Special Forces: Signing into the Marvel System at the Beginning

Chapter 572 Discovering Compatriots, Dilemma

Obviously, people from these apostolic organizations learned that their mission to seize genetic samples in China had failed. Therefore, the island has recently strengthened its security. Even dangerous places like cliffs have people on duty!

But I'm afraid they didn't expect that the drug trafficker leader would tell Tang Ming all about Alcatraz Island and the special virus in order to stimulate Tang Ming!

At this time, Tang Ming finally had to admit that the Chinese officials were right not to respond at all!

"Once these people on Alcatraz Island know that China is going to take action against them, they will definitely move their positions as soon as possible, or at least back up their data!"

The special virus developed by the apostolic organization has reached a critical stage!

A large number of Chinese genetic samples are urgently needed to test the effects, that is, clinical trials!

Their demand for Chinese genetic samples has even exceeded the combined population of China in small countries such as Africa.

Moreover, the Chinese people living in these small countries have intermarried with people of various ethnic groups, and their genes are no longer pure. The unique alpha gene does not exist in everyone!

The Alpha gene here is the genetic node found by the apostle organization that Ford exists in the Chinese people!

"If you don't do it, that's it. If you do, you must destroy the helicopter first, and then destroy the scientific research building and all the data inside!"

Tang Ming made up his mind almost immediately!

Once this combat goal cannot be achieved and the people of the apostle organization are asked to pass on all the previous research and development data, they will soon go to other sea areas to make a comeback!

After observing the entire Alcatraz Island, Tang Ming finally had a general understanding of the entire island's situation.

The scientific research building is firmly protected in the central area.

It was already approaching evening, and most of the scientific researchers had returned to their accommodation.

This may be the only good news for Tang Ming.

According to Tang Ming's understanding of these organizations, all the core data related to special viruses must be guarded at all levels. When conflicts arise, even if people from the apostle organization want to transfer data or destroy the data, the process will be extremely cumbersome.

Just as Tang Ming was circling around, preparing to think about how to catch all the apostolic organization members on the island, something suddenly moved in his heart.

He saw that in the six rows of houses on the left front, there were at least nearly 50 people from the apostolic organization, and they seemed to be preparing to eat.

In addition, in the outermost house, Tang Ming found more than 30 Chinese compatriots and yellow people from small countries such as South Vietnam and Africa.

The Chinese compatriots were squatting inside relying on each other. All of their faces were very pale because of excessive fear and fear!

There were four apostolic organization personnel on duty at the gate, smoking together and bragging!

At the same time, Tang Ming sensitively discovered that a heavy machine gun was set up at a high point about 1 kilometer away, aiming at the row of houses where the Chinese compatriots were.

Once the heavy chassis fires, it can tear up 6 rows of houses in an instant!

The only good news is that the machine gunner on duty seems to have been overworked last night and is sleeping next to the chassis.

"To complete the mission, these Chinese compatriots must also be rescued!"

Although his superiors did not ask Tang Ming to save the Chinese compatriots before he came, the purpose of a soldier is to serve the people wholeheartedly. When the Chinese compatriots were discovered on Alcatraz Island, Tang Ming had no reason not to rescue them!

The only thing that made Tang Ming a little embarrassed was.

Rescuing these Chinese compatriots will inevitably make the people in the apostolic organization vigilant, and it is very likely that the experimental data will be transferred or even destroyed as soon as possible.

And if Tang Ming chooses to destroy scientific research buildings and laboratories that develop special viruses, then the lives of these Chinese compatriots will be in danger!

If you have to do both, the difficulty level increases exponentially!

"No matter what! We have to take action within an hour! But we have to make the preparations first!"

Tang Ming has already discovered that the rotation time of the guards on Alcatraz Island is three hours.

The two people he had just killed, Kaslan and Taratos, were usually fine. Even if they didn't respond when called by Alcatraz's headquarters, they probably wouldn't think much about it.

Because Tang Ming found the guards sleeping soundly at the next several duty stations. Even if the communication equipment in their hands was connected and there was no response, there was a high probability that they would only be scolded by the other party.

After drinking too much, there were too many people sleeping soundly!

But if the three-hour guard time has passed, the new guard will inevitably discover the fact that the two of them are dead.

At that time, Tang Ming will inevitably have conflicts with the people of the apostle organization!


After thinking for a while, Tang Ming finally thought of a way!

If everything goes well, it will be possible to protect the lives of the Chinese compatriots without delaying his ability to destroy the scientific research building on the island!

This is also the best solution Tang Ming can think of in a short period of time!

Just do what comes to mind.

At this time, Tang Ming has roughly divided the defense structure of Alcatraz Island, and he needs to act much bolder and faster.

Everything was arranged in less than half an hour.

In the process, several officers of the apostolic organization were inevitably killed.

By this time, the arrow was already on the string and had to be fired!

Tang Ming also unknowingly changed into the clothes of a member of the apostolic organization and walked directly towards the 6th row of houses where the Chinese compatriots were detained.

He must first rescue the Chinese compatriots, and then he can go all out to destroy the opponent's scientific research building and destroy all the research and development data of the special virus.

Even if the task is not completed, there will still be opportunities to make amends in the future, but if these Chinese compatriots are brutally killed here, Tang Ming will never be able to forgive himself for the rest of his life!

Among the six rows of houses where the Chinese compatriots were imprisoned, three of them were members of the apostolic organization. They had finished eating and drinking and were fast asleep in the room.

Tang Ming swaggered into one of the houses and could hear snoring one after another.

The people from the apostolic organization were sleeping on the mats in various directions, with all kinds of weapons and equipment beside them.

Tang Ming gently took out the dagger and slowly came to the side of the first apostle. He slowly raised his left hand and hovered it above the other person's mouth and nose. With his right hand, he held the dagger and aimed it at the heart.


Both hands fell together neatly.

While covering the opponent's mouth and nose with his left hand, the sharp dagger tore the flesh and blood, and pierced the heart with one blow!

In severe pain, the people from the apostle organization suddenly opened their eyes and looked at Tang Ming in horror. They wanted to scream but could not make a sound. They wanted to struggle, but unfortunately their hearts had been penetrated and their strength was losing rapidly!

Immediately afterwards, Tang Ming followed suit and completed the cleaning of the first house!

Three minutes later.

Tang Ming swaggered out of the fifth room and walked towards the house where the Chinese compatriots were imprisoned!

The most tense moment is coming!

Whether you can complete the mission and save the Chinese compatriots is just a matter of seconds!

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