"Do you understand the military industry again? I think the World Tree Foundation also has its own unique features. The products are all very useful."

"Yes, yes, they have a great influence in the field of civilian technology. Maybe the military industry can also bring new innovations!"

"Haha, I laughed. The Stark Group's arms are famous all over the world, but what cards does the Yggdrasil Consortium have that it can really play?"

"Considering the Stark Group's strength and reputation in the military industry, they are more likely to win!"

This matter even spread overseas. After all, the Stark Group is a multinational star international behemoth, and many countries are paying close attention to major events related to it.

In the midst of everyone's attention, the first press conference of the World Tree Foundation was officially held.

Due to the turmoil caused by the previous campaign, there were even more reporters present than when the White House announced any major government affairs. It can be said that it attracted a lot of attention.

Gauri, who went by the pseudonym Reggio, took the stage and began to mercilessly list the flaws in the weapons manufactured by Stark Industries.

"… None of you are professionals, so I will try my best to speak in plain language. First of all, we can see that in terms of shape and size configuration, Howard Stark did not consider the optimal shooting stability at all. Optimization obviously pursues visual effects and ignores engineering practicality.”

As Gao Li spoke, he showed the densely marked engineering drawings.

"Combining the calculations of aerodynamics and shooting dynamics, we found that there is an obvious risk of inertial loss of control in the firearm system. The sight continued to be unstable under high-frequency shooting. This is obviously caused by the unreasonable design of the control system. Bad consequences!"

Although the reporters in the audience couldn't understand, they still excitedly lit up a large flashlight.

Because this Regedo Noah seems to really have something to say!

Competing on the same stage will only be more exciting if the opponents are evenly matched. It is far more exciting for them than Reggie who knows nothing!

Chapter 60 Famous in the world, famous all over the world!


It is true that Howard Stark was a genius ahead of his time.

But while Gao Li was also a genius, he also possessed all kinds of advanced knowledge from later generations, so it was not difficult to find loopholes in Howard's design.

Therefore, Gao Li made a sharp criticism of Howard without mercy, and he spoke for more than an hour before he wiped his mouth and stopped.

"Next, let's enter the second phase of our press conference."

Although the reporters in the audience were confused from beginning to end, they were still very excited and faithfully recorded everything.

Previously, Regedo Noah was basically criticizing Stark Industries' products. Now, is he finally going to start releasing his own company's good stuff?

"I am honored to announce that our company has discovered an aminoglycoside antibiotic and named it streptomycin. This is a specific drug for the treatment of tuberculosis and is the gospel of ending tuberculosis!"

As soon as Gao Li finished speaking, the reporters were stunned.

There was total silence.

Although he was still talking about the military industry before, why did he suddenly turn his attention to the biological and medical fields?

Is this span too big?

"Wait, Mr. Noah, what did you say?!"

Suddenly a reporter reacted and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"You said there is a special medicine that can cure tuberculosis!?"

At this time, other reporters also woke up from a dream and were in an uproar!

"Tuberculosis?! Is it real or fake?"

"That's an incurable disease!"

"Oh my God! This is definitely big news among big news!"

No wonder they were so excited, considering that tuberculosis is a terminal disease in this era.

However, the prevalence of tuberculosis is still extremely high. From the 17th century to the 20th century, tuberculosis was even called the "white plague"!

Until the 1930s, the treatment for tuberculosis was only rest and breathing fresh air, as well as indirect therapies such as enhanced nutrition. The efficacy was less than 25%, and the fatality rate was ridiculously high!

And Gao Li's claim is like announcing that it can cure cancer in modern times, and it is even more shocking to the world than the confrontation between Yggdrasil and Stark!

"Yes, I'm pretty sure of that."

Gao Li nodded clearly and said: "Relevant papers will be released in the near future, so stay tuned."

In fact, this was a result that Selman A. Waxman discovered only a few years later, and won the Nobel Prize for it. Gorito misappropriated it in advance to save trouble.

Of course, Gauri, who is not short of money now, has already used his lawyer to forge the inheritance of a distant relative to compensate Selman. The amount is several times the Nobel Prize!

As for reputation... later statistics found that most scientists who have won the Nobel Prize will have a cliff-like decline in their ability to invent and create after that.

