Faiz World.

Qian Qiao looked at the power that erupted from Oren’s deep despair, and his face became tense.


Seeing that Oren, who had mentioned his dream countless times, had now turned into a monster called malice, even the optimistic Qian Qiao couldn’t help but sigh.

Perhaps an ordinary Oren would also be disappointed when he saw himself like this

? ?

“What is my dream? ?”

Qian Qiao reflected deeply on his past experiences.

He seemed to feel deeply confused.

“Don’t be blinded by the hateful eyes, Oren!!”

When he saw Oren taking off Ark’s armor at the end,

Qian Qiao couldn’t help but nodded.

Using his own strength to defeat the guy who destroyed Izzy, this is the right way!!

But looking at the murderous eyes in the picture, his eyes couldn’t help but be shocked

“Such determination…”

“The feeling has turned into actual murderous intent….”

“It penetrated my mind!!”

Qian Qiao was silent. What will happen to his future ? But the light curtain stopped here, and it seemed unknown. But the next moment, the bright and flashing subtitles on the light curtain made Qian Qiao’s face show surprise.

“There is more? ?”

Qian Qiao looked at the title and said silently.

Sonoda Mari looked at Qian Qiao’s face, all the joy, anger, sorrow and happiness were written on his face.

He was angry about Izzy’s death, and he was saddened by Oren’s abnormality. He was relieved that Oren turned back to human form, and finally he was shocked by Oren’s murderous eyes.

“Or someone’s story is not over yet…”

Zhenli looked at Qiao’s face and seemed to be thinking about something.

These two people seem to have a lot in common.

So, what about Qiao’s story? ?…

Create the world


“Is there any follow-up?”

“I thought he disappeared after taking revenge on that Mie.”

Longwo’s eyes moved across the light screen.

Although I didn’t see the final sequel, from the look in Oren’s eyes that seemed to want to eat Mie, I could infer that

Mie’s end would not be good.

“only…Such an ending…”

“I always feel it’s not perfect.”

Long Wo sighed

“What’s not perfect about 527?”

“Can’t we just create another Izzy? ?”

Huande looked at Longwo in confusion. It’s just a robot.

Is it necessary to do this??

Looking at the confused Huande,

Zhantu also looked troubled.

Can we only say that he is worthy of being an honest man??

“Judging from the interaction between Izzy and Oren,”

“The relationship between the two is obviously very close!!”

“Now Izzy is gone.”

“Then Oren will go berserk, right? ?”

Zhantu wiped a cold sweat, what a heartless guy!

“Eh?? So what??”

“So I said, why don’t we just revive Izu?”

Huande still looked at Zhantu and the others in confusion.

I didn’t say it wasn’t like that?

I just said that creating another Izu would solve the problem, wouldn’t it?

Even Longwo, who was called an emotional idiot, couldn’t help but feel a headache at this moment.

“Even if you create another Izzy…”

“But Izzy’s soul is no longer in its body….”

Yi Hai shook his head.

As expected, he was a ruthless and cold-blooded politician!!


Huande’s face was suddenly filled with sadness.

“yes…I’m such a fool….”

“Haven’t you figured this out yet? ?”

Seeing Huande’s expression change in a second, several people’s faces twitched.

This guy…Should we say he is cold-blooded or emotional? ?

He was expressionless one second ago, but the next moment he looked so sad that he looked like himself!! The person standing in front of him now is not Himuro Gentoku, but Himuro Kazuto!!

“This!! Look at this!!”

“There is a sequel!!”

“Oren’s future!!”

In one second, a Sichuan opera face change appeared on Huande’s face again.

He was crying just now, but now he saw that Oren still had a story, and he couldn’t help but get excited!!……

World Zero One.

Oren looked at the series of images in the light screen, his heart was torn.

In the near future, will Izzy leave him? ?

Looking at the well-behaved Izzy,

Oren was silent.

Fuwa Jian was also silent.

Looking at this picture, he felt very uncomfortable.

But Izzy, as the person involved, still showed a bright smile!!


“Even in the future this still happens…”

“Please also hold on to the dream of peaceful coexistence between humans and Xumajia”

“Don’t end up being a monster blinded by hatred and resentment.”

Is it really Xumajia?

Even though she foresaw her own death, she was not afraid at all.

If it were a human, this would be impossible, right? But if it was just Xumajia, why would she utter such warm words? Perhaps, inadvertently, although Izzy was still a Xumajia, her heart unexpectedly condensed the”heart” that only humans have.


The video officially started playing!!

In the eyes of everyone, a guy who had never been seen before appeared.

But what was more noticeable was the timetable in the empty room that was counting down. It seemed that it was unclear what it was , perhaps because the whole space was too dark and dull. But the eye-catching timer showed that the countdown was less than an hour!!

“God created the world in six days”

“And I…”

“��Destroy it and create paradise in 60 minutes!!”

“God created the sky, the earth, the sea, and the stars.”

“And all the life of time…”

“Will all be destroyed”

“I’m Ace.”

“The creator of Dias Paradise.”

Looking at the other side, he said meaningfully


“The battle that puts the world at stake…”

“It has begun.”

This extremely arrogant statement was said in such a calm and casual tone, as if it were true.

Everyone stared at the light screen with wide eyes.

