The Taoist priest didn't care if it was the real young master of the Luo family or if it was a trap.

When he found that the child had Buddha's light on him, he wanted to take it away.

He entered the house and found that they were all ordinary people.

There were guards and maids inside, but the child's parents were not seen.

He didn't care if the house belonged to the Luo family or if these people were thieves who wanted to steal the child.

The Taoist priest's only thought was to take away the child's life and the Buddha's light on him.

He was in the dark, using evil methods in the dark.

He was muttering something in his mouth. For a while, he could only use simple methods in this place, and he couldn't let others see.

He couldn't take it openly.

The Taoist priest was sneaky. He used the method of confusion. Ordinary people in the room didn't find anything wrong at all.

In the morning, a woman came quietly with her head wrapped.

If Mrs. Huang was there, she would find that this was a sister-in-law from her mother's family.

She also gave birth at about the same time as Mrs. Huang, but the child was born a month earlier.

She was just a concubine.

The real sister-in-law only gave birth to a girl, so she wanted to raise the child born by the concubine by her side.

Mrs. Huang's plan must be known to her family.

Let her family help.

His brother from her family did not have the idea of ​​such a swap.

Mrs. Huang's sister-in-law from her family had an idea. She thought that since the child was not her own son, it was not her own son. If her sister-in-law wanted to exchange her own child, why didn't she exchange the child born by the concubine?

As long as this child can give them the Huang family and give them wealth and glory.

So what if it is not the blood of the royal family?

Mrs. Huang's sister-in-law from her family came to see her. The reason why she didn't take the child back was that she thought her sister-in-law might come back.

The sister-in-law found out that the child was blessed and snatched the child away.

She seemed to wait until the eldest young master's search yesterday, and took the child away today.

Yesterday, Young Master Luo had already searched the mansion, and he should not come to search today.

Mrs. Huang's family couldn't hold back their fingers, and they were ready to take the child back today.

When she came to the room, she didn't know there was someone inside, a stranger.

The Taoist priest was hiding, and he found that the fake Luo Baojun had luck, blessings, and golden aura, but he couldn't take it away from him.

But for his own cultivation, of course he wanted to take the child away.

At this time, he didn't care whether he would return to the Taoist temple or not, as long as he took the child away and improved his cultivation.

Wandering around the world with the child, so that the people in the Taoist temple didn't know.

Regardless of whether the child was the child of this yard, he just took the child away and took him far away, so that the other party couldn't track him.

Taoist priests could have paraded in a certain city, across the country, or around the world.

They didn't need a road permit.

Because their country already had a national master who was a Taoist priest.

Taoist priests in this country are more respected than monks.

Mrs. Huang's family, she was originally an ordinary person, a person without force.

The guards who watched the house were just three-legged cats, how could they be as capable as the Taoist priest who practiced by luck.

The other party used a confusing method to confuse these people and trapped them in the house.

At this time, they were trapped inside and didn't know that the child had been taken away.

The time they were trapped was limited, but during the time they were trapped, the Taoist priest, who was not blocked by others, could use his ability and his means of transportation to leave this place.

The Taoist priest carried a bag on his back. This time he did not ride a horse, but hired a carriage.

When he went down the mountain, he was originally quiet, not riding a horse, but using his ability, now hiring a carriage, carrying a box with a child.

In the car dealership, those people will accept orders as long as they pay money.

It's just that it's only a few dozen miles from this town to another town.

The place where they are is in the city, and it only takes them half a day to go to another town, which is a few dozen miles away.

The other party gave a lot of money. They traveled dozens of miles, and the other party gave money and deposited it in the car dealership. As long as they delivered the person to the place, the other party would give all the money.

This rule is to prevent bandits or bad people.

They wanted the other party to pay more money, more than the carriage fare.

The Taoist priests had a lot of money, all of which were dividends from their Taoist temples, and they received a lot of money from pilgrims every time, and they made a lot of money every time they went on a mission.

