Soviet Godfather

Vol 4 Chapter 47: Gangster

Gorbachev might not have expected that Sergei's reckless behavior in New York did indeed convey a kind of goodwill. For the exchanges between Sergei Sha and the Secretary of Commerce of the United States, it is the NATO member states on the European continent that are most concerned. Because of the Star Wars plan, these countries will not only become the defensive meat shield of the United States to withstand the pressure of the Soviet Union, but also increase their defense spending under the premise of economic recession. Whenever there is a chance for relaxation in the United States and the Soviet Union, these European leaders will breathe a sigh of relief in their hearts.


   When British Prime Minister Thatcher called the White House to ask whether the United States intends to change its current attitude towards the Soviet Union, Reagan also learned about Ulyanov from Thatcher. Thatcher clearly told Reagan that this Ulyanov was Gorbachev’s confidant, and Ulyanov’s actions in the United Kingdom showed that Gorbachev was not hostile to the United States and Europe. .


   The Star Wars project is actually just a gimmick, and the Reagan administration did not put him on it as the most important thing. Those European allies actually paid more. The United States cannot remain indifferent to any friendly behavior from the Soviet Union. It just can't let those enthusiastic voters know.


   The communication channels between the United States and the Soviet Union are not limited to embassies and leaders’ hotlines. People like Comrade Hamer are best suited to convey some secret messages. Hamer is a rich man in the United States and has a huge influence in the political and business circles of the United States. Reagan's aides soon commissioned Comrade Hamer to convey the goodwill of the United States to General Secretary Chernenko. Hamer told Chernenko that when the time was right, the people in Ligen hoped to have the opportunity to meet with Chernenko to communicate. So the scene on the Politburo was actually Chernenko thanking Gorbachev.


   Although the visit is a diplomatic act, Gorbachev prefers the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation to play the leading role. Although the natural gas pipeline and steam turbine projects have already landed in the Soviet Union, Sergei and the British arranged for the signing ceremony to be held during Gorbachev's visit to the United Kingdom. This was purely for the sake of acting.


   It’s not difficult for Gorbachev to figure out the Dnepropetrovsk’s anti-water affair. He quickly figured out that the first hero was Seryosha. In return, Gorbachev gave Sergei the green light for the sale of the Workers’ New City by the National Bank, and the price and everything were in accordance with Sergey's words. And on Yeltsin's appointment, Gorbachev also happily agreed.


   The specific arrangements for the visit are in charge of the Su Ying Liaison Group of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, with Xie Liaosha as the group leader. According to Prime Minister Thatcher's schedule, Gorbachev will visit Britain in December. At that time, there will be some friendly activities in the UK. For example, those financiers friends of Sergei Sha will invite Gorbachev to visit the City of London.


   Since joining the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, Xie Liaosha has spent a lot less thoughts on the Gorky Brotherhood. During this period of time, it has been Daddy Petrov who took Boris and Hassan to deal with the big and small things in the gang. If you use the analogy of politicians, Daddy Petrov's position in the gang is like Suslov's.


  Papa Petrov once asked an intermediary to contact the opposition within the Sontsev Brothers, but the opposition of the Sontsev Brothers has been wiped out by Mogilevich. Therefore, it took a long time for the middleman to contact another confidant of Mikhailovich, the boss of the Sontsev Brothers. But the middleman also said that it was okay for the guy to come over with a bit of news, but he wouldn't dare to confront Mogilevich.


   Sending a man to Songcevo to challenge and sending a killer to assassinate are not what Papa Petrov wants to do. Assassin, you can either party or send. Once this kind of thing gets started, it will never end. As for going to the other side's land to provoke, it is the other side's land after all, the old man is not sure yet.


   But Father Petrov still discovered a weakness of the Sontsev Brothers, that is, the money earned by the Sontsev Brothers is completely different from the money earned by the Gorky Brothers. The money earned by the Gorky Brotherhood will be cleanly laundered and invested in a legitimate business like Glencore, while the Songcewo Brotherhood is just an underground bank and its ability to launder money is very low. Their business is to convert domestic money into U.S. dollars on the black market and smuggle them abroad. In fact, they are regarded as underground banks. Many Jews who gave their life savings to the Sontsev Brothers were deceived. The money earned by the Songtsev Brothers was invested in other underworld businesses, such as smuggling, drug trafficking, and arms reselling.


   So Daddy Petrov began to contact those gangs that partnered with the Sontsev Brothers to do business, and the shareholders gave the Sontsev Brothers a blackmail. Dad promised that in the event of a conflict, the Gorky gang would provide protection. In addition, Dad also secretly accepted some small local gangs in Moscow ~ ~ as a peripheral institution of the Gorky Brotherhood to provide them with funds. As long as they complete the tasks assigned by the Gorky Brotherhood, they can get financial support from the Gorky Brotherhood.


   Under the encouragement of the old man, a local munitions group in Kursk refused to repay it after borrowing a large sum of money from the Sontsev Brothers. He also killed the people sent by the Sontsev Brothers to collect the accounts. Before the Sontsev Brothers could retaliate, a smuggling group in Kursk did the same thing. The two gangs and gangs started to fight with the Songtsev Brothers, and Songtsev would naturally go all out to suppress them. As a result, violent incidents were staged in the streets of Kursk one after another.


   Under the power of role models, some gangs that had borrowed money also began to refuse to repay the Songtsev Brothers. Although Mikhailovich and Mogilevich knew that this was the result of someone behind their backs, they couldn't help it. Petrov can make the gangsters reckless, they can't let Glencore turn back.


   None of these Kursk gangs is an opponent of the Sontsev Brotherhood. But when they united in rebellion, the Sontsev Brothers was no longer an opponent. The gangs of the Songtsev Brothers soon realized that as long as they even went out the door, their lives were in danger, so many people chose to escape and escape the control of the Songtsev Brothers. Mogilevich and Mikhailovich couldn't control this trend at all. When they were under pressure and bloodbathed a small gang who wanted to kill a chicken to show to the monkey, they caused even greater trouble. The Kursk Interior Ministry waited for the police to watch them.



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