The old man was so angry that he was forced to leave.

T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship!

Zhao Chen's eyes lit up.

In the previous life, aircraft carriers were definitely the dream of every flower-growing family.

In the interstellar era, aircraft carriers also exist!

If, in this era, there are two types of starships that can be called giant ships in a certain level, then there are probably two types of starships.

Interstellar battleships and aircraft carrier starships!

Zhao Chen chose to exchange directly at this moment.

[Do you want to consume 250 system points and a chance to exchange goods without mission points to exchange for the product ‘T2 Queen Bee Class Heavy Aircraft Carrier Starship’]


[Congratulations on obtaining the technical drawings of the ‘T2 Queen Bee Class Heavy Aircraft Carrier Starship’]

[Your remaining system points: 0 points]

It just so happens that Zhao Chen’s system points can be exchanged for this T2 aircraft carrier starship.

At this moment, the data of this T2 Queen Bee Class Heavy Aircraft Carrier Starship emerged in Zhao Chen’s mind.

Normally, if there are aircraft carrier starships in the interstellar fleet, a large number of escort starships must be required; unlike interstellar battleships, which can be completely independent.

Therefore, the number of aircraft carrier starships in service in reality is actually far less than that of interstellar battleships. After all, the cost of building an interstellar fleet with aircraft carrier starships as the core is huge.

Otherwise, it is common sense that an aircraft carrier starship cannot form combat effectiveness.

But this T2 Queen Bee Class Heavy Aircraft Carrier Starship is completely different.

It has the ability to fight alone, which is why Zhao Chen wants to exchange it.

There are three main types of combat methods for aircraft carriers and starships: interstellar fighters, interstellar drones, and small and medium-sized starships.

The third type is rare. Aircraft carriers and starships that can carry starships are at least T3 level or above, otherwise the size does not allow it.

Let's get back to the topic, let's talk about the T2 Queen Bee heavy aircraft carrier starship first.

This starship uses "interstellar drones" as a combat method.

Zhao Chen checked the detailed introduction information.

[Queen Bee Class Heavy Aircraft Carrier Starship

Ship Type: Aircraft Carrier Starship

Technology Level: T2

Hull Armor Strength: 300 Units-350 Units

Cruising Speed: 40 Knots

Warp Engine: Level 4 Warp Engine

Capacity: 460 meters

Mass: 400,000 tons

Number of Posts: 100 People

Starship Weapons: T2 Hatchling Class Light Interstellar Drone (Interstellar Interceptor), T2 Killer Bee Class Medium Interstellar Drone (Interstellar Fighter), T2 Bumblebee Class Heavy Interstellar Drone (Interstellar Bomber)

Standard Hangar Configuration: Can store 300 T2 Hatchling Class Light Interstellar Drones, 100 T2 Killer Bee Class Medium Interstellar Drones, and 20 T2 Bumblebee Class Heavy Interstellar Drones]

Just looking at the size and mass, you know that this will be a behemoth.

The length of the ship is 460 meters, which is nearly twice that of Blizzard Zero.

The mass is 400,000 tons, which is nearly five times that of Blizzard Zero.

It can carry three types of interstellar drones, totaling 420.

Under normal circumstances, an aircraft carrier starship will only carry one type of interstellar fighter or interstellar drone, because different types will mean that different maintenance groups and systems will be required.

However, this T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship is directly equipped with three interstellar drones.

This is not a stupid behavior, but because this T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship is equipped with an intelligent system that is almost at the level of a T3 starship, and under reasonable and efficient management, these three interstellar drones can be completely separated.

These three interstellar drones, in terms of type, are interstellar unmanned interceptors, interstellar unmanned fighters, and interstellar unmanned bombers.

Interstellar unmanned interceptors can be called the personal guards of aircraft carrier starships, mainly responsible for protecting the safety of aircraft carrier starships and intercepting all enemy attacks.

Interstellar unmanned fighters are the central force for seizing interstellar air combat air supremacy, and can also attack enemy ships.

As the name suggests, interstellar unmanned bombers have the ability to bomb, and they can carry interstellar missiles, interstellar bombs, and even interstellar torpedoes as needed.

The strike capability against starships is the strongest.

But at the same time, its own interstellar air combat capability is very weak.

So these three interstellar drones can cooperate with each other and perfectly complement each other.

Under normal circumstances, multiple aircraft carriers and starships complement each other. The T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship takes all three tasks on itself.

And the most important point is that it does not need an escort fleet.

It actually

With star shield function!

Star shield function is an energy defense shield, which is the standard configuration of T3 starship. It can form an energy shield in an area to intercept the weapon attack of the enemy in this direction.

It is a groundbreaking technology of T3 starship, which greatly increases the self-defense capability of the starship.

This is why some people often say that T3 starship is the real starship!

Let's get back to the point.

As a T2 starship, the Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship also has a star shield, which greatly increases the defense capability.

Combined with the T2 young bee-class light interstellar drone, it is an attack and defense integration!

Facing the interstellar fleet of T3 starship may be a little risky, but facing the T2 starship is definitely a terrifying existence.

It is not impossible to fight one against many!

Therefore, Zhao Chen chose this T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship.

"The cost is... 1.3 million star coins!" Zhao Chen calculated the cost of building this starship, and he took a breath.

You know, the total savings of his Zhao family is no more than 100,000 star coins.

As for his interstellar territory, due to the barrenness of the galaxy and improper management, the annual tax revenue plus other income is only 1 million star coins.

This is why Zhang Haoran called him a poor baron.

Zhao Chen can't even afford a T2 Hyena-class medium-sized interstellar destroyer that costs 4 million star coins.

However, if Zhao Chen sells this T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship, it can be worth at least 20 to 30 million star coins.

Selling starships is a way to get rich. After all, the arms business is highly profitable no matter what era it is.

But at present, Zhao Chen does not have this ability and has no time to consider this.

"1.3 million star coins... With the funds from my sale of the T1 Wolf Lice-class medium-sized interstellar destroyer, it should be enough to complete the construction of a T2 Queen Bee-class heavy aircraft carrier starship." Zhao Chen muttered.

Now I just have to wait for news from Li Wei.


Beiyan Interstellar Trade Group Headquarters

A board meeting is being held here now.

In addition to the Li family, there are several other shareholder directors present.

"For the past five years, Beiyan has been in deficit in the starship arms trade, relying entirely on other industries to make up for the deficit.

It even caused a deficit in our overall profit last year!

So I think we should give up the starship arms trade. Starship arms trade is not something that can be done casually. The R&D investment is too high and the risk is too high.

It is better to continue to do our interstellar trade transportation and interstellar industry honestly." A director slapped the table and said.

Other directors also agreed and demanded to stop the starship arms trade business.

"No! Now our Beiyan has reached a bottleneck in development. The competition in the original business sector is getting more and more fierce. If we don't find a breakthrough, Beiyan will decline sooner or later!

If we want Beiyan to move to a higher level, we must grasp the starship arms trade!" A charming and beautiful woman with a curvy figure stood up and said.

But the other directors objected.

"Ms. Yaqi, you can't have the final say on this. Although Beiyan was founded by your Li family, you and your father only have 45% of the shares now, and the rest of the people are against it!

This is the resolution of the board of directors!" The director who has the most shares except the Li family snorted coldly.

Li Yaqi bit her red lips lightly and said nothing.

The starship arms trade is her dream and her hard work.

Others see that it has been invested for five years, but in fact Li Yaqi started to arrange it ten years ago, and she has invested all her time and energy in it.

She is still unmarried in her thirties.

How can she give up her hard work!

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