Special Forces: Signing into the Marvel System at the Beginning

Chapter 570 Successful Landing on the Island

"What? You said my distant cousin is gone?"

The driver looked at the HR manager of the fishing company with anger on his face: "I entrusted him to you intact, and it's only been three days, and you tell me he's gone?"

"It's not like it's gone!"

The HR manager of the fishing company is also very aggrieved!

In the past two days, Tang Ming has done well in the company. His skills are neat and tidy, and he works carefully and conscientiously. His original resentment towards the driver for arranging people to come in through the back door has also disappeared!

After all, it is the peak fishing season, and there is a large shortage of employees. Having employees like Tang Ming is a dream!

The manager hurriedly explained: "He is just temporarily missing, not necessarily gone!"


The driver roared: "You also know where the sea area where the company recently fished is. Can you come back alive if you disappear there? Your body would have sunk into the sea long ago!"

"I'm telling you! If you can't give me an explanation, I will go to our Chinese Embassy!"

"Don't! Don't do this!"

As soon as he heard that the driver was going to contact the embassy, ​​the HR manager became anxious: "You also know that we are a big company. Give us a few days to look for it. What if we find it in the sea again?"

"Besides, even if we don't find it, our company has purchased accident insurance for every employee who joins the company, and we will give you an explanation sooner or later!"

The HR manager sighed secretly.

He also couldn't figure out why a good old man went out fishing with him, but when he came back he was nowhere to be seen.

If it weren't for Tang Ming's performance in the past two days, which had always been good, he would have even doubted whether the mysterious guy in front of him had set him up.

The driver didn't actually know him very well.

But one day the HR manager encountered some trouble outside, and it happened that the driver stepped forward to solve the trouble for him, and the two formed a friendship from then on.

"That's what you said!" The driver's face was red and his eyes were bloodshot: "My cousin from far away is young and has no family. He came all the way from China to join me. What if this happens? What an accident, I can’t explain it to my relatives at all!”

"Understood! Understood! We will definitely give you a satisfactory answer!"

The HR manager nodded repeatedly.

At this point, there is no point in trying to find out why the person disappeared: "Three days! Just give us three days!"

"Okay! Then I'll give you three days!"

After speaking, the driver left the fishing company directly.

Once back in the car, the look on the driver's face softened.

"I didn't expect you to be so anxious, I hope everything goes well for you!"

Then the driver smiled bitterly and shook his head: "But this is good, you can increase my income by leaving!"

Without even thinking about it, he knew that the fishing company would definitely not be able to find Tang Ming.

The end result will definitely be to lose money!

"But you move so fast, I might be implicated by you if I'm not careful!"

If Tang Ming fails to complete the mission, once he is caught by those on Alcatraz Island, he will be at risk of being exposed: "Now I can only trust you!"

Let’s not talk about the driver’s little thoughts.

Tang Ming, who was deemed dead by the fishing company, had arrived at an area less than 500 meters away from Alcatraz Island.

Just after he had safely avoided those thunderstorms, even Tang Ming didn't expect that Alcatraz Island's defenses were so tight!

As we all know, what the special forces fear most when performing infiltration missions is encountering dogs guarding the home. No matter how advanced the high-tech equipment is, there are still rules to follow, and as long as countermeasures are found, they can always be solved in advance.

But dogs raised by others are different. They can smell it from a long distance away, and they are extremely stubborn!

There are naturally no dogs in the waters around Alcatraz.

However, Tang Ming never expected that there would be a hundred-meter-high cliff as a natural barrier for them to worry about. Countless piranhas were raised in nets on the north side of Alcatraz Island!

This piranha area is at least 2 kilometers long. If he wanted to go around it from other places, Tang Ming knew without even thinking about it that he would definitely encounter other defensive measures.

"There are really talented people on this Alcatraz Island! They can even come up with such a method!"

If it were anyone else, it would probably be impossible to pass through this piranha area.

"It's a pity that you met me!"

"System, my Sluk camouflage skills should be able to deceive these piranhas, right?"

"Yes! The camouflage skills of Guest 4 can make you blend into the environment. You only need to observe the habits of these piranhas carefully and you can disguise yourself as one of their kind!"

At this moment, Tang Ming silently sent two words to the system in his heart!


It’s really awesome!

Sure enough, when Tang Ming came to the piranha breeding area, the piranhas rioted one after another when they saw him, and they were very active, with a fierce light in their eyes!

After Tang Ming activated the Sluks' camouflage skills, the piranhas quickly calmed down and apparently regarded Tang Ming as one of their own kind!

Tang Ming then came to the sea and jumped directly into the piranha area with a slight jump.

Sure enough, even if those piranhas passed by him, they wouldn't have any abnormal reaction!

Soon, Tang Ming swam to the bottom of the cliff!

There is a piranha checkpoint there, and there are no other traps arranged on Alcatraz Island.


The cliff in front of Tang Ming is almost completely 90 degrees, and it is always wet and slippery. Even monkeys, let alone humans, may not be able to climb up!

However, this couldn't be easier for Tang Ming!

Spider-Man's climbing skills allowed Tang Ming to climb cliffs with ease.

However, as Tang Ming rose from the bottom of the sea to the surface, Iron Man's radar warning skills were discovered again.

"I really didn't expect that these guys on Alcatraz Island are so cautious!"

It can be clearly seen on the scan map of Iron Man's radar warning skill that there are two figures on the cliff at this time responsible for warning.

There are traps like piranhas below, and there are natural dangers like cliffs. The apostle organization actually arranged people to defend them on the cliffs.

It was indeed beyond Tang Ming’s expectations!

But it was precisely this that made Tang Ming more and more sure of his guess.

Even if these guys on Alcatraz Island are not developing special viruses targeting Chinese genes, they definitely have big plans!

It seems that I will definitely gain something this time!

Thinking of this, Tang Ming climbed up the cliff without hesitation!

As for the two guys on the cliff, Tang Ming already had a plan!

After he climbed up, he would naturally be able to kill them easily, but his next actions had to be taken step by step!

In less than three minutes, Tang Ming climbed to the edge of the cliff, and then he heard news that made him extremely angry!

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