He Chenguang crawled to Lin Feng with difficulty

"Captain, your leg?"

Lin Feng looked at the tears in He Chenguang's eyes and smiled:"It's okay, no fracture, just a little bruise!"

At this moment, an explosion suddenly came from the direction of the village.

Lin Feng's face changed slightly:"Let's go!"

He took He Chenguang and quietly approached the shore, and found a bush to hide together.

Sticking his head out, Lin Feng found that the local military and police had rushed into the village.

Lei Zhan was at the front, leading his men to charge in with a tactical formation.

Under the marksmanship of the Thunder Team members, the drug dealers were killed accurately and soon defeated.

The drug dealers were just a mob, how could they withstand such an attack.

He Chenguang asked:"Captain, are you going?"

Lin Feng shook his head:"It's not time yet!"

He knew clearly that rushing forward at this time would not have any effect at all.

A surprise attack must be launched when necessary to achieve the effect of surprise.

He was waiting for an opportunity.

Da da da... a burst of bullets hit the western-style building in the middle of the village.

The second-floor windows of the building were all shattered, and the two drug dealers inside were shot in the head.

"Boss, everyone is dead, we can't hold this place anymore!"

A drug dealer shouted in panic.

Min Deng in the room was pale.

The death of his brother was hard enough. He just wanted to exchange a hostage for the two drug dealers in the prison, but he didn't expect to cause such a big trouble.

Not only Longguo, but even the local forces launched a siege against him for some reason. No matter how powerful Min Deng was, he was just a drug dealer.

How could he resist the joint siege of two countries against him?

Min Deng didn't want to die.

For money and enjoyment, he had to find a way to survive.

"Boss, they are about to attack!" A drug dealer yelled in fear.

Min Deng raised his head suddenly and looked at the hostage in the corner.

This was his last straw.

Min Deng grabbed An Ran and yelled:"Take this woman and rush out! I don't believe they don't even care about their own lives!"

An Ran gritted her teeth:"You want to use me to survive, dream on! The Longguo soldiers will definitely come to rescue me, none of you can escape!"

Min Deng said viciously:"Shut up! No one can save you today!"

Min Deng and his men took An Ran out on the left and right.

The loaded pistol was directly against her back.

Seeing An Ran being taken hostage, Lei Zhan was so scared that he shouted:"Cease fire, all cease fire!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng's pupils suddenly shrank.

This is the opportunity he has been waiting for.

He stretched out his hand and gestured to the distance, telling Geng Jihui and others to be ready to act at any time.

"Follow me!"

Lin Feng waved his hand, and with He Chenguang, he bent down and quickly went behind the drug dealer.

"Don't move!"

Mindeng and his men pushed An Ran out little by little.

"If any of you dare to move, I will shoot this woman. Get back immediately, quick!"

Lei Zhan did not move.

He stared at Min Deng, his eyes blazing with anger.

He had carried out so many missions.

This was the only time he was threatened by a drug dealer.

"I told you to retreat, didn’t you hear me?"

Min Deng roared at Lei Zhan again.

Lei Zhan still didn’t move:"It’s useless, Min Deng, you can’t run away! I suggest you put down the gun in your hand and surrender obediently, so that I can get the most lenient treatment for you!"


Min Deng cursed:"The crime I committed is enough to deserve death 10,000 times, and you are still showing me leniency. Do you think I am a three-year-old child? I will say this for the last time, retreat immediately!"

"Captain!" The little bee couldn't help but persuade:"Why don't we retreat first? If the drug dealers are pushed into a corner, they will do anything!"

Lei Zhan's eyes were cold:"We can't retreat! The soldiers of Longguo will never compromise with drug dealers. What's more, if we retreat now, how will the military and police of neighboring countries look at us? We represent the face of the country!"

The little bee said anxiously:"But……"

There is a time to not compromise.

I am not asking you to let the person go. Can't you just take two steps back and ensure the safety of the hostages?

Little Bee asked:"But if the drug dealers are pushed too hard, the safety of the hostages will also be affected!"

Lei Zhan said confidently:"No, if they make a move, they will reveal their flaws. Besides, in front of me, they will not have the opportunity to shoot at all!"

"Little Bee, notify the brothers to get ready and watch my expression. After I kill Min Deng, you go up and rescue An Ran, and the others will deal with the remaining trash!"

Little Bee did not answer.

He always felt that such a fierce confrontation was a bit inappropriate.

But Lei Zhan was the captain, and he could not influence his decision at all.

Lei Zhan shouted at Min Deng:"Don't make any more fearless resistance, surrender is the only way out, don't worry, as long as you surrender, I will definitely fight for you.……"


A gunshot rang out.

A cloud of blood sprayed out from An Ran's thigh.


The bullet penetrated her, and she trembled with pain, and almost fell down.

Lei Zhan was also stunned.

Completely stunned.

He didn't expect that his extreme behavior would force Min Deng to actually shoot.

In the back, Lin Feng's eyes were red, and his face was full of anger:"Asshole! Lei Zhan, you are a big idiot!"

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