They seemed to have achieved satisfactory results and were too lazy to continue struggling. From the perspective of retaining Selman's scientific research vitality, it would be better not to let him win the Nobel Prize.

However, Gauri also privately recruited him to participate in the research. When the paper is published, Selman will be given a second-author position, which can be regarded as compensation on the other hand.

Similarly, Gao Li, the inventor of microwave ovens and all-purpose glue, also provided similar compensation measures. Anyway, after the money in this era reaches a certain level, it will no longer be of much help to him.

During the rest of the press conference, Gaoli continued to publish some biological results, which attracted everyone's amazement.

And the headlines of the next day were all about Regido Noah, who had set off a nationwide and even global sensation!

In addition to paying attention to whether his biological and medical achievements were true, the remaining focus was Howard's lightning-fast response and rebuttal.

"... In summary, Regido Noah's understanding of the control system is obviously one-sided. Our thermal weapons use advanced inertial compensation and feedback control technology under high-frequency shooting, which can effectively suppress the inertial runaway phenomenon. The problem he mentioned may be caused by other external factors, not the unreasonable design of our weapons."

Now Howard is not just disgusted with Regido, but also headache, annoyance and exasperation.

Good guy, I didn't expect this Noah to be really amazing! ?

At least after reading the mistakes he pointed out, Howard had to pinch his nose and admit that there was indeed a small part that made sense.

Of course, it was only that small part, and Howard would not agree with the rest!

Gowrie naturally did not mind making trouble, and he published an article that day to slap Howard in the face, causing the newspaper to have to print more copies urgently.

"…It's ridiculous. How do you explain the pneumatic system with many mistakes and the poor recoil suppression technology? It completely sacrifices the stability during high-speed shooting!"

Howard did not give in and posted a reply the next day: "How can you understand the Tara cooling system and advanced materials I use? They can definitely adapt to the needs of the battlefield perfectly!"

"It's so funny. Stark Industries' flashy nouns should stop here. Both the bolt structure and the barrel strength are not up to standard. Don't use flowery words to cover up your low-level design!"

"Haha, your confidence is amazing. I think you have completely ignored the unique spiral rifling design of our group and its amazing effect in improving ballistic performance! Your ignorance and prejudice are ridiculous!"

The long-lasting verbal battle between the two sides was very exciting to the world, but it is rare to see Howard, the playboy who was once so glorious, being scolded and at a disadvantage throughout the whole process.

Especially after the physiological and medical achievements headed by streptomycin passed peer review and were quickly reproduced and confirmed to be effective, Gory's reputation around the world has risen several levels.

Throughout the process, Gory was only looking for problems with Stark Industries' weapons, but did not mention any solutions. Although he failed to optimize thermal weapons, he undoubtedly demonstrated a very high level of military industrial scientific literacy.

With this foreshadowing, the military leaders were finally alarmed and sent people to ask Howard in person.

What is the level of this Regido Noah, and is it worth absorbing into the strategic scientific reserve?

Howard was tired of Regido, but his inner pride did not allow him to lie, so he could only give a true answer in an extremely awkward and uncomfortable way.

"Although he is a little bit worse than me, don't look at me like that, he is really a little worse...Okay, okay, maybe it's not that bad, he can barely be on par with me, anyway, he is a rare super genius in the world."

At this point, Gory's information officially entered the desks of the top leaders of World War II-both Germany and the United States!

After all, Gorey's amazing talent and amazing achievements in biology are exactly what Hydra leader "Red Skull" John Schmidt urgently needs. Not long after, the Hydra spy compiled a file and sent it to him.

Soon, the Red Skull personally gave his approval:

For a talent like Gorey who is good at both military and biological engineering, if you can't recruit him, just kill him directly!

Chapter 61 Captain America is gone?

New York, Brooklyn.

Although Steve and Bucky shared a large sum of money, he did not indulge in luxury and enjoyment, but donated most of it.

The only remaining amount was used to decorate his small apartment. Steve did not plan to move out. This place where he grew up carried too many memories of him.

"Have you really made up your mind?" Bucky asked beside Steve.

At this time, the two were tidying up their appearance in front of the mirror and combing their hair into an adult look.

