Two days later.

The exercise is officially over!

The Red Army won without surprise.

Wolf Fang Special Forces, in the conference hall.

At this time, the leader of the Blue Army Li Weiguo, the captain of the Black Tiger Brigade Lei Keming, the captain of the Langya Brigade He Zhijun and the high school team were also here.

In addition to these people, there are also a group of bosses and staff officers from various major units.

Basically all are at lieutenant colonel level or above.

Here they hold a summary meeting after the big exercise.

"Okay, the meeting has been held for a day, and we all understand the specific details."

Li Weiguo sat in the first place and said to the people below: "In general, the big reason why the Blue Army was defeated in this big exercise is because I was personally captured by the Red Army special forces, which caused a sharp drop in morale. I personally have Inescapable responsibility!"

"On the other side, the Black Tiger Brigade also has a certain responsibility. We should all learn this lesson."

"Of course, we cannot deny that the Red Army's Spike Special Forces indeed performed very well in this exercise!"

"Especially the two people mentioned in the high school team just now: Tang Ming and Zhuang Yan, the two new recruits!"

"The two of them are just new recruits, but they already have such strong strength. If they are given another period of time to train and improve, they will definitely become the sharp edge on the tip of our Southeast Military Region in the future!"

"So, now let's take a vote to give these two new recruits a commendation for their military exploits. Let's share your opinions."

However, after Li Weiguo finished speaking, everyone present was discussing in low voices without speaking.

Seeing that everyone was still reluctant to speak, Li Weiguo said: "Since you haven't figured it out yet, why not let me express my opinion."

"I think these two new comrades have contributed a lot to this exercise, especially the comrade named Tang Ming. Along the way, I saw his strength and willpower with my own eyes. I think I can give him a first-class War merits! Captain Tigan, full company-level treatment!"

"Comrade Zhuang Yan will be given second-class military merit, promoted to lieutenant, and deputy company level treatment! What do you think?"

When Li Weiguo said these words, the people present were not much surprised.

Because in their opinion, Tang Ming and Zhuang Yan are indeed worthy of this level of reward!

Although it is said that first-class merit in the modern army requires very significant achievements before it can be awarded.

But don't forget that Tang Ming captured the enemy commander-in-chief, which was epoch-making in the history of the Chinese army.

Not to mention that he single-handedly took down the Black Tiger Brigade headquarters, killed dozens of Black Tiger special forces, and destroyed more than two fully-equipped infantry and armored regiments!

This is something that no special forces soldier has ever been able to do!

And now, all these miracles have been discovered in Tang Ming!

Accumulated, it is not excessive to give a first-class merit reward!

Zhuang Yan followed Tang Ming into the Blue Army headquarters. Without Zhuang Yan, Tang Ming would not have been able to complete this epoch-making mission. Therefore, he was high enough to get the second-class meritorious service!

In the army, there has always been a rule that if a soldier has accumulated two third-class merits, as long as he has not been punished for disciplinary issues before and is excellent in all subjects, he can be directly promoted to a second lieutenant!

If you have second-class merit, you can be promoted to lieutenant.

First class merit is a captain!

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

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