Spiritual Recovery: Be Invincible Starting From Delivering Food

Chapter 393 Terrorists? Don't Be Too Ridiculous!

The two girls glanced at Ye Xiaoshu, who was still talking to himself, and continued eating as if nothing happened.

Ye Xiaoshu carefully studied the use of this new function.

This is how a quiet and peaceful day began.

At this time, the military department——

meeting room.

A few people sat on both sides of the round table.

These people are China's top combat forces and the backbone of the army.

But they are not showing the calmness that matches their strength now, because the content of today's meeting is very important.

Their decisions affect the fate of the country.

Matters that were originally discussed by other agencies were pushed to the military headquarters for one reason. Ye Xiaoshu came from the military.

Naturally, decisions regarding military affairs must be made by the military.

"Click." The door handle turned.

Cui Zhenjun opened the door and walked in with the chief of staff.

"Have you roughly read through today's agenda?" Cui Zhenjun asked.

The commanders nodded and glanced at the documents on the table.

"Okay, then let me tell you about the current situation in China."

"Every place in China now needs funds. Repairs, education, medical care, and transportation are all huge expenses."

"Coupled with the severe suppression of the channels for spiritual cores to flow into the international market, China faces two difficulties."

"First, there is still enough spiritual cores on the international market to supply for two months. Other countries now have no need to accept China's spiritual cores."

"Second, if funding is stagnant for two months, it will have a huge impact on China and the entire country will come to a standstill."

A commander raised his hand and said:

"That is to say, the spiritual core can only be sold at a high price after two months, right?"

The speaker was Yang Dongliang, commander of the Northeast Military Region.

"Yes, we sent the best negotiators currently to negotiate with them, but the negotiations failed."

"Other countries have seen our current predicament, and they have calculated that China will not be able to delay the purchase for two months, so they are only willing to offer extremely low prices for the acquisition."

"At the same time, they also made demands for acquisitions."

Upon hearing this, Feng Yingyi clenched his fists and said coldly:

"any request?"

"They want all the spiritual cores, and each spiritual core costs 1 eagle coin." Cui Zhenjun said with a frown.

"What the hell, you really treat the spiritual core as cabbage in the vegetable market, don't you!" Feng Yingyi stood up and cursed.

"Old Feng, calm down!" The chief of staff next to him helped him sit down.

The biggest reason for the failure of this negotiation is the loss of Chinese talent.

Too many promising young people died in this battle. Even the best negotiators in China were only at the mid-level level before the war.

Cui Zhenjun said slowly:

"Funds are needed on all fronts now, and we are running out of time to negotiate."

"Therefore, I am going to send Ye Xiaoshu to complete this mission."

"Everyone...does anyone object?"

Ye Xiaoshu, the South China soldier king who created countless miracles.

Since leaving the Feilong Camp, he has repeatedly made military exploits and gained countless prestige in the military region.

How could anyone object? They raised their hands to support.


The commanders looked at the documents in their hands, and Ye Xiaoshu's demands were clearly written on them.

1. [Let Zhang Jin be named a martyr]

2. [Establish an organization that breaks away from China]

Yang Dongliang frowned and looked at these two items, feeling very embarrassed.

Who knows if he will become a threat to the country by establishing a private armed organization in China.

There is also Zhang Jin, who has already appeared in front of the people and massacred a large number of innocent people.

Known as a devil by the world.

Even though it was not Zhang Jin's original intention to do these things, the fear of facing death has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Everyone sighed when they looked at Ye Xiaoshu's 'excessive' request.

The commander of the Northwest Military Region shook his head and said:

"I think these two things need to be considered together."

"Now Ye Xiaoshu has grievances against the military. If he is allowed to establish an organization in China, it may be a threat to the people and us."

"Furthermore, if Zhang Jin becomes a martyr, the people will definitely be full of complaints against the army, which will seriously affect the reputation of the army."

Yang Dongliang gave a pertinent opinion:

"I don't think so. He has done so many things for China without asking for anything in return. It should be possible to see his love for China."

"Now is the time to restore his goodwill towards the military region. If you reject Ye Xiaoshu's request rashly, it will make him feel discouraged."

"It would be better to meet one of his demands, let him complete an international deal first, and then decide whether to agree to the other one depending on the situation."

The commander-in-chief of the superpower team said with a solemn expression:

"We cannot agree to his request to establish an organization."

"He is too young and has an arrogant nature. If he is allowed to play around, if someone doesn't agree with him one day, he will be killed directly."

"What's the difference between that and gangsters and terrorists?"

Feng Yingyi said calmly:

"Ever since Zhang Jin brought Ye Xiaoshu out of Lingwu High School, Ye Xiaoshu has been a soldier of the Dragon Group."

"We heard about him being a person with no superpowers as early as ten years ago in the superpower laboratory."

"No one thought highly of him at the time, but Zhang tried his best to take him to Feilong Camp and finally became a member of the superpower team."

"I've met Ye Xiaoshu before. He's a friendly boy."

"He is trying to gain honor for his dead eldest brother, I agree!"

"As for what he wants to do with the organization, let him do it. He is only eighteen years old now. How can he do what you said?"

"You don't care if major families cultivate warriors privately. You don't care if rich and powerful chaebols hire large numbers of bodyguards. Now a young man with great military exploits wants to show off his ambitions, but you say no."

"Terrorist? Don't be ridiculous!"

The commander-in-chief retorted: "That's different! Those are reasonable and legal, but Ye Xiaoshu..."

"Enough!" A voice interrupted everyone's conversation.

Everyone looked at Cui Zhenjun who was speaking.

He is the commander-in-chief, and it is he who makes the final decision.

"I agree with Commander Yang's plan."

"At this stage, using the reputation of the military department in exchange for Ye Xiaoshu to negotiate with the Federation is a good proposal, whether it is for the sake of national interests or for his mood."

"As for his desire to set up an organization, I agreed, but it must be reviewed by the military and some additional conditions."

"The specific situation depends on what he thinks."

"What do you think?"

Everyone looked at each other, and then looked at the documents in their hands.

Ye Xiaoshu is a good soldier and a powerful person with great potential.

With the fusion of disaster-level spiritual core, he must be a hotly sought-after talent in other countries.

China cannot stand still and needs to make some changes.

Feng Yingyi raised his hand: "I agree."

Yang Dongliang also raised his hand: "I also agree."

Everyone raised their hands, and a few one or two remained silent.

Cui Zhenjun looked around, then said with a smile:

"The minority obeys the majority, then I declare that this meeting is over."

"Chief of Staff, after sorting out the negotiation content, hand it over to Ye Xiaoshu and have him prepare as soon as possible."

The chief of staff nodded and left the conference room first.

"Then...the meeting is over!"

Cui Zhenjun believed that Ye Xiaoshu would fight for Zhang Jin's reputation at all costs.

He left the conference room and smiled helplessly.

‘Zhang Jin… you really led a good soldier. ’

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