There was no need to worry about hiring a car.

He also wanted to hire this car to go to a farther place.

But he also had the intention to kill, so he killed the driver and took the carriage away.

When the other party would not ruin his business, when he arrived at another town, in the wilderness, he only needed to knock the driver unconscious. He would have killed the man before, but only knocked him unconscious. In this wilderness, the other party wanted to report to the police, but when he woke up, he didn't know where he had gone.

The Taoist priests didn't want to stay so close, so they stayed in one place. With their abilities, the people from the Taoist temple would soon find them.

He wanted to go farther.

He was also afraid that the family whose child was robbed would report to the police and they would soon find him.

When he hired the carriage, he had already disguised himself.

Half a day later, they went to another town. It was getting dark.

In order to prevent the child from dying, the child who had not eaten or drunk for a day had to be fed.

There was no coachman, so he drove the rest of the journey by himself.

He did not even look at the child in the box in the back of the car.

When the Taoist priest entered an inn with a box, he paid the money to enter the room, asked someone to get some food and drinks, and then closed the door. He ate and drank while playing cards. The box with the child.

The Taoist priest opened the box and found that there was no child in the box at all.

This situation scared him so much that he opened his mouth wide.

He made a surprised "ah" sound.

The volume was uncontrolled and everyone at the door outside could hear it.

But now it was meal time, and the guests asked if they would disturb him.

There were other guests in the inn, and no one went to investigate the sound.

The Taoist priest could not imagine that he had put the child in the box himself in the morning.

Except for the last section of the road, he was driving the carriage, and he watched the box himself for the first section of the road.

The Taoist felt that he was too careless. Now he was wondering if someone had entered the carriage while he was driving it.

This thought made him go to watch the carriage.

He had no time to eat and went to the place where the carriage was parked to watch the carriage.

He wanted to find clues in the carriage.

Then the Taoist was disappointed.

The carriage was originally a carriage of the carriage company. Many people had ridden in this carriage before.

He had ridden in the carriage in the morning. The latest trace was of course him.

But there were other traces, some traces of other people and strangers.

But those traces were older.

The Taoist was disappointed and angry.

He couldn't rush back at this time, nor could he rush back with this carriage.

This carriage was robbed, and the coachman was knocked unconscious.

The reason why the Taoist was so bold was of course because of his ability and confidence.

Just now, he was going to watch the carriage and didn't close the door when he came out of the room.

When he went back at this time, the door was open, and the things inside were not lost.

After he entered, he had a full meal first, because the carriage could not be taken back.

He planned to leave after he had a full meal.

He could take a detour, as long as he didn't go to that city.

But he was a little unwilling. The child was clearly in his carriage, so how could he be lost?

The Taoist priest had always suspected that someone was following him and must have stolen the child.

At this time, he regretted robbing the carriage and not keeping a close eye on the box, so that the child was stolen.

The heart of the evil will always speculate about the evil.

He thought that such a lucky child was stolen, and there must be someone who saw the child in the box, his good fortune, like him.

That's why he followed and stole his child.

The Taoist priest didn't know that the child he robbed was not a real person, but just a talisman.

The substitute talisman used by Luo Baojun can function for a month. Only one day passed yesterday. If the Taoist priest hadn't stolen the fake child, the fake child would be stolen far away, and he would be dissolved with the air, turned into ash, and floated away with the air.

The Taoist priest no longer cared about the carriage. After eating, he quietly left the inn.

He didn't care about his accommodation, whether he stayed there or paid all the money.

Anyway, he didn't stay there, he just had a meal, and left the carriage behind.

The store owner didn't lose money.

After the Taoist priest left, in another town, the coachman whose carriage was robbed reported to the authorities in that town.

The merchants in the carriage dealership were originally in this city, and there were carriage dealerships in many towns.

This person's report to the police would of course receive official support.

And he also found the owner of the merchant and told the matter.

Although he lost the carriage, he paid a deposit at the time.

