.

Nick, as usual, patrolled briefly at night, looking at the database with the closed door in front of him, and then left after taking a second glance.

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