Chapter 151 Sixth Generation Fighter Lifts Off!!

Parallel Space-Time, September 1, 2026.

After more than half a month of testing and learning, the Nuwa system is initially on track.

Nuwa entered the growth period from early childhood and has the ability to think independently.

At the same time, with the assistance of a huge database, the Nuwa system shows unparalleled network ~ dominance.

In view of this, Zhao Yu decided to start the next stage of the plan.

The second phase of the experiment is not carried out in the laboratory, but in the outside world, requiring the cooperation of other departments.

So Zhao Yu left the experimental base and went to the 130 team station.

As a time-space master with teleportation ability, Zhao Yu activates the teleportation skill and arrives at his destination in the next moment.

Coming to the team leader’s office, Lin Xinghuai, who had not been seen for a long time, took the lead in asking a question.

“Advisor Zhao, what is the situation between you and that little star?”

When he speaks, he has an expectant and curious expression on his face, like a fan of star chasing.

Zhao Yu couldn’t help but rub his head when he heard this.

He would never have imagined that the reply left on the Internet at will would cause a huge wave.

For more than half a month, the discussion of his and Zhao Jinmai’s related topics remained hot.

Countless people personally came to the scene, looking for the relationship between the two through various clues.

Some people study the travel routes of the two sides to find so-called supply points.

Focus on tourist areas, hotels, airports, check one by one.

Zhao Jinmai is a star, and the travel trail is obvious.

Netizens can find it casually.

Zhao Yu is different, his whereabouts are top secret, and netizens can’t detect it at all.

So the plan to study the relationship between the two with the help of travel routes was shattered.

Then, someone began to analyze the life photos of the two.

What if you don’t think it out and expose your relationship in a life photo? Unfortunately, Zhao Yu has never shared life photos online.

The second method also failed.

Then, someone analyzed the names of the two, their faces and so on.

Anyway, the Internet is very lively.

It is also unclear whether netizens want the two to be together or do not want them to be together.

Zhao Yu naturally did not know Zhao Jinmai.

Don’t say Zhao Jinmai, he doesn’t know other stars.

Before he obtained the system, he was just an ordinary person, his life was boring and he was not qualified, and he had no contacts to contact the entertainment industry.

Once the system is acquired, the funds are sufficient.

However, he has no interest in the entertainment industry.

Four or five years ago, I was in charge of the moment when the entertainment industry collapsed.

Big and small stars are either collapsing or on the verge of collapse.

makes Zhao Yu very disgusted with the entertainment industry and does not want to contact stars.

As for why I know Zhao Jinmai, because “The Beginning” was a hit at that time.

Zhao Yu watched a few episodes with him, and then casually wrote Zhao Jinmai’s good-looking message, which caused a storm.

Fortunately, Zhao Jinmai was still clean, and in half a month, he did not pick up the black material to survive the storm safely, and added many fans.

“Team Leader Lin, we’ve known each other for so long, don’t you know my life status?”

Lin Xinghuai is not an ordinary person, initially one of the top leaders of the police department.

Personally participated in the hunt for Zhao Yu.

Learn all about Zhao Yu.

After the cooperation between the two sides, he also acted under the control of the government.

Who he met and who he had the closest relationship with, the government knew very well.

Therefore, Zhao Yu will be slightly helpless, and Lin Xinghuai is obviously looking at the psychology of gossip.

The truth was different from what he thought, Lin Xinghuai did not look at the psychology of gossip, but from deeper thoughts.

Since the cooperation in 2002, Zhao Yu has devoted himself to his career, and his private life is pitiful.

Occasionally, I still drove Cadillac in and out of the entertainment club.

There is no intention of settling down at all.

This situation caused the Supreme Regiment a bit of a headache.

What are the signs of maturity in men?

There is a family, there is a wife and children.

The Supreme Group hopes to deepen its ties with Zhao Yu, and marriage and children are the most effective means.

However, the other party has not had a similar mind.

Now there are rare signs, Lin Xinghuai is naturally very concerned.

As long as the other party nods, he will bring his favorite object over as quickly as possible to complete a marriage.

Now it seems that the other party really does not have certain thoughts.

“Okay, it’s me who thinks badly, but Advisor Zhao, you are also not small, are you interested in getting married and having children?”

Lin Xinghuai asked tentatively.

Zhao Yu shook his head directly: “Forget it, my current situation is still better to live alone.” ”

He is not an ordinary person, but a time-space master who wants to travel through time and space at any time.

No one knows what will happen to them.

What if something happens to the system and never comes back? It will inevitably affect the family.

Even if there is no accident, one more pillow person is more dangerous to expose the secret.

It’s better to live by yourself.

When there is a demand, the French major places look for the ‘888’.

Take what you need without delay.

“It’s good that I don’t have a daughter, otherwise I will be disappointed.”

In today’s situation, Zhao Yu is definitely the best marriage partner.

High status, special status.

Whatever happens, it cannot change his peculiarity.