But he would be very angry if he was knocked unconscious.

He wanted to catch the robber.

When the car passes a certain place, it will leave some traces.

Someone will have seen it, and these traces will always be found.

And this road passes through another town. The official people found another town during the investigation. At this time, it was already dark, and after finding this place, the clues were cut off.

At this time, the inn and the carriage were found.

But the people could not be found.

The owner of the inn felt unlucky, but the people staying in the inn had paid a deposit, and the deposit was enough for the other party to eat a meal.

The official people could not see the carjacker, so they could only find a way to track him.

At this time, in the city, in a courtyard in the dark night, Mrs. Huang's sister-in-law was bewitched in this courtyard for a day.

She and their people were released by the psychedelic array after dark.

As soon as they came out, they thought of the child.

They searched the whole house, but could not find any trace of the child.

Mrs. Huang's family just used the child born by the concubine to exchange for the child of the Luo family. At this time, not only the child who was exchanged was gone, but the child who was brought out from home was also gone.

Of course, he did not dare to tell the truth, but he did not dare not to look for the child.

Even if there was little hope, they had to find their real royal child back.

If she did not bring the child back, her husband would beat her to death.

Now she could only report to the authorities, hoping that the child could be found.

You can't tell the truth when you report to the police. You can only say that you brought the child to that yard and he was stolen.

The official people could only accept the case. After all, they had received the money and had to investigate even more.

Looking up information is not that fast.

Mrs. Huang did not know that her mother's family had betrayed her at this time.

The maid and the coachman arrived at noon today, and the maid told her in person.

I just heard that my child had been exchanged and the exchanged child was placed in the manor. I was originally worried when the Luo family came to search yesterday.

I was worried that the Luo family would take the child away.

Unexpectedly, when the Luo family arrived, the child disappeared, and then his own child appeared in the manor again.

But it appeared in that way.

Mrs. Huang was angry after hearing what the maid said. Although her child was weak, she wanted to give her child to the Luo family to raise.

This was not the way it was meant to be. The Luo family was too cruel and sent their children away.

Still sending it out this way.

Mrs. Huang felt so resentful that the plan was so flawless.

The Luo family found out, and now the other party has returned the child.

She could only keep it and couldn't take other actions. She couldn't report it to the officials and say that she had snatched someone else's child and someone else had given it back, right?

The other party's child was seen by many people at the Manri Banquet.

Mrs. Huang could not get any other information because the Luo family had been blocking information today since they were looking for the child yesterday.

To know if they ever got their children back.

But now that the child has been sent back, I have to keep my own child.

Mrs. Huang knew that she couldn't do anything else for the time being.

You can only raise your children carefully.

She didn't know at this time that many people were involved in this matter.

I also don’t know about the backstabbing of the cooperating Taoist temple and the backstabbing of my parents’ family.

At noon, I got on the carriage and went to the manor.

When she heard the maid talking, she got very angry and slapped the maid.

Today is the Huang family's children's full moon banquet. Because of the children, they did not hold a big party.

My mother's family knows the situation, and my husband's family also knows the situation.

Mrs. Huang couldn't care about the full moon banquet at this time.

I just hope that the child can be raised well, and the 100-day banquet and one-year-old banquet can be held.

When Mrs. Huang saw the maid alone, she came to the manor with the maid who was slapped, and her husband's family could not interfere.

After all, since his husband became a scholar, he spent his wife's money to study in the academy, meet with classmates and other people, and spend a lot of money just to save face.

Little did the in-laws know that their plan had failed.

When Mrs. Huang went out, her mother-in-law and sisters-in-law did not dare to say anything.

Although I can say it behind my back, I dare not say it to my face. I already know how powerful this daughter-in-law is.

Mrs. Huang entered the manor without bringing anything with her. Because there was a wet nurse, she didn't want to nurse the child herself.

I originally thought about changing the child, but I had no intention of raising this child myself.

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