Soviet Godfather

Chapter 59: New remuneration

   Chernenko drove to a small church by the Wowa River, this place was chosen by Chernenko. Chernenko came here today to meet with the mysterious person, and he wants to re-determine the reward for cooperation. Now in the Gorky Automobile Manufacturing Plant Division, Chernenko is in full control, and the information Sergei provided to Chernenko can no longer meet his needs. Because even if Chernenko provided more information, it would be impossible for him to be promoted again or return to Leningrad in the short term. Now Chernenko's interest began to change, and the shocking education that the gun dealer gave her made him feel that money is really a good thing.

   Chernenko opened the heavy door and walked into the church. The pastor here only came to worship, so now there is no one. Chernenko walked straight to the first row of seats. There was a pocket-sized Bible in the seat. Chernenko picked up the Bible and looked at it while waiting for the arrival of the mysterious figure. Chernenko's eyes were all focused on the Bible, and the surroundings were surprisingly quiet, as if only the sound of the breeze blowing leaves outside the window. At this moment, a Tokarev-TT33 pistol slowly reached the back of Chernenko.

   Chernenko smiled slightly, closed the Bible and set it aside. He didn't turn around, just said: "You're late!"

  It was Seryosha holding the gun behind him. He took out a kraft paper bag from his arms, threw it to Chernenko, and said, "This is your reward!"

  Who knows Chernenko changed hands and threw it back to Seresa. Waved his hand and said, "These things are useless to me now!"

   "What trick do you want to play?" Sergey was a little angry, and he pounded the muzzle forward again.

   "Don't get excited? We have been cooperating very happily! I didn't plan not to cooperate with you, but the remuneration needs to be changed." Chernenko finished, raising his hand and making a gesture of counting money.

   "How much do you want?" Sergey immediately understood what Chernenko meant. It was the critical moment of the battle with Gusinsky, and Chernenko played a very important role in it. Sergei Sha had already decided, as long as the other party was not the lion's big mouth, he would try his best to meet Chernenko's conditions.

   "Then it depends on what you want me to do?" Chernenko was bargaining with Seryosha unhurriedly.

   "Does the Internal Affairs Bureau pay you a salary? I heard that you came to Gorky City to fight corruption!" Sergei satirized Chernenko again.

"I know who you are. You want me to help you deal with Gusinski. If you don't want to pay, I can go to him." Chernenko was right, with the help of the KGB. Nianke quickly figured out what happened on the underworld. The news that Gusinski and the Gorky gang were at war couldn't hide him at all. In fact, Chernenko would never go to cooperate with Gusinski. He knew what Gusinski did, a group of cruel arms dealers. Compared with Gusinski, the people of the Gorky gang are more like businessmen and more credible.

   Chernenko has thoroughly figured out Sergey's intentions, and Sergey is not interesting anymore. He put the kraft paper bag and the gun in his arms, considered for a moment, and said, "I can give you 30,000 rubles for the last time. What do you think?"

   Xie Liaosha made a fair offer. The money was enough to earn Chernenko for several years. Chernenko was actually very satisfied, but still said: "At least 50,000 rubles, otherwise no discussion."

   "You are too greedy, but fifty thousand rubles is not impossible, unless you can do me a little favor." For the current Sergei, thirty thousand rubles and fifty thousand rubles are actually the same.

   "What's up?" Chernenko didn't expect it to go so smoothly. It seems that the Gorky Gang is really rich.

"Help me get two legal passports. The name and ID number must be real, but the photos should be vacant. In short, the fewer people that can be seen, the better." What Serosa needs most now is a legal identity. , Because he can leave this country safely only if he has a legal identity. He has already decided. After solving the matter here, he will leave the country with Tonya and Daddy Petrov as soon as possible and go to England or France to start over. life. With the memory of his life as a human being, he should be able to live this life carefree.

   Chernenko frowned after hearing that, Sergei's request was too high, it was not easy to do. So Chernenko asked quickly: "What if I can't get such a passport?"

   "Then you can only get 30,000 rubles." Sergei said flatly.

   Chernenko didn't say anything, he was thinking in his mind how to get the kind of passport Sergey needed. Just then Sergei spoke again. He said: "Since you already know that we are members of the Gorky gang, then I will not hide it from you. We are indeed going to war with Gusinski again, and now I have a Big things need your help will pay you 50,000 rubles after it's done."

   Chernenko was overjoyed when he heard that, and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?"

"We suspect that Gusinski was transporting arms abroad through Gorky Port. We want you to check for us and see if we can block the road for him." Sergei said. The real purpose of the trip was to continue to bleed Gusinski, the behemoth of the underworld, with the help of the police.

   "Are you sure it is Gorky Port? I don't want to waste my effort." Chernenko said suspiciously.

   "We are 70% sure." Xie Liaosha replied.

   "What should I do after I find it? Can I get rid of it for you?" Chernenko asked again.

"It's better to get rid of Gusinski's allies in Gorky Harbor. If you can't get rid of it, it doesn't matter. But you'd better inform us who they are so that we can also kill him." All pushed to Chernenko.

   "Okay, I will help you figure it out as soon as possible." Chernenko readily agreed.

   The setting sun gradually began to go down, and Chernenko and Sergei were about to talk. Sergei feels that today is a worthwhile trip. Many plans have the following, which makes him very happy. After Sergey talked about everything, he first left the church. He walked through the back door and didn't say hello to Chernenko at all before leaving. Just like when I came, I was silent when I left.

   It's not that Chernenko didn't notice Sergey's departure, he just didn't want to know Sergey's appearance. Because this has no effect other than satisfying Chernenko's curiosity, but will lead to distrust of the other party. Chernenko didn't get up and leave the church until long after the opponent had left. Only God knows the conversation here.

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