Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 83: Refresh the best team record in history!

Chapter 83 breaks the best team record in history!

 At the same time, their feet seemed to be filled with strength instantly and they moved forward quickly.

 The speed is getting faster and faster, and the steps are getting bigger and bigger.

 That’s right,

 At this moment, they all exceeded their limits!

 If you want to become stronger, you must constantly exceed your physical and mental limits!

Only in this way can the body explode with unparalleled power!

 “It’s the last fifty meters! Come on, brother! Hold on!”

At this time, the comrades in the fourth platoon rushed to their side, ran with them, and cheered for them passionately.

 “Think of the insults you have suffered!”

 “Remember how you were despised by others!”

"You are an army officer! You are an officer! If you cannot become stronger, you will not be able to outrun even the new recruits when you join the company. How can you have the dignity to command them?"

 "Run! Speed ​​up! Time is running out! Rush! Rush!"

 The partners in the fourth row kept motivating them with words.


 The two men opened their mouths and roared, roaring unyieldingly, looking almost crazy, sprinting forward crazily!

 “Thirty steps to go!”

 “Twenty steps!”

 “Speed ​​up, go for it!”

 “The last ten steps!”

 Every member of the fourth platoon was in high spirits.

They clearly realized that there were only five seconds left before the eleven-thirty mark!

These precious five seconds are definitely enough for all of them to reach the finish line!


As the last two players crossed the line, Zhao Long decisively pressed the timer.

 The display clearly displayed: Eleven points and twenty-eight seconds!

 This means that all members of the four platoons successfully reached the finish line within the specified time!

This time, everyone was excited.

Not only the members of the fourth platoon, but also the platoon leader Liu Jinbao also ran over happily.

 At 11:28 seconds, it set a new record for the best team in the history of the four-row team!

 In previous assessments, they have never been able to complete it within 11:50.

This time, it is definitely a qualitative leap!

  Such remarkable progress is largely due to Zhang Chuan.

Even if you get help from others, what does it matter?

 Now, the weakest ones in the platoon have exceeded their own limits.

 In the future, as long as they continue to train hard, their physical fitness will definitely improve rapidly!

 What they lack is an opportunity like today.

 And this opportunity was given by Zhang Chuan!

 Therefore, following Liu Jinbao’s greeting, the four platoon members ran towards Zhang Chuan.

Before Zhang Chuan could react, he was lifted high by everyone and celebrated enthusiastically.

 The faces of the members in the first to third rows were full of disappointment.

 In this competition, their three platoons were completely suppressed by the four platoons.

 Let alone the top three, even several people in each platoon failed to finish within twelve minutes. No one could break through their own limits, and there was no harvest.

 Compared with the fourth row, it is simply embarrassing!

 The faces of the three platoon commanders were all very ugly.

 Although they are in the same company, the competition between them and the fourth platoon has never stopped.

Although I usually lose occasionally, I have never lost so completely and embarrassingly in terms of morale, speed, and time like today!


 A sharp whistle suddenly pierced the air. Everyone in the seventh company quickly gathered and lined up in order.

Company Commander Wang Fei came over immediately.

 He also had a smile on his face.

 Obviously, he was in a pretty good mood at this time.

 The rapid progress of the fourth row exceeded his expectations.

 However, that smile only belongs to the fourth row.

 When he turned his gaze to the other three rows, his expression had become serious.

 Seeing the company commander's expression, the students in the third row couldn't help but feel nervous.

Wang Fei announced loudly: "I watched the whole process of your four-row three-kilometer race just now."

“Frankly speaking, I am very satisfied with the team spirit, momentum and speed of the four platoon soldiers! The results are even more impeccable!”

“Therefore, I specially ordered the cooking squad to provide extra meals for the soldiers in the fourth platoon! Reward them for their progress!”

Hearing this, the students in the fourth row were all happy.


Wang Fei paused for a moment, turned his eyes to the other three rows of students, and his smile suddenly disappeared.

 The tone also became stern: "Rewards and punishments are clear!"

“The squad leaders of your three platoons have stated in advance that if you cannot complete the task within eleven and a half minutes, lunch will be waived.”

“I just saw that nearly one-third of your people in each row did not meet the standards.”

 “As a group, the punishment should be shared!”

“So, all members of your three platoons, including the platoon leader, cannot eat at noon. Go back to your dormitory and reflect on your own problems!”

 The students in the third row felt a wave of grievances in their hearts, especially those who were ranked high and even ran under eleven minutes, and they were full of unwillingness.

If I had known this earlier, why would I have to run so hard?

 I was so tired that I couldn’t even talk about it, and I ended up starving.

This is too confusing!

Following Wang Fei’s order to disband, the members of the fourth platoon sang military songs loudly and walked happily to the canteen.

That triumphant look made the people in the other three rows itch with hatred.

“Why are you still standing here? Each class leader, take the students in your class back to the dormitory to do squats and push-ups to strengthen physical training!”

"You still want to eat after running like this? Dream on! Practice hard for me! I will patrol later, and if I find someone lazy, I won't have to eat dinner!"

The platoon commanders of each platoon gave the order with a gloomy face.

 The students in the third row lamented again.

 There is no way, in the army or military academy, there is only one result for poor grades:


 In the cafeteria, four rows of students were enjoying unprecedented joy, eating and drinking soup.

From the company dormitory side, the slogans of the other three platoons doing push-ups and squats came from the company dormitory.

  A sharp contrast.

Zhang Chuan was warmly welcomed by the students in the fourth platoon because he helped the lagging team members.

 Soon, he got along well with everyone.

 Because of his amazing physical fitness, he won the sincere respect and admiration of the students in the fourth platoon.

 (End of this chapter)

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