Special Forces: Signing into the Marvel System at the Beginning

Chapter 129: Are you sure you know how to fight?

"Come on, tell me!"

Wang Zhan said in surprise.

Tang Ming said: "Go to the battalion headquarters. This is the position of the whole battalion. Otherwise, you will have to report to the battalion commander after I finish talking later, which is a waste of time."

Wang Zhan nodded in agreement, "Okay! Then come with me! I'll take you to the battalion headquarters!"

The company commander immediately drove and took Tang Ming directly to the battalion headquarters three miles away.

At this time, at the battalion headquarters, the battalion commander and several staff officers also looked very ugly!

Before entering, Tang Ming heard waves of yelling and cursing coming from inside.

"If you can't attack, you can't defend! Until now, we still don't know what kind of troops the enemy is and where they are located. What are they fighting?"

"The school handed over such an important strategic position to our third battalion, and we were beaten like a bear. How do you want me to explain to the school leaders?"

Several staff members were silent.

I can only bow my head and accept the punishment.


At this time, the correspondent quickly walked in and reported to the battalion commander: "Battal Commander, the seventh company commander is here with Comrade Tang Ming! He said he wants to see you."

"Tang Ming?"

Upon hearing this name, the battalion commander and several staff officers' eyes lit up.

"How could I forget this giant Buddha! Quick! Let them in!"

The battalion commander said quickly.


Wang Zhan walked in quickly with Tang Ming.

"Hello, battalion commander! Hello, staff officers!"

Tang Ming and Wang Zhan stood at attention and saluted.

"No need to salute."

The battalion commander waved his hand and asked quickly: "Tang Ming, do you have any way to change the current situation in our battalion?"

Wang Zhan on the side also looked at Tang Ming.

Tang Ming nodded and said: "From the current point of view, although the battle situation of our battalion is very unoptimistic, it has not yet reached a desperate situation!"

"Battalion Commander, what is the current battle loss ratio between our battalion and the opponent's troops?"

The battalion commander sighed: "It's very big! 25 to 1!"

Tang Ming smiled and said, "That's not too high."

"Isn't that high?"

The battalion commander and others were stunned.

Why the hell, he killed fifteen of us by himself, and you still say he’s not a good person?

Brother, are you sure you can fight?

Even in the war years, if there was such a battle-loss ratio, the rest of us would have been pulled out and shot!

A staff officer said: "Judging from our several encounters, the opponent is a very elite emergency armored force! But we have not yet investigated which unit of the Northwest Military Region it is. But what is certain is that whether they are on armor Their offensive deployment and infantry fire attacks are obviously suppressing us! The most frightening thing is that the combat quality of their infantry is very high! Most of our personnel's battle losses were killed by their infantry!"

"They can carry out precise strikes against us, but once we start to fight back, we find that they have moved their position. Moreover, several times, we have fallen into their traps. If we had not discovered it in time, we would have Our third battalion has long been wiped out!"

Tang Ming asked: "Is this the same situation in all battalions of our school?"

The battalion commander nodded and said: "That's basically the case. It's just that the position our battalion guards is more important, so the blow will be greater!"

"Do they have a lot of infantry?"

"Not too many, but all of them are very fierce and terrifying!"

"Then I completely understand."

Tang Ming nodded.

"Tang Ming, what exactly did you find?"

Wang Zhan asked anxiously: "Speak quickly, are you going to rush us to death?"

Tang Ming smiled and said: "Have you, leaders, never thought about why the enemy was able to carry out precise attacks on us in these confrontations, without exception, causing us heavy losses?"

"What's the reason?" Everyone was startled.

Tang Mingdao: "Although our country does not lack excellent military commanders, no commander can win every battle! Unless he has known our strategic deployment for a long time! He has prepared all targeted attacks in advance Preparations and defenses!”

Everyone was stunned for a moment. The battalion commander seemed to have thought of something and his eyes widened suddenly, "You mean..."

The battalion commander suddenly paused and his expression suddenly changed.

Tang Ming nodded and said: "Yes, I am absolutely sure that the enemy has penetrated all our communication channels through technical means!"

"By invading our channels, they obtained a series of military operation secrets such as the distribution of troops and tactical plans of our battalions and companies! They then quickly made countermeasures and carried out targeted artillery bombardment of our troops!"

"Once our troops are suddenly bombarded by the enemy, they will definitely fall into panic. At this time, they will dispatch special forces to carry out various sneak attacks and sabotage in our rear. With the combination of the two, even if our troops are ace Even the corps cannot withstand other people’s attacks!”

"Our school has studied so many classic battle tactics in the world. You will never know how the Allied Forces, dominated by the United States, defeated millions of soldiers in less than 100 hours in the Gulf War in Africa in 1991. Have you forgotten the lightning tactics of Lion K Nation?"

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