Special Forces: Signing into the Marvel System at the Beginning

Chapter 597 All Chinese people are in tears

At the critical moment, Zhang Qingshan's left hand quickly returned to defend, but after all, it was half a beat too late, and he used his arm to block Cui Daming's right leg, which was a disadvantage.


Zhang Qingshan's whole body felt like he was being shocked by electricity, and he stomped back. His left hand that blocked Cui Daming's right leg was even softer, hanging directly on the left side of his body.

Obviously, Zhang Qingshan's left hand has lost its combat effectiveness.

Originally, Cui Daming from the Bangzi Kingdom succeeded in one blow and could continue to pursue. However, he seemed to be very confident in this battle. He stood calmly and looked at Zhang Qingshan with a smile.

"You should admit defeat as soon as possible! If you are not my opponent, don't hold on!"

Cui Daming spoke Chinese, although it was not very standard, but he was still fluent: "After you go down, two other people will come up, and they will take you away in one wave, so as not to waste any more time!"

"You're dreaming!" Zhang Qingshan's face looked ashen. The attack just now was indeed a bit underestimating the enemy. Otherwise, even if Cui Daming was slightly stronger than him, he would not have been so seriously injured in a single encounter!

"I can still fight! Just come over here!"

"In your Chinese terms, since you don't drink wine as a penalty, don't blame me for being rude!"

After finishing speaking, Cui Daming took a big step forward and reached Zhang Qingshan. With a right hand, he punched straight into Zhang Qingshan's face.

Obviously, Cui Daming just released the fog.

He just wanted Zhang Qingshan to say the word "admit defeat" himself!


Zhang Qingshan tried his best to block Cui Daming's right fist, but Cui Daming's fist was just a feint. As if his right foot was equipped with a motor, he kicked Zhang Qingshan one after another!

Bang bang bang bang!

This time Zhang Qingshan no longer underestimated the enemy, and also chose to use his own feet to resolve Cui Daming's offensive. However, Zhang Qingshan's left hand could no longer use his strength at all, and his original strength was not as good as Cui Daming's, which made matters worse. I can barely support it!

Soon Zhang Qingshan was forced to the edge of the ring, with no way to retreat but to admit defeat!

Cui Daming seemed to intentionally cause this situation. When he saw that Zhang Qingshan had no way out, he suddenly accelerated. After rotating 360 degrees on the spot, his right leg smashed into the right side of Zhang Qingshan's body with thunderous force!


The force of this kick is really too great!

Zhang Qingshan's right hand that he just raised made a crisp click sound, and even a trace of blood came from the corner of his mouth due to excessive force.

However, Zhang Qingshan was not completely helpless. He also imitated Cui Daming and kicked out his right foot fiercely, hitting Cui Daming in the abdomen!

The two people met each other like cross lines and quickly bounced away!

"Hmph! You Chinese people are indeed extremely insidious!"

Cui Daming felt uncomfortable after being kicked by Zhang Qingshan. He covered his stomach with both hands and was recovering slowly!

In comparison, Zhang Qingshan's hands were almost useless, and his right hand was obviously fractured.

However, according to Cui Daming, the right leg offensive he secretly concealed before was a tactic, but Zhang Qingshan's use of it was insidious!

"Okay! Daming Oppa played so well!"

"Brother Daming is indeed the best!"

Almost everyone in the Bangzi Kingdom applauded Cui Daming unanimously in the live broadcast room, and some even clamored to kill Zhang Qingshan.

In their view, in the war decades ago, China belonged to the invaders, and now they have finally taken revenge!

The senior officers of Bangzi Country who were observing were laughing from ear to ear, and they were all secretly proud of themselves for coming up with military competitions!

With the rise of China's national power, when China proposed to Bangzi Country to transport the remains of soldiers back, it was difficult to find a reason to refuse.

But it’s okay to take this opportunity to hold a military competition to dampen China’s spirit!

"It's really double standards to the extreme!"

In contrast, the Chinese audience had serious faces. Even if they were fighting people, laymen knew that Zhang Qingshan was at an absolute disadvantage at this time!

What's even more outrageous is that they heard Cui Daming's complaints clearly and fully understood who Cui Daming was!

The sneak attack on Zhang Qingshan with his right foot just now showed his wit and strength, but now Zhang Qingshan's retaliation in return is considered insidious by Cui Daming!

"What should I do? Seeing Cui Daming's hateful face, I really want to rush up and beat him?"

"Same as above! Is there any way to beat up this Cui Daming!"

Some Chinese viewers are more sober: "Although Cui Daming's character is a little worse, his strength is there. Our Chinese soldiers are in danger!"

"Yes! I also want to beat Cui Daming, but his 9th-level Taekwondo strength is really not empty!"

"Our Chinese proof soldiers are already very powerful, but they are still a little behind Cui Daming!"

It's a pity that no matter how anxious the audience in the live broadcast room is, it has no impact on the situation on the field.

"I told you a long time ago, why not surrender!"

Cui Daming moved his body and was slowly regaining his strength. Although he said he wanted Zhang Qingshan to admit defeat, in fact the sneer in his eyes said it all!


Cui Daming wished Zhang Jinshan would not admit defeat!

Such an excellent opportunity to defeat the Chinese, and in front of all the Bangzi people, what a great opportunity!

As long as he can win this game, Cui Daming is confident to become a national hero!

Now that victory is in sight, how could he allow Zhang Qingshan to surrender?

So he must stimulate Zhang Qingshan!

"Haha, I have long heard that you Chinese soldiers have very hard bones, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that!"

"You made such a stinky fart! It's not over yet!"

Zhang Qingshan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. Although he was injured, his aura became stronger and stronger, more like a wounded beast!


He knew he couldn't beat the opponent!

so what?

If we can't fight, then we won't fight, then China will still be a colony of the great powers!

Which of the enemies faced by those seniors back then were guaranteed to be defeated?

It is indeed possible that he cannot be defeated, but this unyielding spirit will gather hundreds of millions of sparks in China, and eventually form a prairie fire, defeating all invading enemies!

"bring it on!"

Not only did Zhang Qingshan not admit defeat, but he rushed towards Cui Daming unwaveringly!

Cui Daming was overjoyed!

That's really great, then let me use my absolute strength to destroy this guy like you!

Kick, kick, kick!

The two charged at each other again!

When the head of the headquarters in the audience saw this scene, he couldn't help but stand up!

This is the Chinese soldier!

All the Chinese people who watched the live broadcast were in tears!

It’s not that the years are peaceful, but that someone is carrying the burden forward for us!

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave will win. This is the magic weapon for Chinese soldiers to move from weak to strong and from victory to victory step by step!

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