"Well, I have made up my mind. I will resign from Mr. Noah and continue to join the army!" Steve said firmly.

If bringing back Regido was the first major event that changed his life, then Steve felt that the decision he made at this moment was the second major event that changed his life.

"You have donated so much money to the army, so you have done your best, right? Steve, you should continue to stay in the World Tree Foundation."

But Bucky didn't think so, and showed a very disapproving look.

"Besides, it's not like you haven't been rejected for military service before. Your physical condition is too poor, and they can't agree."

"That's two different things," Steve shook his head, "This money was not earned by my ability, and it should be used by people in need."

"Besides, even if it is donated to the front line, it doesn't mean that I can sit at home and watch others sacrifice for me with peace of mind. I have to do everything I can!"

Bucky sighed when he heard this, knowing that he couldn't convince this stubborn friend no matter what.

If Steve could change his mind so easily, he wouldn't have been rejected from joining the army repeatedly and still persisted.

"Why do you want to resign with me?" Steve changed the subject, "You gave all the money to the Lehigh Barracks... You should stay in the World Tree Foundation, right?"

Bucky said calmly: "My father was a soldier. After he passed away, the barracks took good care of me. I want to repay them, and I hope to be like my father."

Steve didn't say anything and bumped fists with Bucky directly, saying nothing.

When the two of them went to the office to find Gao Li, they went straight to the point: "Mr. Noah, thank you very much for your continued care, but we have already thought about it and hope to resign and join the army. Please understand!"

Gao Li smiled: "Don't be so outspoken, just call me Regedo... Anyway, we will still be colleagues after joining the army, so there is no need to resign. I can reserve your position for you."

Steve and Bucky were both stunned, looking at him in surprise.

"No... Reggio, do you also want to join the army?"

Gao Li shook his head and said: "No, but I was recruited by the Strategic Science Reserve and will become a military scientist immediately."


Steve sincerely admired the changes in Regedo's body with each passing day.

Obviously when they first met, Steve thought the other person was a misguided and delinquent young man, and even wanted to lead him onto the right path in life...

Looking back now, the clown is actually me.

"Strategic Scientific Reserve?" Bucky asked confused, "What department is that? I've never heard of it before?"

Gao Li spread his hands: "I don't know exactly, but he seems to be very powerful. I heard he has a very high status in the military."

Steve's expression changed when he heard this, and he looked a little shy and coy, as if he wanted to say something but was embarrassed to say it.

Gao Li understood it at a glance and said amusedly: "What, do you want my help with something?"

Steve hesitated for a long time before speaking out with Bucky's encouragement.

"Actually... I have been rejected by the military recruitment office many times. If it is convenient for you, could you help me... Of course I know this kind of behavior is bad, but... Oh, let's forget it. I'm very sorry for asking. This kind of request."

It goes against Steve's moral principles to publicly say that he wants to use the back door.

So just halfway through speaking, his face was already flushed and his whole body was shaking with shame.

However, Gao Li still understood what he meant and said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's no problem! After I go over, I will definitely use money to poison the top military officials and let them rot with me. Then it will be very convenient, Jie Jie Jie…”

Steve was shocked when he heard this: "Absolutely not, Reggio!"

The door of the reception room next door was also pushed open at the same time, and a dashing woman walked out of it, rubbing her brows helplessly.

"Mr. Noah, can you please stop talking about corruption in front of me, a military representative?"

Steve and Bucky were both startled when Gao Li introduced: "This is the liaison officer sent by the military, Ms. Peggy Carter."

Gao Li solved the black account problem by relying on money. If he only did business, it would be fine, but once the background investigation of the confidential department was involved, it immediately became full of loopholes.

Therefore, until the military confirms that Gauri is not a spy, it is temporarily unable to allow him to join the strategic scientific reserve and can only send an agent to keep in touch with him.

Upon hearing that Carter was from the military, Steve felt even more ashamed of what he had just said, and his head almost dropped to ninety degrees.

Carter didn't pay much attention to Steve. He just glanced at him and continued: "It seems that you still have guests to receive, so I will stay soon."

"You go slowly, I won't see you off."

Gao Li waved his hand at Carter's leaving back, then looked back at Steve and Bucky.

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