Chapter 6: Gaining Prestige Points

An Ran looked at the old man in front of him, stunned for a few seconds, and then quickly returned to normal.

She gave another military salute to the old man, straightened her robe after the salute, and then cautiously opened the door to confirm that there was no one outside before walking out.

Enron used the military action of first observing and then confirming, showing the quality that a soldier should have, and the old man nodded with satisfaction….

The old man is none other than the founding marshal Lu Yan.

A month ago, after Lu Yan obtained the system, his physical functions began to recover and reached a level that was twice as high as that of ordinary people.

After obtaining the “rebirth”, Lu Yan began to fulfill the “small wish” he had made before.

Start to travel in the territory of China, appreciate the famous mountains and rivers of the motherland, and feel all kinds of folk customs.

During his travels, Lu Yan found that his figure began to change back to his previous sculptural appearance, and his strength began to become extraordinarily powerful.

Just like the one-handed swimming just now, it’s all pediatric.

However, although his body began to recover, Lu Yan’s appearance, as well as small details such as skin and hair, remained unchanged, and he still looked like an old man, but he didn’t look so old and full of spirit.

In this regard, Lu Yan, who was strong in his heart, did not care too much.

“If it hasn’t changed, it’s not changed, it must be gradual.” Lu Yan thought so in his heart.

On this trip, Lu Yan did not bring any guards, and with his current strength, he did not need to bring them.

At the same time, although Lu Yan is the founding marshal, in order to ensure the safety of Lu Yan’s old man, the photos released to the public have always been Lu Yan’s middle-aged man, plus Lu Yan is usually low-key, so not many people can know Lu Yan among the people.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Yan can swim in various places without any burden and do not have to worry about being recognized.

Half a month ago, Lu Yan traveled to Qinghe Village.

After a few days of understanding, Lu Yan was deeply attracted by the beautiful scenery and hospitable Lahu people, so he rented this house at the entrance of the village and planned to live here for a while.

It is precisely because of this that I met Enron and his party.

Taking advantage of the time when he went out safely, Lu Yan turned on the system.

Because just now, the system prompted him to get 10 reputation points.

After opening the attribute interface, Lu Yan found that the status bar, which was still 0 reputation before, had become 10 reputation.

After helping the female soldier just now, she gained prestige points.

In this way, it is not too difficult to obtain prestige points.

At the same time, Lu Yan’s research has found that what the system did before binding the system, the system will not give prestige points.

Everything is bound and recalculated, which is why Lu Yan, who is a marshal, has zero starting reputation points.

But these are not a problem for Lu Yan, from a small soldier to becoming a founding marshal, any difficulty can be overcome in his eyes.

After Lu Yan read the reputation points, he opened the system mall and found that the cheapest item in it also cost 50 reputation points, and the reputation points he now has are really pitiful.

But now there is a convenience that when you meet these female soldiers, as long as you help them, you don’t have to worry about prestige.

Although this is the case, this is only a small reason for Lu Yan to help these female soldiers.

The most important thing is that Lu Yan, who is a veteran, will never allow outsiders to stir up wind and rain in Huaxia.

“Those who dare to spread wild in the territory of Huaxia can only give me a return and kill them on the spot.”

As a veteran, Lu Yan has always been tough and never afraid of battle.

While Lu Yan was thinking, there was a sudden knock outside the door.

“Knock – knock – knock – ”

The sound is two short and two long, typical of army-specific knocking.

“The basic literacy of these female dolls is still okay, but there is still room for further improvement.”

Lu Yan thought while coming to the door and quickly opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, I saw three slender figures in wide robes rushing in, without delay.

After the three figures came in, Qi Qi took off the hood he was wearing.

In addition to the Enron who I had seen before, there are now two more heroic female soldiers.

“It’s really a shame.” Lu Yan praised in his heart.

Ye Xinxin and He Lu entered the room with Enron, and after taking off their hoods, they looked around vigilantly.

Looking at the clean and tidy room, Ye Xinxin and He Lu glanced at each other, and the guard in his heart relaxed slightly.

After inspecting the room, Ye Xinxin and He Lu looked at Lu Yan in front of them as quickly as possible.

Looking at the amiable old man with a kind face in front of him, Ye Xinxin and He Lu’s vigilance relaxed a little.

But as their eyes looked towards Lu Yan’s chest and abdomen, the two became vigilant again.

Lu Yan had already put on his blouse before they came, but even so, he could still see a wide lump bulging on the chest of his blouse.

There is no doubt that this is the old man’s pectoral muscles.

An old man with silver hair and a spotted face can actually have such a figure?!

This really made Ye Xinxin and He Lu feel very strange.

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