
Lin Feng was suddenly awakened by the explosion.

Looking at the unfamiliar environment around him, his face was full of question marks.

"What the hell is this place?"

Suddenly, a large number of memories quickly poured into his mind.

He realized that he had traveled through time and space, and it was a world that was highly integrated with special forces.

However, this world was completely different from the Dragon Country on Earth, and there was no powerful country in his memory.

Lin Feng's current identity was a new recruit of the border guards, and he had just fallen to his death.

Looking up, he saw that many branches on the cliff next to him were indeed broken, and an assault rifle was hanging on the branches shakily.

Lin Feng propped himself up and tried to sit up, but the next second he lay back down in pain.

Looking down at his body, his clothes were stained with blood, and his body was covered with wounds.

Lin Feng was speechless. He was too unlucky to travel through time and space. He was seriously injured when he came here?

Just when he was at a loss, the intercom next to him suddenly made a crackling sound.

"Lin Feng!"

"Received, please reply!"

When Lin Feng heard the voice on the intercom, he was immediately delighted. It was the voice of his squad leader Ge Ming. He was finally saved!

He picked up the intercom without thinking:"Squad leader, I am now……"

"Shut up and listen to me!"Squad leader Ge Ming interrupted Lin Feng without hesitation and shouted hurriedly:"Lin Feng, something big happened! An attack occurred in the area you were patrolling. The chief's helicopter was shot down on the border. The situation is critical!"

"We have received the order and are on the way. You stay where you are and don't run around. We will be there soon!"

After saying that, the communication was cut off.

Lin Feng looked at himself covered in blood and wanted to cry:"I want to run, but I can't move at all!!"

It seems that the squad leader doesn't know that he is in trouble. No, Lin Feng must find a way to save himself.

He can't die just after arriving here!

"It is detected that the host has a very strong desire to survive, which meets the system's assessment. Now start the fusion binding!"

Listening to the crisp prompt sound beside his ear, Lin Feng was completely confused.

The next second, he was ecstatic:"System? I also have a system?"

System:"Host, please pay attention to your words, you are not my father……"

Lin Feng chuckled:"I'm not your father, but I'm better than your father. Stop talking nonsense, merge with me, and give me the power!"

"The system binding is successful, and the integration degree is 100%!"

"This system is a super military god system, dedicated to making the host a unique general of the country, a special warfare god admired by thousands of people!"

Lin Feng smiled slightly:"Being a soldier is every man's dream. The intention of this system is exactly what I want. It is tailor-made for me!"

In his previous life, his dream was a passionate military journey. Now that he has such an opportunity in this life, how could he give up easily?

"The novice gift pack is being distributed. Does the host need to open it now?"

"Open it, or keep it for the New Year?"

"OK, we are opening the novice gift pack for you!"

System:"Ding, reward for Eagle Eye ability. With this ability, you can see everything within a kilometer, regardless of day or night. At the same time, you can turn everything you see into a weapon and hit enemies within a kilometer!"

"The upper limit and power depend on the host's physical strength and the weapons used!"

"Ding, reward cheetah speed, running movement and reaction speed are five times that of a normal person!"

"In addition, the system prompts that the host must abide by the legal and moral requirements, crack down on crimes, and not bring discredit to the army!"

Lin Feng waited for a long time, but the system did not speak.

He asked expectantly:"Anything else?"

The system was full of black lines:"No more……"

"You are too unsophisticated!" Lin Feng ruthlessly complained:"I have seen in other novels that the novice gift packs open more than a dozen abilities, but you only have two, tut tut tut.……"

The system said:"In this way... I will give you a body repair for free!"

After that, a warm current was injected into Lin Feng's body.

The wounds and bruises on Lin Feng's body began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a few seconds, his whole body was as smooth as new, without even scars or acne marks left.

"Now a random task is issued. Rescue the friendly forces surrounded by mercenaries five kilometers away. You can get rewards after completing it!"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows:"It turns out that you can get rewards by completing tasks. It's interesting. I like it very much!"


After accepting the mission, Lin Feng rushed directly to the target location.

One reason was for the reward, and the other was that he was now a soldier of the Dragon Country.

The blood of a soldier would never allow those mercenaries to run wild on the territory of his country, let alone allow them to harm friendly forces!

Lin Feng ran as fast as the wind, just like a cheetah, with a step of six or seven meters.

"This cheetah is really fast!"

Soon, he arrived at the periphery of the battlefield where gunfire continued.

Dadada... Bang Bang Bang...

Turning on Hawkeye, Lin Feng instantly found the damaged helicopter nine hundred meters away.

Beside the wreckage of the helicopter, eight or nine Dragon Country soldiers gathered in a group and were engaging in a fierce exchange of fire with the mercenaries.

There was a woman with the rank of major general in the crowd, and half of them were already injured.

With his eyes fixed on the Dragon Country soldiers, Lin Feng suddenly found a familiar face

"Oh my god, isn't this An Ran from Special 3?"

At the same time, on the mound at three o'clock, the mercenary sniper slowly aimed his gun at An Ran.

"Oops, something's going to happen!"

Lin Feng's face changed instantly, and his body rushed towards the mercenary sniper's position like a sharp sword.

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