Huh? Why can't the post be posted?

Alocasia continued to edit and send without believing in evil, but it was still like a mud cow entering the sea without even splashing!

what happened? ! Did she write any sensitive words?

Alocasia pays attention to the inspection, completely puzzled, and deliberately under the software inspection, still nothing!

Could it be a virus in her computer?

Alocasia checked virus and anti-virus, upgraded the anti-virus software, waiting for the busy to survive, the time has passed two hours!

Calla swears an swear word, and try to enter the word Begonia into the search bar.

no problem.

She irritably posted the entire paragraph she edited into the search, and a miracle appeared!

The search bar is like ice meeting fire, melting without leaving a trace!

Calla stunned!

What does this mean? Someone is protecting Haitang's information? Just enter the relevant personal information, it will be swallowed?

Who is so free and will help her? !

Calla thought this idea was particularly ridiculous, but he subconsciously tried it again.

Haitang, Grade 12 of Yude High School...


Real things are happening in front of you, and alocasia can't believe in evil!

She was so angry that she dropped the expensive white fruit Bluetooth mouse and stared at the high-definition display with red eyes!

Begonia that bitch! With a beautiful face, he seduce people everywhere!

The computer screen suddenly went black, and a line of dazzling white characters occupies the entire screen!

"Is it fun? Do you want me to also register your information on the dating site? Expose all your phone chat software and other information?"

This is Begonia!

Calla’s pupils widened in shock, believing that the hacker who was controlling her computer was Haitang!

How could she have such a means!

If it were her, how could she be bullied like a mouse in the mud and almost killed? !

No, it won't be her!

Who will it be?

Fear was in the madness of Alocasia's eyes, and his nails were digging into the palms of his hands, and relying on the sharp pain, they did not make the stupid thing of hitting the screen with something.

"You better stay calm! Otherwise, don't blame me for being polite. Alocasia, I advise you to be kind."

The words on the screen shone brightly, and after a few flashes, they fell silent.

Alocasia clenched his hands in cold sweat, staring at the black screen, his chest undulating.

After a long time, she broke out a scream: "My computer!"

The computer crashed and couldn't start up. The calla was so angry that I had to call someone to fix it.

But she couldn't swallow this breath!

"Zhenzhen, my computer is broken, you help me on the forum, see if there is any post from my sister, OK?"

Alocasia's eyeballs turned, and he approached the roommate who was playing games with headphones on, and gently shook her arm to request.

Huang Yuzhen was playing the BOSS. She made a mistake in her operation. She didn't give blood to her teammates. The Crispy Mage suddenly died. The blood-thick warrior took a hard blow, and only one blood skin was left. The team was almost wiped out. Scolding!

"What are you doing? Didn't you see me busy?"

Huang Yuzhen's operation is not bad, and she is also the main force of the second echelon in the guild. She has never made such a big mistake. She was so embarrassed that she couldn't explain it.

Alocasia was thrown away by her arm, gritted her teeth with anger!

Isn't it just playing a broken game? Every day, I charge up money to buy equipment, and I don’t even get the title of a great god.

Still busy! Playing games is also called busy? !

Don't even think about using her cosmetics in the future!

Calla angrily changed clothes and went out, and went to the Internet cafe outside the school to go online without believing it! She must not just let it go!

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