Being able to get the support of the other party is enough to ensure the prosperity of the family within a hundred years.

Trading a daughter for hundreds of years of prosperity, the business is too cost-effective.

Globally, I don’t know how many people want to marry their daughters to Zhao Yu.

But there is no chance, Zhao Yu is a complete non-marital.

Zhao Yu waved his hand: “Don’t say this, have the experts arrived?” ”

He personally came to the 130 group not to talk about gossip, there are serious things.

Speaking of business, Lin Xinghuai returned to normal and nodded: “The experts have arrived and are waiting in the conference room.” ”

“Okay, let’s go to the conference room together.”

While talking, the two came to a small conference room.

When Zhao Yu pushed the door in, there were already eight experts sitting in the conference room.

“Guys, I won’t say too much.”

Standing on the main seat, Zhao Yu said immodestly.

He has this confidence.

As the chief designer of controlled nuclear fusion, no scientist in China can surpass his fame.

“To get straight to the point, the reason why I invited experts over is to ask about the development of the sixth-generation fighter.”

That’s right, all of you here are experts in fighter development.

He is a core member of the research and development team of the sixth generation fighter.

As soon as these words came out, an old man about sixty years old, thin and wearing black-framed glasses said.

“Sixth-generation fighters are a whole new frontier for fighters, and no country in the world today has arrived. It is only possible to grope for improvement according to the standards of fifth-generation fighters. ”

Strictly speaking, it was not completely developed.

No one knows what kind of fighter is the sixth generation.

Only by the fifth-generation fighter, the criteria for the sixth-generation fighter can be speculated.

What standards for fifth-generation fighters?

Invisibility, super-maneuverability, supersonic cruising and super-information superiority.

If you want to crush the fifth-generation fighter, the sixth-generation fighter must have the advantage of the crushing level in stealth, flight speed, information superiority, etc.

“There are three factors limiting the development of sixth-generation fighters, materials, energy and systems.”

Of the three factors, the material must come first.

What is a material?

It is the most important basis for the composition of a fighter.

New materials must be stealthy, corrosion-resistant, and more resistant to pressure.

The standard speed of fifth-generation fighters is around Mach 2.5, which is 2.5 times the speed of supersonic.

At its peak, the speed will exceed three times the speed of sound.

If the speed is too fast, the higher the material requirements.

Otherwise, after the fighter enters supersonic speed, the fuselage will directly disintegrate and it will not be possible to continue flying.

Whether it is astronautics, fighter jets, including aircraft carriers, materials are always difficult problems that cannot be bypassed.

If the material problem cannot be solved, there will be no next step in development.

In addition to the fighter fuselage material, there is another factor to consider on top of the fighter.

That is the anti-stress suit of the pilot.

In supersonic flight, a fighter creates a huge air pressure.

That air pressure is like a mountain, pressing on the pilot.

It is worth enough that this air pressure cannot help but act on the surface of the body, and it will also penetrate deep into the body.

This is also the reason why the selection of pilots is very strict, and there must be no obvious scars on the surface of the body.

If the pilot has a scar on his body, after entering supersonic speed, strong air pressure will tear the wound, causing secondary damage.

More seriously, air pressure can enter the body through the wound, wreaking havoc on the pilot’s body.

So to enter the field of sixth-generation fighters, it is also necessary to create new anti-pressure suits and set new pilot standards.

The second is energy.

“In terms of energy, we must thank Academician Zhao. Your controlled fusion technology solves our energy challenges. ”

The old man praised.

Zhao Yu waved his hand: “Academician Chen is polite.” ”

Chen Yuanshi has always been an expert in fighter aircraft, and has participated in the research and manufacture of fourth- and fifth-generation fighters.

is an ace in the field of domestic fighters and cannot be taken lightly.

Academician Chen’s face straightened: “I’m not polite, controllable nuclear fusion has solved a big problem.” ”

The average speed of fifth-generation fighters is 2.5 times supersonic, and the average speed of sixth-generation fighters must be more than four times supersonic.

A fighter weighs about 10 tons.

Propel a ten-ton behemoth to fly normally at 4 times supersonic speed

The kinetic energy required can be imagined.

With today’s aviation oil, it hardly provides much energy.

The oil that can allow the fifth generation fighter to fight for half an hour, put on the sixth generation fighter, can only fly normally for five minutes, or less.

Energy is the second hurdle in the development of the sixth-generation fighter.

Fortunately, this difficulty was accidentally overcome by Zhao Yu.

Can the world be cleaner and last longer than fusion energy?


Combined with controlled fusion technology, Academician Chen no longer worries about energy issues.

In addition to the above two difficulties, the third difficulty is the system.

Again, in hyper-speed flight, the reaction time left for the pilot is short.

From the detection of enemy aircraft, to the start of the attack, the time is very short.

Often, pilots are unable to make effective attacks in a short period of time.

As a result, the 6th generation fighter must be equipped with auxiliary systems…

Monitor the surrounding scene at any time, determine the location of the attacker in advance, actively evade or actively attack, etc.

