When Chen Fan saw that Chen's mother's hand was about to touch his nose, he exhaled immediately.

Chen's mother, who was originally emotionally broken, was stunned.

She stared at Chen Fan blankly, and it took several seconds for her to react.

She reached out her hand again to feel Chen Fan's breath.

Huh~ I felt it!

Although it was very light, Chen's mother was sure that there was indeed a faint breath blowing through her fingers.

She suddenly became excited and rested her head on Chen Fan's chest, trying to hear Chen Fan's heartbeat.

"Ziwen, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Donghai was confused by her reaction and asked in confusion.

"Shh! Don't talk! I'm listening to Xiaofan's heartbeat!"

Chen's mother immediately made a silent gesture, and her ears were close to Chen Fan's chest.

Plop plop plop When the weak but rhythmic heartbeat sound came into her ears, Chen's mother burst into tears.

Her son is not dead!

Her son is still alive!

Mother Chen cried with joy, stood up from Chen Fan, pointed at Chen Fan, and wanted to tell Chen Donghai about this.

But she was so excited and happy that she couldn't speak at all.

She opened her mouth hard, but couldn't say a word.

"Ziwen, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me!"

"Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? Doctor, come and have a look!"

Chen Donghai thought that Mother Chen was unwell, so he quickly supported her and shouted for the doctor.

The doctor at the door also rushed forward and tried to take Mother Chen back to the ward.

Mother Chen was anxious, and she struggled to break free from Chen Donghai's hand, pointed at Chen Fan and shouted three words with all her strength.

"Still alive!"


Chen Donghai didn't react for a while and asked in confusion.

"Xiao Fan, he's still alive! He's not dead!"

Mother Chen, who had recovered, finally said the words, and she was trembling with excitement.

"Doctor! Come and have a look! My son is not dead!"

"He still has a heartbeat! He is still breathing!"

As she said this, Chen's mother forced the doctor's hand to Chen Fan's chest.



The doctor didn't believe it at first, but before he could say the negative words, he felt Chen Fan's warm body temperature and the rhythmic heartbeat.

His eyes widened instantly, and he felt it again in disbelief.

The body is hot!

And there is really a heartbeat!

He is really still alive!

"Quick! Quickly notify the director! A miracle has happened!"

The doctor was ecstatic and turned to shout to several colleagues behind him.

The other doctors and nurses heard it, although they thought it was impossible, but they also acted quickly.

Soon, Chen Donghai and Chen's mother were asked to leave the emergency room.

"Ziwen, are you sure Xiaofan is still alive?"

Chen Donghai asked in disbelief.

"I am sure! Xiaofan is not dead!"

Chen's mother looked at the door of the emergency room with a burning gaze, clenched her fists, and answered in an extremely firm tone.

Chen Donghai's heart, which had finally calmed down, was lifted up again in an instant.

God, you must bless my son to survive!

He has experienced the pain of losing his son once, and he doesn't want to have it again.

"What's going on? Is Chen Fan really alive?"

Fan Tianlei and others who were preparing for Chen Fan's funeral got the news and immediately rushed back in a hurry.

They all looked at Chen Donghai and his wife in shock and nervousness, fearing that they had made a mistake.

"The doctor is still rescuing him. I don't know how the situation is, but Xiaofan did have a heartbeat just now."

Chen Donghai replied.

"That's great!"

Kang Lei and others were all ecstatic.

It seems that God has opened his eyes!

In the emergency room, the doctors found that Chen Fan not only miraculously recovered his physical characteristics, but also his injuries were miraculously healed.

Because they had helped Chen Fan deal with his injuries before, the current rescue was just to check his condition.

All the values ​​of his body have returned to normal, and his vitality is also very strong.

Judging from the situation, he should wake up soon.

This is simply a medical miracle!

"Oh my God, how is this possible? Didn't we confirm that he was dead?"

"Why is he alive now?"

A nurse said in great surprise.

"Maybe even God is reluctant to take the little hero away."

The attending doctor replied.

Some things cannot be explained by science, but no matter what, the result is good.

"Let's go, let's push the little hero out, his family is still waiting for him."

The doctor said excitedly.

The others nodded, then put away various instruments and slowly pushed Chen Fan to the door.


With a slight sound, the door of the emergency room was opened.

Chen Donghai and his wife rushed over first and asked anxiously: "Doctor, how is my son?"

"A miracle really happened. The little hero has now recovered his vital signs and all his physical data are normal."

"Transfer to the ICU ward for observation today. After the little hero wakes up, he can be transferred to the general ward."

The doctor also said with joy on his face.

Hearing this, Chen Donghai and his wife hugged each other excitedly, crying and laughing.

Fan Tianlei and his companions finally let go of their worries and breathed a sigh of relief.

Kang Lei turned his head to the side and secretly wiped his eyes.

"The patient is out, please make way. We are sending the little hero to the ICU ward now."

At this time, two nurses pushed Chen Fan out of the emergency room.

Chen Donghai and his wife hurried forward and looked at Chen Fan on the bed, so excited that they couldn't speak.

This feeling of losing and regaining is really hard to describe in words.

They don't want to experience it again in their lives.

"Go! Tell this good news to major media and let the people of the country be happy!"

Gao Shiwei said to Chen Shanming with joy in his heart.


Chen Shanming immediately ran downstairs and announced the news to the media reporters.

"Really? A miracle has appeared? The little hero is not dead?"

"Oh my God! God, please compensate me for my tears! Do you know that I am about to cry to death in the past few hours?"

"Such a hero, even the King of Hell dare not accept it!"


The people who were still spontaneously mourning for Chen Fan at the door of the hospital were instantly excited when they heard the good news.

One by one, they cheered and jumped for joy, and their voices resounded through the sky.

"A miracle has appeared! The hero is resurrected!"

As this report was issued, the entire network was detonated again.

People all over the country expressed their blessings to express their inner joy.

Chen Fan, who was transferred to the ICU ward, finally felt relieved and no longer had to worry about Chen Donghai holding a funeral for him.

Sure enough, for children, when there is no danger, their father is the biggest danger.

There is only one good mother in the world!

If Chen's mother hadn't rushed in despite the obstruction, he would have been sent to the crematorium and burned to ashes when he woke up.

"Doctor, I want to ask, can the burns on my son's body be cured in the future?"

Chen's mother stood in front of the window of the ICU ward, looking at the disfigured Chen Fan, and asked worriedly.

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