"But why do you want to turn me into a child?" Sona was very dissatisfied with this.

This difference is huge. From a 1.7 meter tall lady to a Sanwu lolita, Kudo Shinichi and Haibara Ai are both experts.

I have to say, the way she pouted and questioned when she was angry was so cute!

"Isn't this nice? How cute. I don't think your teammates would recognize you even if they stood in front of you."

Loki subconsciously wanted to put his hand on the white-haired Lolita's head and rub it, but before he could get close, Sona held her hand tightly.


Although there was no teleportation, Loki could clearly feel the murderous intent coming from the depths of his soul. He felt that if he touched it, his hand would probably be gone.

How cruel...

Obviously, when he turned into a parrot and was knocked on the head by Sona, he never had such a big reaction.

After throwing away Loki's hand, Sona didn't want to be the same as him and walked straight in the same direction.

Sona's disguise magic changes her image in the eyes of others by affecting other people's visual feedback. If it weren't for the fact that it couldn't be used on robots, she wouldn't have become like this.

However, Loki's illusion skills are really quite good. Sona can no longer feel the structure of her original body at all, she completely feels like a child.

Even セ was cast in a genjutsu, and now he is a strange-looking matchmaking balloon.

Just ten hours ago, they had a battle with the so-called sentinel robot.

Without the blessing of the rune power, Sona's strength was not as good as one-third of its previous strength. With only secret magic and Loki's assistance, she could basically scrape it to death.

It's no wonder that those robots are sent to hunt down mutants with different abilities. Not only are they made of excellent materials, but they also have an almost perverted adaptability. After enduring the same attack for the second time, they can gain a certain degree of resistance. .

Sona fought it. If it had been given some more time, the iron skin on its body would have been almost the same as the Forbidden Demon Stone.

This is still the first generation version. According to the news reports just now, the Sentinel robot has been updated to the third generation. I don’t know what abnormal attributes it will have.

I don’t know if Charles and the others can safely escape the pursuit of this kind of robot.

Because of the time difference in the universe, Sona left the earth for almost a year.

But in less than a year, human technology has experienced explosive development, including mechanical ascension. This is very unreasonable.

According to Sona's knowledge, it is very difficult to upload human consciousness using purely technological means.

Because the concept of the soul has always been detectable by magic, and the preservation of consciousness cannot just rely on transplanting the brain. Even if it is an exact transplant, it will make it difficult for the soul to be completely integrated into the so-called mechanical carrier.

People created in this way have missing souls, are either dementia or have amnesia, and are not considered the previous human beings at all.

Although Sona didn't know much about technology, she had read scientific conjectures about soul transplantation from the "Victor's Codex" which was widely circulated in Valoran.

It must be Hex technology that combines technology and magic to achieve theoretically perfect consciousness uploading.

Of course, this is looking at this from a magician's perspective. In fact, Sona is not sure whether technology can do it.

But at least the current Earth cannot master this technology.

So this Ultron Technology scam is too big, right?

But even so, people are still rushing to try this technology.

Sona guessed that those so-called ascended people who successfully uploaded their consciousness were probably controlled by forces behind the scenes, with the intention of controlling most of the powerful people on the earth.

Rounding it off is equivalent to dominating all of humanity.

Doesn't the Avengers care about this kind of thing?

Five months ago, members of the Avengers disappeared en masse. The last major operation was in Western Europe, destroying the remaining forces of Hydra.

It is precisely because of their disappearance that super-powered criminals are rampant. The government naturally launches RoboCop and Sentinel robots to target the X-Men.

Everything appeared to be too coincidental, and Sona had reason to suspect that the countries that signed the robot bill had been infiltrated by the masterminds behind the scenes.

No, it’s not the mastermind behind the scenes. There is no way to clean up the iron wolves of Ultron Technology.

It’s just that the founder of Ultron Technology has never shown up, and Justin Hammer has always attended various events as an agent.

The robots at the top of Stark Tower looked a lot like Tony's Mark suit, but they were definitely not ordered by Tony. Sona didn't know what the connection was.

With constant thoughts in her mind, Sona arrived at her destination before she knew it - the New York Sanctuary.

The Avengers headquarters and X Academy have been occupied. I don’t know if the place guarded by the magician is intact.

I wanted to push the door open, but found that it was locked from the inside.

It's not magic, just a pull-tab lock. Maybe a smarter thief can unlock it from the outside.

Is this the security understanding of Kamal Taj?

Not knowing what to say, Sona started looking for the doorbell.

After a while, Sona stared blankly at the doorbell, which was as high as 1.6 meters tall.

Loki, who had been following him silently, couldn't help but laugh.


The familiar feeling came again. Loki quickly stopped laughing and rang the doorbell sensibly.

Not long after, the door was opened, revealing Strange, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

He was wearing Kama Taj's exclusive navy blue mage uniform, with a bright red cloak on his back. He was no longer as downcast as when he first saw him.

He glanced at Sona, then at the person who rang the doorbell, and then said, "I'm sorry, kid, the museum is closed today."

Then it closed.

? ? ?

Before Loki could ring the doorbell again, Sona started hammering on the door with her small fist.

"I said the museum today..."

"I'm Sona."


The teleportation in his mind made Strange look at the white-haired lolita in front of him again.

She said she was Sona?

Strange was surprised at first, then looked confused, and shook his head in disbelief. After a moment of contemplation, a burst of ecstasy followed.

Seeing such a vivid face change, Sona couldn't help but twitch her eyes.

Loki suddenly stopped laughing.

Volume One: Chapter 183 Potential Threat

Forcibly resisting the urge to call the police to arrest Strange, Sona exhaled and walked into the New York Temple with a gloomy face.

