"Let's go."

Tang Ming grabbed his three angry companions and said, "There's no need to waste time here. Finish shopping and go back early. Our brothers are still waiting to eat."

After hearing this, the three of them snorted hard at the vendor and followed Tang Ming away.

They went to other vendors to buy some other side dishes and vegetables, and then met up with the cooking class.

"Eh? What's wrong with you? Are you looking so ugly?"

The cooking squad leader asked curiously.

Tang and Ming were silent.

There's not much to say about that either.

After resting in the camp until night, suddenly, the first-level alarm sounded again in the camp.

"Everyone, come out and assemble! Quick, quick, quick!"

"Is there another flood?"

The students' expressions changed, they quickly got up, got dressed and rushed out of the tent.

After arranging the team, company commander Wang Zhan said to them with a gloomy face: "Comrades, just an hour ago, we received news from our superiors! Let the whole school go to the next door province, H, to fight the flood with the local comrades!"

"The water levels of the major rivers and dams over there are already full. There are huge gaps in the river embankments and water storage dam embankments in several places. Rolling floods are sweeping out from the embankments! Hundreds of villages have been destroyed so far. Flooded!"

"If the river embankment cannot be effectively sealed, the entire province may suffer a huge disaster! The consequences will be unimaginable!"

"Currently, all troops from nearby provinces have been notified and immediately rushed to various major river basins in Province H to fight floods!"

"Comrades! This is a battle without gunpowder! However, this battle determines the life and death of millions of people! We must go all out to resist the Flood! Use our bodies to support our people A safe and pure land! Do you have faith?"




More than a hundred people from the seventh company let out a shocking roar!

Every student’s face and eyes are full of perseverance!

"Okay! I believe that the people in our seventh company are all good! We will never let the motherland down! We won't let the people down! We won't let the school down!"

"Now, everyone, go back and pack your tents and luggage immediately. In ten minutes, we will board the bus! Rush to Province H overnight!"


After being disbanded, the students in each row quickly moved into action.

Soon, the big truck drove over again, and Tang Ming quickly got on the truck with four rows of students.

"Hurry up and have a good sleep in the car first."

Tang Mingchong, a student in the platoon, said in a deep voice: "This time I go to Province H, I have a hunch that it will take at least half a month, and at most two months. I'm afraid we will all have to spend time on the river dams in various river basins!"

"By then, we may not even have much time to sleep and rest!"


The students in the platoon nodded gravely one by one.

Although they are all tired, everyone's eyes are full of strong fighting spirit!

It is impossible for Chinese soldiers to be defeated by floods!

At this time, Province H.

All major cities are in an extremely serious state of waterlogging.

Because this province is backed by the Yangtze River Basin, there are other huge tributaries that cross each city.

In order to prevent floods, several large dams were built.

But now, all the Yangtze River basins and major tributaries have seriously exceeded the maximum water level, and even greater floods are rushing downwards from the upper reaches!

At this time, they must heighten and reinforce the lower parts of the river dams in the Yangtze River basin!

There are also several large dams.

The stored water above is even more terrifying!

Water in all major river basins is diverted through dams.

Judging from the current situation, it is no longer a diversion, but a flood!

What is flood diversion?

That is to lead the floods from above and disperse them to some regional cities and rural areas.

In other words, it means sacrificing some towns and villages and letting them be swallowed up by floods to keep other cities safe!

Otherwise, once the dam fails to hold up and breaks, the terrifying amount of floods above will be enough to completely sweep away and submerge all towns within a radius of fifty miles!

Of course, they won't do it until the last moment.

As long as the flood can be controlled by embankment reinforcement, it won't be a problem!

This is why they want so many soldiers to go over now!

Now, major river basins, including the Yangtze River, have begun to pour out large amounts of flood water, rushing toward the cities and towns below.

At this time, either you can only hope that the flood will stop in time and the water level will drop.

Or use manpower to raise the embankments in the flooded areas to seal the floods!

There is no third way!

Now, the most terrifying thing is the dams.

Either it can be blocked, or all the towns downstream will be sacrificed. If it is not sacrificed and cannot be blocked, then all the towns upstream and midstream will be submerged!

No city can bear such consequences!

Troops and soldiers from surrounding provinces are rushing to the disaster areas where rivers and dams have burst.

In each region, frontline flood control headquarters have been established.

Soldiers from the entire province, including armed police and firefighters, have been mobilized to participate in the flood fight.

Reporters from various TV stations carried cameras and risked being washed away by floods to report on the scene!

"Quick! Speed ​​up! We must raise the kilometer-long embankment that our regiment is responsible for by at least half a meter within three hours!"

A lieutenant colonel took a loudspeaker and shouted loudly at the more than a thousand people in his regiment: "If the embankment cannot be built half a meter high within three hours, and the next wave of floods comes, all of us here will... In addition to tens of thousands of people upstream, they will all be swallowed up by the flood! Quick! Quick! Speed ​​up!"

The lieutenant colonel was already soaked to the skin, covered in mud and sand, and his eyes were red.

Not only him, but more than a thousand people in the group were all carrying sandbags and running towards the embankment.

The skin on their hands and shoulders has been worn out.

His whole body was soaked, and his face looked tired.

However, even so, they still had to rush up the embankment carrying more than 100 kilograms of sandbags non-stop and place the sandbags in fixed wooden piles!

They've been here for five hours straight!

Everyone carries countless bags of sandbags.

But none of the soldiers complained about suffering or tiredness.

In other words, they simply don’t have time to complain!

Now, there is no need to delay even one more second.

They must race against time to get up to the top before the next wave of floods washes them down!

The sky was still gray and there was no heavy rain, but it was still terrifyingly depressing.

Inside the dam, the raging and terrifying flood kept rolling and hitting the embankment, and the flood rushed out from the gaps in the sandbags.

This is the first line of defense they are starting to build now, and there is no time to build the second line of defense!

If they cannot hold on to this line of defense, the flood will surge out in three hours. At that time, it will be a huge disaster for these soldiers and the people upstream!

No one has time to rest, and no one dares to rest!

A female host rushed up to grab a private soldier and asked quickly: "Comrade, you have been working for so long, are you tired? Are you sure you can build the first line of defense before the next wave of floods washes down?" "

The private soldier shook the female host away fiercely, "Get out of the way, don't block me! I'm going to move the sandbags!"

After saying that, the private soldier quickly rushed towards a pile of sandbags dozens of meters behind, threw the sandbags onto his shoulders, and immediately turned around and ran towards the dam!

The female host scolded angrily: "These idiots don't know how to cherish such a good opportunity to be on camera!"

As she said that, she wanted to pull another private soldier, but as soon as she stretched out her hand, the private opened her hand, "Get out of the way, don't block us!"

Female host: "..."

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