Lu Yan just like that, taking advantage of everyone’s lack of attention to ride a motorcycle and slip away.

He was going to the capital airport and then taking a plane back to Huaxia there.

The reason why he wants to return to Huaxia is because Huaxia still has someone he cares about – his old comrade-in-arms Long Bo.

Now that he has completed his revenge on Long Bo and Long Xiaoyun, it’s time to go back and see how they are now.

“Boss, the front is the embassy, let’s say!”

Looking at the swaying Huaxia state-owned enterprise in front of him, Yan Gang said excitedly.

But soon, his face suddenly turned pale, because his gaze changed and he saw a scene like purgatory.

I saw that the square of the embassy was full of broken arms and limbs, and the red blood mixed with body fluids dyed the ground a messy color.

And soldiers in Chinese uniforms are cleaning up the mess in the square.

“All get off the car and guard in battle formation!” Lei Zhan picked up the gun, shouted on the walkie-talkie and immediately rushed off the off-road vehicle.

Then all the members of the Raiden Commando team also quickly took their weapons and got out of the car, and then took on a scattered battle formation for protection.

“Excuse me, is your Consul General here?” Lei Zhan saluted a Chinese soldier.

“Wait a minute.” The soldier glanced at Lei Zhan’s epaulettes, and then hurriedly ran away.

After a while, the soldier came with a gentle man.

“Hello, I’m Consul General He Qingliu.”

He Qingliu said and stretched out his hand to Lei Zhan.

“Hello!” After Lei Zhan saluted He Qingliu, he also stretched out his hand and shook He Qingliu, and then said: “My name is Lei Zhan, I am the captain of the Raiden Commando Team, I will take you home!” Warships are already waiting in the capital military port. ”

“Good! That’s great!! Thank you, thank you! It’s finally here! He Qingliu excitedly held Lei Zhan’s hand and kept shaking it up and down.

“That’s what we’re supposed to do.” Lei Zhan let go of He Qingliu’s hand, and then asked He Qingliu with a puzzled voice:

“Consul General He, as soon as we came to this square full of corpses, there must have been a vicious battle, may I ask how the injuries of our personnel were?” There is also the fault of the rebels, who will not attack our Huaxia, what is the matter. ”

Faced with Lei Zhan’s question, He Qingliu cut his hair, and then said:

“Captain Lei, we did have a vicious battle here, but there were no casualties. The second is that the people who attacked us are not rebels, but a killer organization called Black Bone, as for why they attacked our embassy, it is unknown, but I guess it is related to our scientific researchers in the embassy. ”

He Qingliu’s answer surprised Lei Zhan.

“Not a single casualty? How is this possible?! Lei Zhan looked at the bloody square and said in surprise: “It’s such a tragic scene, not a single casualty?” ”

“It’s true, not a single casualty.” He Qingliu said calmly, “It was a veteran who came to help us, and he destroyed all the enemies with one hundred enemies. ”

He Qingliu’s words sounded like a book from heaven to Lei Zhan, how could this be? But looking at He Qingliu’s serious look, Lei Zhan knew that He Qingliu was not lying at all.

But looking at Lei Zhan’s look of disbelief, he shouted a name to the side, and then a soldier in a Chinese military uniform ran over quickly.

“Consul General!” The soldier saluted He Qingliu.

“Show what you photographed to Captain Lei!” He Qingliu said to the warrior.


After the soldier saluted, he took out the camera in his bag and pressed it to play it to make Lei Zhan look.

As the play bar advanced, Lei Zhan’s mouth became bigger and bigger, his eyes became more and more round, and his expression became more and more shocked.

Seeing that Lei Zhan had this expression, Yan Gang on the side also came over to see what kind of video made Lei Zhan, who had always been calm, so surprised.

He looked at it, and his expression was like Lei Zhan, and he was more and more surprised.

I saw on the screen of the camera, a white-haired old man, holding a short-handled green dragon moon knife, rampaging through the crowd, tigers and tigers, like chopping melons and cutting vegetables, cutting down all the enemies, and no one assisted him during this period, it was completely his own doing!

“Boss…. This… This is the heavenly gods, right? Yan Gang stammered in surprise.

Lei Zhan did not speak, but sweat was already running down his forehead, and he was completely shocked by the old man in the video. _

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