The temple was as deserted as ever, but Strange was quite diligent. The wood had been polished to reflect light, and there was no dust on any of the magical instruments. The aisles were also very clean and seemed to be cleaned regularly.

But then she felt something was wrong.

With all the big things going on outside, Strange has been staying in the New York Temple?

Isn't this just fishing?

Sona looked back at Strange, and then remembered that Kama Taj's mages could not interfere with human society. Even if the government issued a decree to massacre mutants, it would still be an internal conflict within human society.

Unless there is an invasion from outside the world, that is what the mage should be able to prevent.

But Sona remembered that since Dormammu was lost in the void in the dark latitudes, Karma Taj's main goal became to deal with the threat from the void.

And Kassadin has been leading the X-Men to fight against the void. Now that his colleagues are in trouble, those mages won't really just stand by and watch, right?

"What have you been busy with recently?" Sona jumped slightly, sat on the chair, and then asked Strange.

Strange was currently thinking about "about the master turning into a super cute white-haired lolita", so he naturally didn't notice that Sona was asking about you.

"Ah? Uh...I've recently been exploring the range of extreme values ​​where the elemental magic of related variables can overlap and become stable..." Strange thought Sona was here to inspect him.

? ? ?

Sona didn't remember teaching him this, and she didn't even know what Strange was talking about.

I can only say that he is worthy of a doctorate degree, even learning magic is so particular.

It's as if the teacher only taught the students Arabic numerals, and then the students soon began to teach themselves advanced mathematics.

It would be a shame not to have a book written by him on Valoran.

After using her mental power to detect the magic power stored in Strange's body, Sona was surprised to find that he was already considered a leader among senior mages. If the bonus of the rune cornerstone was discarded, he would even be better than Sona. powerful.

This talent is comparable to cheating...

It took Sona ten years to reach this level, but it only took Strange just over three years.

(Strange: I gave other mages six years! I learned magic in 14 years, others...)

It seems that it won't be long before he reaches the minimum standard of the Supreme Mage.

Sona learned from the memory inheritance of the Ancient One that Strange was the default next Supreme Mage, but because of the addition of another elemental magic, this time may be extended.

But there will definitely be no substitutions, unless the screenwriter goes crazy and brings Tony Stark over to be the Sorcerer Supreme. (ps: Parallel universes really exist.)

Otherwise, when the time comes, everyone in Karma Taj will have an anti-void armor, a palm cannon in his left hand, and a magic shield in his right hand. It will be very visually impactful just thinking about it.

Skillfully using the floating technique to summon the teapot on the shelf, Sona poured herself a cup of milk tea.

Everything you want becomes a pot, it can pour out the drink the user wants to drink, but according to the law of conservation of energy, the stuff poured out must have been sent from a certain production place on the earth.

The various magic applications involved are actually not simple. It was probably made by a certain boss out of boredom and kept here as a tea set.

"I mean, has there been any big action in the Void recently?" She corrected her previous question and stirred the milk tea evenly.

Take a small sip, the sweetness is acceptable, soft but not greasy, like drinking nectar.

An expression of satisfaction suddenly appeared on Sona's little face.

There are no such delicious drinks on alien planets. Star-Lord’s Milan is full of sour juice squeezed from strange fruits. It’s such a challenge for your taste buds that even a dog won’t drink it.

Milk tea is so much better! Full of joy!

The key is, the prostitution needle doesn't poke, the needle doesn't poke...

It's a pity that Strange and Loki can't read such a complicated inner drama from Sona's simple expression, otherwise it would definitely be very interesting.

"The Void..." The topic suddenly became a bit heavy, and Sona could clearly detect the change in Strange's mood.

In this timeline, Strange has not experienced thousands of dating relationships with Dormammu, and he is only in his thirties, so his heart does not actually have the same relationship as those in the past. The Supreme Mage is so calm and steady.

If you want him to grow into a seasoned battle mage, you can't just rely on reading books.

After all, we still see less and less big scenes.

"In the past six months, there have been more or less traces of void creatures appearing around the world, and some native creatures have been eroded by the power of the void and mutated."

Strange turned the hanging ring, used magic to construct a map of the world, and marked it with red dots.

Although he has been studying and has not participated in a few actual battles, he is still very concerned about these news. After all, even if he does a little work in the void, it is a world-class disaster.

There is no pattern to these red dots. The Void side basically sends troops whenever there is a hole, and they don't pay much attention to martial ethics.

Basically, an invasion would destroy less than half of the city, leaving behind void debris that was difficult to deal with.

If Kassadin hadn't had the means to block roads, the earth would have been eroded by the void.

Sona's expression suddenly became very serious. Even if there were not many red dots on the map, it was enough to attract attention.

You know, back then, Valoran was only the Void Gate to Icathia, and the Shurima Empire could barely stop the Void by filling in many Ascended Ones.

Neither mutants nor magicians on earth are necessarily stronger than the ancient warriors of the gods. (The bug level does not count in the comics)

Even if the people on earth have taboo methods like nuclear bombs, they cannot be said to be very effective against the void.

Because Kai'Sa had used nuclear radiation to strengthen void creatures before, who knows if that thing thrown away was a pesticide or a stimulant?

"Moreover, we have now lost contact with Kassadin and the X-Men." Strange added.

According to previously collected information, after the government activated the Sentinel robot, the X-Men seemed to evaporate out of thin air, leaving no clues at all.

"Did Kassadin leave any solution?" Sona asked.

Strange shook his head, feeling a little helpless.

"Although we have strengthened the barrier between the earth and other worlds through the formation of the three temples, this is only a delaying measure. If the gate to the void opens again, without Kassadin, we will not be able to close the transmission channel at all."

This is obviously not good news. If there is no way to close the portal, the earth will become the second Icacia.

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