Cheng Yuanzheng did not hesitate to confess the secret, for fear that he would not believe it!

Yuan Tianba is a madman and cannot reason with a madman.

His wrist shook slightly, and the cuffs on his wrists fell off, as did those on his feet.


"I still want to ask how I did it?"

Cheng Yuanzheng grabbed the old man's neck and jokingly completed the last half of the sentence for him.

"Hearing is fictitious, seeing is believing, you'd better see it with your own eyes."

Cheng Yuanzheng put him on the chair of the special mechanism just now, put the handcuffs and shackles on him one by one, and pressed the remote control button. After the electric current was stimulated, the old man's neck fell back and the whole person lost his breath.

"The blame has to dare to experiment with himself, the body is so weak."

Cheng Yuanzheng had no mercy at all, and the electromagnetic bracelet from Jiutianshun on his wrist was reporting all the news in the game in real time.

"Yongming Island suggests that there is energy fluctuation, it should be the soul of the old man who entered. Fortune telling him."

Xiaoyu reported indignantly that at this time, the first area of ​​the Nine Days Game was all manipulated by his huge spiritual energy and consumed huge amounts of energy!

"You better hurry up, the old man is quite evil, he will definitely make trouble in the game, don't call me too hard."

"Understood." Cheng Yuanzheng knew all about Xiaoyu's situation. After traveling through time and space twice, he deeply realized the meaning of sharing weal and woe.

"I will sweep this place once, and call the police if nothing is found, and I will return to the game as soon as possible."

Xiaoyu encouraged his enthusiasm.

"I will guide you remotely, and if I find something, I will give you a hint."

The two cooperated with each other and quickly searched the entire experimental building.

Xiaoyu simply exists against the sky, no password lock firewall can stop his invasion at all!

Even think about it, even time and space distance can not stop him, let alone a mere password lock firewall!

Cheng Yuanzheng overturned all the living people, tied them in the same posture, and shook the laser gun in his hand with satisfaction.

"This old man is indeed a bit of a genius, and the direction of gun improvement is still good."

Xiaoyu swallowed two high-purity energy sources. At the moment, he was in a very good mood, and his attitude towards him was a little better!

"Don't worry, I will copy all the data and materials, and I will give it to Xiao Naihe when I return, and ask him to hand it in for you and give you military merit."

Cheng Yuanzheng didn't comment, put all the living and dead objects in the bright place, and asked Xiaoyu to notify the police to come and take care of the aftermath, and then retreated quietly.

"Remind the police to demolish the building. I suspect there are bodies under the building or even in the walls."

Xiaoyu knelt on his brain!

Did he also read those **** novels of later generations?

Back to Xiao Naihe's bachelor apartment, Cheng Yuanzheng entered the game.

The little fox has changed his job as a thug. He is honestly a cook next to him. There is a whole set of kitchen utensils around him. You don't need to ask to know that it was moved out of the space. There is also a barbecue on the ground.

A group of beasts squatted beside them, colorful, all swimming in the water, flying in the sky and on the ground, all of them ate with greasy mouths.

What's the situation? Animal games?

The beasts glanced at him, saw that it was a weak chicken, and ignored him.

The little fox whimpered twice and handed him a piece of roasted fragrant meat.

A blue dragon in an indecent shape stared at the lantern's big eyes, opened his mouth and sucked, and swallowed the piece of meat that was not enough to stuff its teeth!

"Insolent boy! Do you know how to come first, come first? The deity has been waiting for a long time! Line up behind!"

Cheng Yuanzheng choked speechlessly, turned his head to look for it, and saw his daughter-in-law surrounded by a group of NPCs with blue veins on his forehead.

Is this a martial arts contest? Don't want to live anymore!

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