Soviet Godfather

Chapter 13: Mikhail

Mikhail wears a neat suit, tie, and a pair of leather shoes that can be seen under his feet. He carries a high-end leather briefcase in his hand, and his hair is meticulously combed back. There is also a bridge on the bridge of his nose. The flat mirrors bordered by gold silk look like a cadre of a country, which is very different from the dress of the punks in the past.

Since the dinner at Sergei Sha’s house, Mikhail has been assigned to this job, which made him have to alienate the people who were mixed together, because the people who deal with him in the current work are in the street. The people that the gangsters deal with are completely two worlds, and a good reputation is the basis for him to enter the current circle.

Recalling the life of the past few years, Mikhail sighed with emotion. In the years before Yuri had an accident, Yuri could earn some money each month to subsidize the family, plus the old mother’s pension, although There are two sons in this family, but the family lives well. Since Yuri’s accident, the family has lost a share of income, but an additional expense. Most of the old mother’s pension has to be sent to the Gulag for Yuri to take care of, so that Yuri will not suffer in it. That little money was not enough for the life of the mother and child. Since Yuri was imprisoned in the Gulag, the burden of life has completely fallen on his younger brother Mikhail. Mikhail took over Yuri’s territory, but Mikhail did not take over Yuri’s combat power. , The little brothers under him didn't take him seriously, one after another. And those guys who had been offended by Yuri also started to take advantage of the fire and gang up to deal with him.

Mikhail was not overwhelmed by these difficulties. In fact, he did a good job. He chose to completely give up the site Yuri had beaten down. Without a pity, he gave up all of it and suddenly vacated it. The vacuum zone of so many forces has aroused the coveting of all kinds of big and small gangs, these gangs began to be busy with their own territory expansion all day long, fighting and killing every day disputes, no one has the energy to control Mikhail. Although Mikhail's move was helpless, it completely changed the pattern of a tiger versus a pack of wolves in the Gorky factory.

In the following days, Mikhail gave full play to his extraordinary mind, relying on a few younger brothers who were loyal to Yuri, Mikhail dealt with various small groups, sometimes pulling one faction against one faction, and sometimes instigating two factions. When the enemy lost both sides, he swallowed them all at once, and he played with the big and small gangs in the Gorky factory. Gradually, everyone found that Mikhail always took advantage every time. Mikhail regained his footing, and people got to know this boy again. The opponent who had suffered his losses gave him a nickname. "Viper". "Viper" Mikhail finally ceased to be the young man standing behind his elder brother, he became a resounding character.

   If he didn't meet Sergey Sha, Mikhail might go to fight the world with his brother again. But Sergey Sha opened a brand new door for him, allowing him to enter a whole new world.

  . . .

Mikhail came to the door of Secretary Valenkin's house. This is a three-storey single-family gray villa. Its owner is Valenkin-Sidorov-Mikhaino, secretary of the smelting branch. Vicchi. This is not the first time Mikhail has been here. Even the doorman at the door already knew him and greeted him enthusiastically when he saw him coming. "Hey, Mikhail, you are finally here, and Mrs. Lyudmila has been waiting for you for a while."

Mikhail took out a small box of black tea from his pocket. Although it was English tea, it was not a valuable product. Mikhail gave it to the doorman and said, "The British product that just arrived, you can try it. "After speaking, he walked straight in. The guard looked at Mikhail's back with a smug expression on his face.

  . . .

  Mrs. Lyudmila is a housewife. Her husband Valianjin works as a secretary in the branch factory. The salary is enough to support a family of people. Lyudmila does not need to go to work. Everyday life is to order the servants to clean and clean the room, order the chef to cook, and then he has nothing to do all day. He feels that life in this life is like this, until one day, a well-dressed young man came to his home, that The young man called himself Mikhail, and he asked, "Is there anything in your house that you don't need? You can sell it to me."

  Mrs. Lyudmila thought he was collecting scraps, but again dressed like a cadre, she had to ask one more question: "What are you talking about?"

   Mikhail smiled and said, "For example, good vodka, whiskey, caviar, and high-end cigarettes are all fine."

   "It turned out to be these things! Almost made a big joke." Mrs. Lyudmila secretly said in her heart. "There are still a lot of these things at home. They were given to the secretary by others. Whenever there is a holiday or something, you will receive a bunch of these things. You can't finish eating them. It is a pity to throw them away. These are all good things. , I can't put it down at home."

   Mrs. Lyudmila led Mikhail to the basement, which was full of famous wine, imported cigarettes, Parma ham, caviar, high-end cheese, French black truffle and so on. Mikhail froze a little, and said apologetically to Mrs. Lyudmila: "You have a lot of good things, but I don't have enough money. I can only buy a little in a few days. UU reading, do you think it is okay."

  Mrs. Lyudmila nodded and agreed, she was a little curious about how much these things could sell. I saw Mikhail searching hard in the basement full of goods. After a long time, he picked a box of unopened Beluga brand vodka and a box of black caviar made from authentic Beluga sturgeon roe. Sauce, because this brand of vodka and black caviar made from Beluga sturgeon roe are the best match. Mikhail carried the goods upstairs and said to Mrs. Mikhail, "There are so many good things in your house. I will buy a little more next time I come. What do you think about buying these first?" He took out 100 rubles and handed them to Mrs. Lyudmila."

   Mrs. Lyudmila did not expect that such a small amount of things can be exchanged for so much money, which is really overjoyed. If you sell a little more, you can buy an imported washing machine.

Mikhail asked to wash his hands and make another phone call. Mrs. Lyudmila agreed. She also asked the servant to make a cup of tea for Mikhail. Mikhail and Mrs. Lyudmila chat while drinking tea. The more Mrs. Lyudmila talked, the more she liked the young man. She wanted to keep the young man for lunch. Mikhail politely declined. He told Mrs. Lyudmila that when Secretary Valenkin was at home, he Will come to visit.

About half an hour later, a beautiful GAZ 69 stopped in front of Mrs. Lyudmila’s house. Mikhail took Beluga vodka and Beluga black caviar into the car, politely and Lyud After Mrs. Mira bid farewell, she left.

   Since then, Mikhail has become a frequent visitor to the Valenkin secretary's house, and Mrs. Lyudmila even introduced Mikhail to the wives of several other factory leaders. In this way, Mikhail became one of the most popular people in the circle of ladies of the Gorky Automobile Factory.

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