The pilot and the system work together to control a fighter.

From this, the seventh-generation fighter must be system-based, and the human pilot has become an auxiliary.

Obviously, the development of domestic artificial intelligence systems is slow.

It cannot be done to the extent of advanced artificial intelligence systems, let alone applied to combat aircraft.

The above three difficulties are only then

is the reason for the slow development of the sixth generation fighter.

Zhao Yu nodded thoughtfully.

“Academician Chen, if you remove the pilot factor, how fast can a fighter be made in China?”

Academician Chen didn’t know why he asked this question, but he answered seriously.

“If you don’t take into account the pilot, you should be able to create a five-fold supersonic fighter, don’t think it’s incredible, it was said earlier that the development of a sixth-generation fighter is difficult.”

Suddenly, a five-fold supersonic fighter can be created.

Because the two are different concepts.

Sixth-generation fighters must consider the pilot, and the limits that the human body can withstand are the limits that the fighter can carry.

Beyond the physical limit, even the fastest fighter is meaningless.

Remember that fighters are always piloted.

A fighter that cannot be controlled by a pilot is a drone, not a fighter replaced by an unmanned fighter, and the problem of systems and materials must be considered.

Remove human limitations, do not care about the limitations of the fuselage, and wirelessly superimpose the engine, thus creating an ultra-high-performance fighter.

But what’s the point?

Those fighters can only lie in the laboratory and cannot be used in real combat

The pilot cannot operate and there is no corresponding artificial intelligence system.

In theory, the ultimate fighter is nothing more than a big toy.

Zhao Yu nodded: “Well, Academician Chen, please lead the team and make every effort to create two extreme fighters.” ”

Academician Chen was stunned, what is the point of creating two extreme fighters? I can’t do it.

Compared with Academician Chen, Lin Xinghuai suddenly remembered something.

“Advisor Zhao, do you think?”

As the leader of the 130 team, Lin Xinghuai’s authority is very high.

Roughly understanding the research and development progress of the Nuwa system, he knows that there is a strong artificial intelligence system with high performance in China.

Is there really no way for pilots to fly extreme fighters, replace them with artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence systems with powerful networks and ultra-fast reaction capabilities are the best candidates to fly extreme fighters.

A smile appeared at the corner of Zhao Yu’s mouth.

“That’s right, this is the ultimate test of the Nuwa system.”

The power of Nuwa’s system is not only on the network, but also in being able to do things that humans cannot.

Where there is an Internet signal, it is a god.

However, that is the ability in theory, and how it will perform in reality, Zhao Yu cannot be sure.

Flying an extreme fighter is one of the tests for Nuwa.

“Academician Zhao, Team Leader Lin, what do you say again?”

Academician Chen was a little confused, and asked, Zhao Yu and Lin Xinghuai looked at each other, and hesitated for a moment.

Lin Xinghuai still said: “Academician Zhao invented a strong artificial intelligence system and wants to use extreme fighters to test the capabilities of the system. ”


Academician Chen’s eyes widened in shock.

“Strong artificial intelligence system?”

Zhao Yu added: “A strong artificial intelligence system that has intelligence and can talk freely. ”


Academician Chen almost jumped: “Academician Zhao, you are not joking. ”

The invention of controlled nuclear fusion technology on the front foot, and now a strong artificial intelligence system, is not a joke.

“Calm down, calm down…”

Lin Xinghuai quickly stood up and comforted Academician Chen, the other party was not young, and he often stayed up late to work.

Don’t get excited for a moment and smoke it.

“Academician Zhao did not lie, there is indeed a strong artificial intelligence system in China.”

After a pause, Lin Xinghuai added: “Academician Chen, this is a top-secret plan, I hope you can keep it secret.” ”

Academician Chen waved his hand angrily: “I know, I don’t need you to remind me.” ”

After speaking, he looked at Zhao Yu incredulously: “The afterlife is terrible, it is really terrifying in the afterlife.” Controllable nuclear fusion technology, strong artificial intelligence system, Academician Zhao is really remarkable. ”

After praising him, he turned his attention to his job.

“Using a strong artificial intelligence system to fly an extreme fighter, this is also a sixth-generation fighter.”

Chen Yuan Shiyi clapped his hands: “Okay, I’ll go and make an extreme fighter now.” ”

Saying that, without waiting for the two to react, Academician Chen left with the team members with a cigarette, and Zhao Yu and Lin Xinghuai also had work to deal with.

Zhao Yu wants to separate the Nuwa system and create equipment that can be embedded in extreme fighters.

As for Lin Xinghuai, he needs to prepare high-purity oil on a global scale.

For use by extreme fighters.

In the midst of the hustle and bustle, it’s mid-September.

On September 19, 2026, under the control of the Nuwa system, two extreme fighters with the performance of sixth-generation fighters took off.

The sixth-generation fighter of the Yanhuang country, spread its wings and flew the door…

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