Listening to Lu Yantou’s analysis, all the researchers present were dumbfounded.

Lu Yan not only said it quickly, but also said it very accurately.

All the technical terms are right, and many new ideas are also praised.

Looking at Lu Yan’s white sideburns, the researchers couldn’t understand how Lu Yan could understand such professional knowledge.

You know, many theories are top-secret information within the military, and even if you have seen them, all kinds of complicated formulas are difficult for ordinary people to understand.

Is it possible that the old marshal memorized these in advance, in order to improve morale and give scientific researchers more confidence?

These researchers from science and engineering have no romantic nerves, and some are just rational thinking.

Although they respected Lu Yan very much, they did not hide their true thoughts.

At this time, they nodded to each other and knew each other.

They decided to verify whether Lu Yan really understood and understood the knowledge of the aircraft carrier, or whether this knowledge was all memorized by rote.

After making up his mind, a scientist raised his hand and signaled to speak.

After obtaining Lu Yan’s consent, the researcher stood up and asked:

“Marshal, I’m in charge of deck splicing. We have always used GWL-625NI1 submerged arc welding for splicing, but we found that when laser positioning welding, the positioning trolley often went off. Do you know what this is like? ”

The researchers present also nodded, and then looked at Lu Yan expectantly.

I saw Lu Yan smiled, and then immediately replied: “You did not demagnetize during the initial welding, which will affect the accuracy of the laser positioner, and as far as I know, this 625NI1 is very spatter and stress in the welding, and the positioning trolley we are using now is small wheels without double layers, so that when the time comes, the stress is too large and it is easy to resist the tire of the trolley and make it offset.” ”

Listening to Lu Yan’s answer, everyone was stunned.

Because they saw this situation in the hull when the aircraft carrier was built, Lu Yan accurately described it.

Before everyone could react, Lu Yan continued to ask: “When you were dealing with this problem, did you only change the tires, and then send engineers to keep an eye on the car all the time and correct the data in real time?” ”

“Ah, yes, yes.” The researcher hurriedly replied.

“So it is.” Lu Yan nodded, and then after thinking for a moment, he said to everyone:

“Now this 625NI1 welding consumables are irreplaceable, it is indeed very easy to use, so we can’t replace it now.” Although your method is useful, cumbersome, and wastes too much manpower to solve this problem, I do not recommend you to do it. ”

“But… Marshal, at present there is no better way to do it than this method. The researcher scratched his head in embarrassment, and the people around him agreed that there was really no good way to solve this problem now.

Lu Yan nodded, and then said to everyone: “I understand your difficulties, you can use this method.” Replace the Zhuang submerged arc flux with 90-N1 and replace it with a four-wheel drive one, so that the stress will be mostly offset so that you don’t have to send someone to stare at it. Got it.”

Hearing Lu Yan say this, everyone was stunned, they also considered flux before, but after trying a few models and finding that the effect was not good, forget it.

But now that Lu Yan brought this matter up again, everyone present was skeptical.

Because the stability of the flux 90-N1 is not good, all those present did not take into account it at all.

And now Lu Yan was so sure, this was really not expected at all.

“Well, you don’t have to doubt it, just try it later, if it’s not good, I’ll eat the flux on the spot.”


The people present were amused by Lu Yan’s humor.

“Okay, let’s get back to business. I’m going to tell you about the rest of the work. ”

When everyone heard Lu Yan say this, they immediately adjusted their sitting posture and listened carefully to Lu Yan’s next words.

“Now, the research and development team of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier has been officially established, and I will lead the team and preside over the construction of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. Others can create it, we can also create it, and it turns out that we are no worse than other countries, we are stronger than them! Remember, you can go, I can go! ”

Lu Yan’s words were very passionate, and the spirit of not admitting defeat in the hearts of everyone present was all mobilized by Lu Yan.

“Tomorrow, the construction activities will officially begin, and I don’t need to repeat the secrecy regulations or something.” Lu Yan looked at everyone and said, “And our research institute is still in your original place, where you and Academician Liu dreamed of setting sail, and we are there.” ”

Hearing Lu Yan’s decision, everyone was very excited, they did not expect that Lu Yan’s heart was so broad and could take care of old feelings.

Thinking of this, some people have even begun to have some sparkling tears in their eyes.

“Okay, just report there tomorrow.”

Lu Yan said to everyone.

“Yes!” The thought of starting a new study made all the researchers present get excited.

Seeing everyone’s fists, Lu Yan was also very pleased, with this momentum, it was not a matter of any difficulty.

“Oh, yes, yes!” A female researcher named An Yan raised her hand.

After getting Lu Yan’s permission, she stood up and said to Lu Yan respectfully: “Marshal, can you tell me the progress plan of R&D that I am responsible for progress tracking and coordination.” ”

“I’ve got that ready, and I’ll send it to you through secret channels when the time comes.” Lu Yan said.

“Okay, okay!” An Yanbi said respectfully, thinking that Marshal Lu had prepared in too much detail.

“Marshal, how long is the expected design progress of our design drawings this time?” Another researcher asked.

This problem is of great concern to researchers here, because in the face of thousands of rooms on an aircraft carrier, the design must be as fine as a screw.

Just like the previous conventionally powered aircraft carrier, the design drawings alone were drawn for 3 years.

And the current nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, I’m afraid this time will not be too short.

Looking at everyone’s expectant eyes, Lu Yan smiled, then touched his chin and said to everyone: “The design drawings of this nuclear-powered aircraft carrier can be completed within 1 month.” “_

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