"As expected of the first member of our Shenwei Special Forces Brigade, he is indeed brave!"

Qiangwei looked at Tang Ming with admiration, with a hint of respect in her eyes.

He goes alone to the Alcatraz Island on the high seas to perform a mission. If he succeeds, he will still be an unknown hero. If he fails, his soul will directly return to the sea.

This kind of task is not something that ordinary people would dare to take on.

"Since you agreed to take on this task, then follow me to see the leader now!"


A strange color flashed in Tang Ming's eyes!

He sensitively noticed that Qiangwei did not add any prefix in front of the leader!

If it were the head of the headquarters, he believed that Qiangwei would definitely add the word "headquarters"

In the whole of China, there is only one person who can speak in front of the leader without adding any modifiers!

No way?

Tang Ming was frightened by his bold guess.

Although this task is difficult, it is not completely hopeless. At least Tang Ming was 50% or 60% sure in his heart.

Even if it can't be completed, the possibility of coming back alive is at least 90%!

"Is that the chief you are talking about?"

Even as calm as Tang Ming was, he couldn't help but ask.

Hearing this, Qiangwei couldn't help but roll her eyes at Tang Ming: "I thought you, bastard, wouldn't panic no matter what happens. I didn't expect that there would be things that could make you nervous!"

"Then you are wrong, and so wrong!"

Tang Ming was not willing to give in in front of Qiangwei: "I feel quite nervous standing in front of you now!"

"Huh?" Qiangwei was suddenly speechless by Tang Ming's brain circuit.

Weren't you talking about the palm just now? Why did it involve me again?

Seeing this, Tang Ming couldn't help but smile: "After all, the distance between us is too close. Either we are going to fight or we are having a relationship. Do you think I can stop being nervous?"


Although Qiangwei knew that Tang Ming was just talking nonsense, she didn't know why, but she felt a little like a deer!

This bastard!

Why can we talk about having a relationship so easily?


Qiangwei was suddenly shocked!

"What am I thinking? Do I want to have a relationship with him? This is absolutely impossible! He is my enemy!"

Qiangwei took a secret look at Tang Ming and saw that Tang Ming didn't notice anything unusual. Qiangwei breathed a sigh of relief!

But even Qiangwei herself didn't know that just now two red clouds rose up on her face.

After Tang Ming finished teasing Qiangwei, he knew that he had said the wrong thing!

Even if he finds something abnormal on Qiangwei's face, he can only pretend that nothing happened!

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore! The matter is urgent, let's go see the chief first."

Until now, Qiangwei had not responded directly to Tang Ming's speculation.

However, it was precisely because of this attitude that Tang Ming once again confirmed his suspicions.


After a three-hour drive, Tang Ming and Qiangwei arrived at the headquarters building.

At this time, the headquarters can be said to have an open sentry at three steps and a hidden sentry at five steps. The entire security intensity has been increased by at least three levels compared with usual!

After going through three inspections, Tang Ming and Qiangwei arrived at the command hall of the headquarters.

It can be said that there are many big guys gathered inside.

In the entire headquarters, all the leaders Tang Ming knew were present, and they were not in the core C position.

The real leader stood at the front, staring solemnly at the large screen covering the entire wall.

No one spoke, and the atmosphere was extremely solemn.

"Chief, this is the Colonel Tang Ming I often mentioned to you!"

Seeing Qiangwei and Tang Ming walking in, the head of the headquarters hurriedly introduced them to Chief No. 1, and by the way talked about Tang Ming's previous achievements.

"It turns out it's you, young man!"

It would be fine if it were just the competition honors within the Chinese military, but Tang Ming also greatly brought glory to China in the international training camp. This time, he even went beyond the borders and greatly enhanced China's military prestige.

Although China did a lot of work to finish the battle afterwards, overall, Tang Ming won the battle and everything was not a problem!

"Thank you for your contribution to the country!" said Chief No. 1, extending his hand to Tang Ming.

Even though Tang Ming obtained the system and his strength and status had been greatly improved over the years, he was still a little nervous in front of Chief No. 1.

Tang Ming hurriedly stretched out his hands and held the chief's hand. Only then did Tang Ming have time to look at Chief No. 1 carefully!

In fact, he is just a energetic old man, and because he has been dealing with government affairs all year round, he is too tired and his temples are already gray!

Over the years, China's international status in various fields has been greatly improved, which is inseparable from the hard work of the leaders!

"Okay, okay! Young talent!"

When Tang Ming was sizing up the chief, the chief was also observing Tang Ming carefully!

From the way he looks at people, the young man in front of him does have the murderous aura that comes from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood. He is also calm enough and is a person who can do great things!

"The mission you are about to perform is very important to us in China, so please be careful!"

After the chief finished his instructions, he turned around and left.

After all, China has a vast territory, rich resources, and a large population. There are too many things to do in all aspects. Even an urgent military situation like Alcatraz Island can only be spared a moment to deal with.

If Tang Ming had hesitated longer, he might not have been able to see the leader!

After the chief left, the head of the headquarters made a gesture and pointed at the big screen: "You took the intelligence back. You must be very clear about the inside story. Such a large location is where I am marking it now. In this sea area, after collecting intelligence from many parties, there is definite news that there is indeed an island in this sea area, and a group of mysterious people are stationed there!"

As the head of the headquarters described it, the faces of everyone present became serious!

If it is true as the drug trafficker leader said, the special virus being studied by the apostle organization will only be effective against Chinese genes!

Then the biochemical research base on Alcatraz Island must be destroyed!

"It's still unclear whether there are people from the apostolic organization on the specific island!" The head of the headquarters also said in a very solemn tone: "But one thing we can confirm is that fishermen from other countries have indeed discovered that yellow people were held hostage on that island. Island, but I have never seen a yellow man leave the island!”


Everyone present clenched their fists!

An island that only yellow people cannot enter or leave!

If you think about it with your toes, you will know that even if the research on the island is not the special virus mentioned by the drug trafficker leader, it is definitely not a good thing for China!

"The Shenwei Special Forces Lifespan is responsible for solving this island. The intelligence personnel from the headquarters have already set off. Next, you need to set off as soon as possible, rush to Alcatraz Island, understand the situation and act independently!"

"Remember! Your authority is the highest! You have the right to make any decision on the battlefield, even start a war!"

"This is the authority given by Chief No. 1!"

Head of the headquarters, as soon as these words came out.

Everyone present was shocked!

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