Soviet Godfather

Vol 4 Chapter 67: Plan to intervene in foreign trade bank

Gorbachev and Margaret Thatcher had a closed-door meeting in private. [Reading the latest chapters] e┡Δww%w1xiaoshuo As the British side stated that they would fly to Beijing to negotiate the Hong Kong issue with the Chinese side, there was only one meeting between the two.

The main topics of the meeting between Gorbachev and Thatcher were personally handled by Yakovlev and Selesha. These issues are all related to the economy and trade. Thatcher smiled and shook his head when he walked out of the room, as if something interesting had happened. Upon seeing this, his cabinet minister asked curiously: "Madam, it seems that the conversation between you is very pleasant!"

"I just think he and I are both followers of Milton Friedman (the head of the Chicago School of Economics and the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1976) on economic issues. If he doesn't speak Russian, I really I would think I was discussing economic issues with our allies! He is really an outlier among Soviet leaders!" Thatcher said half-jokingly.

“It’s not surprising that the Canadian Prime Minister’s friend Yakovlev was also in the team accompanied by Gorbachev. Yakovlev once studied at Columbia University. And Gorbachev sent to the UK to come to the seat. The trade representatives and our bankers are fighting fiercely. They are discussing the issue of capital circulation all day long!" Thatcher's chief of staff knew some inside information, and he introduced to him.

"Well, gentlemen, no matter what, the Soviet Union has finally figured out a leader who can talk to us about economics and trade instead of medium-range missiles. This is a good thing, and we should be happy! So, during the time I am away, if he If you have any requirements, try to satisfy him as long as you don't go too far!" Thatcher explained.

Gorbachev was also satisfied with the results of the talks. After returning, he deliberately mentioned some interesting things about the talks with his confidants. Sergei Shah is actually not interested in this, because he has developed a keen interest in the City of London for some time.

Due to the current economic downturn in the UK, coupled with the serious fiscal deficit. The Thatcher government is preparing to dump the state-owned assets in the hands of Britain and the government, but this is not enough. Foreign funds must take over the burden of the British government.

If the British government wants money, it must create soil suitable for foreign investment. But now the workers are still on strike. How can foreign investors dare to invest in the UK? Therefore, the Thatcher government is willing to give up this time, and they are ready to give up the British control of all foreign capital. This is a major benefit for Seryosha, because the British government will no longer impose harsh restrictions on the inflow or outflow of foreign funds, and Seryosha can finally establish a financial center belonging to the Gorky Brotherhood on the European University 6.

There are now two banks in Selesha. One is the only Colombian bank in Colombia. The main business of this bank is the Soviet car loan business. The other bank is the National Housing Bank in Moscow, which is mainly to help the workers' new town with financing.

For Seriosha, the Bank of Colombia is still somewhat useful. The National Housing Bank will soon become a tasteless one. Because of the emergence of Yeltsin, if Sergei holds the National Housing Bank in his hands, it will help Yeltsin to raise funds. Apart from political benefits, this kind of thing cannot bring any value to Sergei at all. Now Sergey Sha is raising funds for his Japanese plan, so as long as these miscellaneous businesses are not the main business, Sergey Sha is ready to take off his gloves.

Due to the huge assets of Moscow Workers’ New City, the handover activities with the Central Bank of the Soviet Union were not easy. And the person in charge of this project, Yeltsin, cannot move to Moscow in the short term, because Yeltsin’s rank is too high, and the local leaders must go to the Central Committee with the approval of the Politburo’s personnel procedures and the general secretary. However, General Secretary Chernenko, who is now ill, has no intention of this, so he put it on hold for the time being.

Since the Minister of Construction of the Soviet Union has just passed away unfortunately, the Ministry of Construction is now in a state of lack. Sergey wanted to hand over the Workers’ New Town project to the Ministry of Construction for specific responsibility, so that Sergey could get the funds he wanted from the Central Bank.

Facts have proved that it is indeed the best time to make such a request when Gorbachev is now heavily dependent on Seryosha. Gorbachev agreed without thinking. So Sergey Sha mentioned another issue, that is, the Mediterranean Trading Company.

When the Mediterranean Trading Company was established, Seriosha mainly imported daily necessities for the residents of Workers’ New City. However, the Mediterranean Trading Company gradually evolved into one of the important export companies of the Soviet Union. However, in order to ensure the smooth flow of Soviet foreign trade channels, this company used joint ventures abroad to cover up his Soviet background. This company is regarded as a collective enterprise in the Soviet Union, but a private enterprise abroad. Originally, behind this company was the National Housing Bank, but Sergey Abandoned the National Housing Bank and didn't want to abandon the Mediterranean Trading Company! Therefore, another suggestion of Sergei Sha is to separate the foreign trade business of the National Housing Bank and hand it over to the Foreign Trade Bank under the control of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation.

The Mediterranean Trading Company is now the main grain importer of the Soviet Union and an important guarantee for supporting Gorbachev's agricultural achievements. Naturally, Gorbachev would not let Selesha give up control of this company. Therefore, Sergey Sha can use the opportunity of the Foreign Trade Bank to integrate the Mediterranean Trading Company to reach out into Minister Zhuravlev's territory.

This strategy was thought of by Sergey during his stay in the UK, and Sergey was waiting for Gorbachev to try to persuade him when he came to the UK. However, this is a big plan, and it is not appropriate for Seleosa to say it at all. It is better to let Yakovlev go and get your breath first.

Mrs. Thatcher left London and flew to Beijing the day after meeting with Gorbachev. And Gorbachev chose to attend the memorial ceremony of Marx's tomb the next day. In the evening, Sergei contacted his golf friend, Thatcher’s husband Dennis, and asked if he could arrange for Gorbachev to visit No.10 Downing Street.

Dennis replied: "Sergey Sha, I am naturally welcome to Soviet guests, but I have to ask the cabinet for advice on this matter. Don't worry, I will tell you the result tomorrow morning!"

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