Special Forces: Fusion of Deadshot Talent at the Start

Chapter 95: Can I respectfully call you teacher?

Chapter 95 Can I respectfully call you teacher?

The principal made a quick decision: "Okay, make a list of the equipment you need, and I'll risk my life to get it for you!"


Without saying anything, Zhang Chuan wrote a list of the things he needed and handed it to the principal.

Professor Lin was even more astonishing. He said that if Zhang Chuan could really use technology to achieve what he just said, he should be allowed to teach lectures to the entire department!

Him himself counts as one.

 They also have to learn these techniques.

 Zhang Chuan felt a little dumbfounded.

Originally, you just wanted me to be a student lecturer, but now it’s better, you want me to become the teacher of the lecturers?

 “Principal, there is one more thing.”

 Zhang Chuan asked: “I have so many things going on here, how do I arrange my studies and training?”

"Easy!" the principal said cheerfully: "Your level has already exceeded the school's highest requirements for students. You don't need to study or train. I will directly issue you a diploma with excellent grades!"

“However, you have to stay in school for at least half a year. This is a rigid rule and cannot be changed.”

“Okay, thank you principal.” Zhang Chuan responded.

To be honest, there is nothing he can do if he comes here.

The academic difficulty and training intensity here are too childish for him.

To put it bluntly, it’s a waste of time.

 Now it’s not bad to help the school train others and contribute to national defense.

 Just think of it as a holiday.

 After another half hour of discussion, Zhang Chuan finally walked out of the office building.

“So long! What did the leader tell you?” The company commander who had been waiting for more than an hour asked curiously while driving.

“Nothing, just like you asked before, how did I get high scores in the exam?” Zhang Chuan replied.

 “Then what did you say?”

“To be honest, I am self-taught.” Zhang Chuan replied with a smile.

Company Commander: "Yes, your situation is indeed special, and the school should ask clearly. Is there anything else besides this?"

 “Something else.”

 Zhang Chuan said directly: "The principal said that I no longer need to take professional courses and training, and he will directly graduate me with full marks."

When the company commander heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then nodded: "This makes sense. Your scores have already broken the school record. Which instructor or lecturer can teach you?"

“Also, the leader hopes that I can be a lecturer and teach students.” Zhang Chuan hesitated for a while and then spoke.

Sooner or later, I have to tell Wang Fei about this.

 “What the hell?!”

Wang Fei was stunned. He almost lost control of the car and hit a light pole on the side of the road!

What the **** are these ideas?

 A newcomer who has been in school for less than ten days should become a lecturer and teach other students?

 Which lecturer is not a top graduate from a prestigious university and has several years of teaching experience?

Even if your grades are great, wouldn’t it be too outrageous to let you become a lecturer directly?

Wang Fei took a deep breath and asked: "Which subject are you going to teach?"

 “Army tactical command.” Zhang Chuan replied.

 “Which grade is that?”

Zhang Chuan was stunned for a moment: "The leader didn't mention it specifically, but I guess it may be required for all grades. Because they said that I still have to teach the existing lecturers."    Zhi—!

Wang Fei slammed on the brakes, the tires made a sharp friction sound with the ground, and the two of them almost fell into the windshield.

Zhang Chuan said helplessly: "Company commander, your driver's license is pretty bad!"

 Hydration for your size!

Wang Fei suddenly became furious!

Whoever heard this would be frightened and in a hurry?

 What the hell!

  Even if you are a lecturer for students, you actually have to be a lecturer for lecturers.

What kind of weird operation is this?

Even us company commanders have to attend classes every month.

 The lecturers are also professors and lecturers.

Then who am I?

 As your company commander, do you have to be respectfully called "teacher" in the end?

Hey, hey, hey!

TV dramas wouldn’t dare to write it like this, right?

Wang Fei's mind pictured Zhang Chuan standing on the podium, giving lectures to a group of company commanders.


 He suddenly felt goosebumps on his back!

 After all, he is Zhang Chuan's instructor.

Now, he has to turn into his student, stand up and say "Hello, teacher".

This feels so awkward just thinking about it!

 A few days later, the school was equipped with a batch of advanced electronic equipment in accordance with Zhang Chuan's requirements.

 However, due to limited budget, it is not possible to provide it for every classroom.

 Only two large lecture halls and large conference rooms were equipped with these equipment, and the rest were left for Zhang Chuan and the tactical teaching team.

 Zhang Chuan almost no longer participates in the daily training of the company.

His task is to input the courses of all grades into the computer, design three-dimensional scenes, and teach other tactical teachers how to operate them.

 Happy to download the design software, Zhang Chuan simply developed it himself.

 This is nothing more than spending more time. The school hired several computer experts to come to the studio to help. The principal, Professor Lin and several school leaders personally supervised the work. After all, these high-end equipment cost them a lot of money.

 Now, it all depends on Zhang Chuan.

 Zhang Chuan asked several computer experts to write basic web page code first to lay the groundwork. He himself sat down.

 “Zhang Chuan, are you okay?” the principal asked nervously.

 Other school leaders also looked at him expectantly. Zhang Chuan smiled slightly and replied: "Don't worry, I know what's going on!"

 After saying that, he started the computer, moved his fingers slightly, and then quickly typed on the keyboard.

The leaders present saw lines of code jumping crazily on the screen. The computer technician next to him heard the violent knocking sound and stood up to watch curiously, his eyes almost popped out of his head!

Oh My God!

This speed is too fast!

 Almost only the afterimage of the fingers can be seen. How did this guy train?

 After witnessing Zhang Chuan’s cool operations, the school leaders trusted him even more!

 Time passed by, and apart from eating and sleeping, they spent almost the whole day in the studio.

More than half a month later, Zhang Chuan and the tactics teachers worked day and night and finally used computer technology to integrate all grades of the school, including officer training courses, into a three-dimensional scene!

Teachers also learned basic operations under Zhang Chuan’s guidance!

 The principal was so happy that he immediately asked someone to tell him: "Immediately tell all company commanders and platoon commanders to come to the big conference room for class tomorrow night!"

 In addition, students who have no class tomorrow night can audit!

The principal felt that it would be a pity if Zhang Chuan's ability could only be used to teach alone, so he directly arranged for people above the platoon leader level to participate.

 After giving the order, the company commanders and platoon commanders of each company quickly adjusted their arrangements for tomorrow night.

They are no strangers to such courses, but this is the first time for company commanders and platoon commanders to attend classes and trainees to observe them!

I heard that the school has introduced new equipment and invited a tactical expert to give lectures. I don’t know if this is true!

 I heard about it too! Anyway, we don’t have classes tomorrow night, so let’s go and take a look!

I am coming too! I also want to know what company commanders and platoon commanders learn! hey-hey…

 All the students in the school became excited when they heard the news.

 (End of this chapter)

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