Who is this guy?

He wants to destroy the world right away….

Is this a bit too crazy? ?

But how did he say such crazy words so calmly? ?

But the scene went back, and the person who left with regret and disappointment in the previous video appeared again in the light screen, standing on the opposite side of the man who said he could destroy the world in one hour!!……

Saber World

“Every second the needle moves…”

“It seems to be pulling at my mind….”

Xianren looked at the timer that suddenly appeared on the screen, and a look of astonishment flashed across his eyes.

He didn’t understand why he felt nervous, as if…The world is going to end?

“”Hey? ? Why do I have such a strange idea? ?”

Seeing this terrible idea suddenly flashing through his mind,

Xianren couldn’t help but laugh.

Sure enough, I have watched too many light screens recently, and

I have become nervous.���?

Just like a ghost story, if you read too many of them, you will be afraid to walk at night, right? ?

“Why did you put up a timer right away?”

“What is it for? ?”

Rentaro was a little confused, is this telling us the time of this video? ?

“An hour?”

“It’s quite novel? ?”

“Will this light curtain evolve? ?”

“Know how to tell us the duration”

“Looks like we need to make some coffee or something….”

Before he finished speaking, the madman’s nonsense had already passed through the light curtain and spread to countless worlds!!


“This guy is going to destroy the world? ?”

“Only one hour? ?”

Rentaro frowned.

Did this guy who was talking escape from a mental hospital? ?

Wanting to destroy the world in just one hour is really underestimating everyone, isn’t it? ?

“Is this what Oren is going to experience this time? ?”

Unlike the other two,

Fei Yuzhen saw it very seriously.

The guy in the light curtain had a very clear look in his eyes, and although he was saying such crazy words, his face was very calm.

Teacher Thomas felt a headache.

“I think…That guy doesn’t seem to be joking.”

Xianren’s mind, which had just been relaxed, suddenly sank.

“Did Teacher Thomas say that?”

“That ominous feeling of mine…”

“It’s true.”

Daqin Temple was also stunned.

“If this guy is not lying,”

“How strong is that?”

“or others…Can it be stopped?”……

The World of Exside.

Danrito raised his eyebrows.

“This guy talks…”

“Very impressive.”

He gave such an evaluation.

In Danrito’s opinion, being able to say crazy things with a serious face is also a skill!

For example, he can’t do it at all.

“He is really the opposite of Ben Kami.”

Dan Lidou smiled.

If he were to say something like this, he would be beaming with joy, revealing strong confidence.

But…Some exaggerated facial expressions will also be added….That is the unique talent of Ben Kami.

Li Dou thought so.

He didn’t know the strength of this guy who made such a bold statement, but he obviously succeeded in attracting Li Dou’s attention.

His eyes were fixed on the light curtain….

Inside the hospital, everyone looked at the man opposite them.

Perhaps because he had been through so much, his eyes revealed a calmness that was not common in the past.

“This guy…Seems to be more mature.”

Gui Liya said.

Yong Meng also nodded.

The previous Oren obviously had not experienced too many things.

The Oren at this point clearly made everyone feel the determination in his heart!!

“only…Did he choose to appear alone?”

“A bit overconfident?….”

Jing Feicai looked at the man standing in front of thousands of soldiers.

His calm and steady aura made Jing Feicai’s eyes light up.

But if he faced such a guy alone, wouldn’t it be a bit too arrogant? ?


Thinking of the worst possible scenario, he couldn’t help but frown.

“Are the other knights being held back?”

“This is too difficult.”……

Gochard World

“Ace? ?”

This guy…

What on earth happened? ?

Baotaro was confused

“Why do you want to destroy the world so much? ?”

In Baotaro’s opinion, the world is so beautiful, there are many unknown things waiting for him to explore, and there are more friends waiting for him to meet. Don’t even think about destroying the world!!

“Forehead…Is this guy stimulated by something?”

Looking at Ace who was so calm,

Baotaro scratched his head.

Generally speaking, this kind of guy is a lunatic.

“Um…Absolutely crazy.”

Jiutang Rinyin nodded continuously.

Normal people would not think of destroying the world!!

But looking at the pointer that was still moving,

Rinyin’s body was also covered with cold sweat.

“But really…”

“Or will he make it in time?”

“There are so many people around that guy.”

Baotaro looked at those guys in white robes, and from their eyes he could see the fire burning in their hearts that was trying to ignite the world.

“So many crazy people…”

“Come on, senior Oren!”……

The scene returned to the light screen.

As if to fulfill his promise, endless malice burst out from Is’s body in an instant!!




【The creator who charges forward believing in paradise!! 】

The breath of the Ark also came out of his body directly!!

Hatred and destruction continued to overflow from his body!!

The aura of killing and despair surrounded him, making him look like a demon crawling out of hell!!

This is the most real devil!!

Looking at this guy who is always talking about destroying the world,

Oren frowned deeply!!

In an instant, countless memories flashed through his mind!!

In order to protect his companions and to realize his dream of living in peace with Shumajia, a strong belief also arose in his heart!!

Looking at the time passing quickly,

Oren clenched his fists, for the smiles of everyone…

“The only one who can stop you,”

“It’s me!!”

Suddenly, a strong light emerged from his hand!!

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