"The host accepts the mission."

The system feels too much luck today, and is a little greedy today, and does not want to just gently collect the luck from those people.

With greed, the host was asked to take on a few more tasks.

Even if it was blocked, Jiang Tang's soul was still aware of it.

He also told Luo Baojun and led him to the street where Mrs. Huang, his wife and sons were.

Because their son had to do a mission, the couple also wanted to be able to surf temporarily because of the mission value.

Even if he is in the top of the rankings and is not in the top three, he may still be assigned a position.

In a place like Kyoto, everything is a mess. If there is no family backing, even if you are the top scholar, you will not be able to get a better position.

It is better to have a good background than to study hard.

Those kids from rich families can still get positions if they don't get the first prize?

For example, the leading bodyguard around the emperor, such as the Imperial Guard, is the position closest to the emperor.

However, Huang Xiucai knew that he was not good at martial arts. The reason why he married a rich lady was because of luck, and of course because of his planning.

You see, for more than a year, in the eyes of others, he was a pretty boy, relying on his wife's pretense to allow their family to live in the city.

It is also because of my wife that I can rely on her to make my fortune.

Among thousands of students, being able to lift people again is already an ancestral manifestation.

But he wanted more.

Watching the servants go to see the emperor's list, his wife is holding her son, and his eyes are looking outside, with greed and desire in his eyes.

Mrs. Huang's eyes were fixed on the outside, and there was only one voice in her heart telling herself that the distance between her becoming an official's wife would be revealed at this moment.

Both her and her husband's hearts were racing, and they were even more nervous than her husband.

The reason why she married a scholar was because she once had a dream in which she became an official's wife, and that's why she married a scholar regardless of the circumstances.

Regardless of the opposition of his family, he will marry this scholar life or death.

She didn't allow this dream to die.

Mrs. Huang didn't know that it was his dream that of course came true, because their plot was so sinister that a certain young man who was plotted died.

Originally, his life span had not yet expired, so he should not have died so early.

These are man-made and belong to this world, which collapsed the moment the boy died.

The young man's wish will appear here in Jiang Tang, allowing him to realize his dream.

From the time when Luo Baojun was carrying the fetus, he had already traveled to the fetus.

Just when Mrs. Huang was making her first plan, Luo Baojun had already traveled through time.

With his Buddha space, he can repel those evil conspiracies.

As for Young Master Huang, why didn’t he travel through time immediately?

Of course it's because I enjoyed other people's blessings in my previous life and felt punished.

If it hadn't been for the arrival of the system, his life would have been even worse than Luo Baojun's previous life.

Didn't live to be more than a year old.

Stolen happiness will have to be paid back one day, it's just a matter of time.

The emergence of the system should have been so powerful that these ordinary people could not resist.

The system is an evil system, and it happened that Jiang Tang, a decent god, discovered the arrival of this system.

Or other gods won’t mind their own business. After all, there are too many nosy things in the world, so can they care?

The reason why Jiang Tang meddles in others' affairs is of course Luo Baojun's wish.

He also has the idea of ​​​​killing the strong when he encounters the strong and the demon when he encounters the demon.

After all, he needs merit to practice, and he has helped the wish-makers to carry out the practice. His wish-makers in many different planes have been promoted. In a certain year and month, a group of these people can become gods.

These people are his team, his subordinates.

Jiang Tang did some things without a plan. As a god, he did not want to be alone.

He has subordinates, as the most powerful god who rules the world of gods.

It's not that easy to do.

Ten thousand years ago, there were immortals in the sky. If they were not convinced by each other, they would fight each other to seize resources.

In the end, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, leaving those cultivators in the mortal world unable to ascend to immortality.

After the earth collapsed, the gods in the sky disappeared.

Only the weak immortals in the mortal world are there.

However, these gods cannot go to heaven, and the law is not as high as it used to be.

Otherwise, Jiang Tang would not be the one who would dominate and defeat these gods so easily.

Originally, Lord Yama was the most powerful king in hell, but he could only be called his younger brother.

That was a skill that Jiang Tang had mastered that even ghosts and gods were afraid of.

Luo Baojun and his parents came to the busy street. As soon as they discovered the so-called system, they took action to attack the system.

The system had already felt the pressure strongly the moment they arrived, and it immediately hid in Young Master Huang's body, daring not to move.

The mission he originally sent could only be terminated.

Young Master Huang also felt something was wrong because he could not contact the system.

It's time to post the emperor's list.

Some people are really happy and some are worried. Some people shout with joy when they see their names.

Some people asked their servants to look at the imperial list. When they saw that the young master had won, they wanted to report the good news quickly, hoping to get a reward.

The same is true for some other people. In order to see someone's name as soon as possible, the first one to announce the good news will be rewarded.

Of course, I also saw the emperor's list and cried on the spot without my name.

Tens of millions of students are trying to pass the single-plank bridge, but only a few of them are admitted to high school.

The imperial examination is held every three years, and those who have studied hard for ten years have been looking forward to this day.

Huang Xiucai looked at the crowd, he had already clenched his fists and stared at them.

However, their carriage was far away, and the words on it could not be seen clearly at all.

There were too many people on this street, some of them were watching the excitement, some of them had their families take the exam, and some of them came here specifically to watch the excitement and wanted to be rewarded after seeing the imperial edict.

Not everyone can take the exam in Kyoto, and they have a house. Many people came from thousands of miles away to take the exam. Maybe he only brought his book boy, or maybe he was alone.

After the exam, many people were exhausted.

At the beginning, they could still eat hot food, but later they could only eat dry food.

Some people were cold after the exam because it was too cold.

"Son-in-law, son-in-law, congratulations."

The driver sent by Huang Xiucai came back to announce the good news.

"What's your rank in the imperial examination?"

"Son-in-law, son-in-law, you passed the imperial examination and ranked 299th."

Huang Xiucai and Madam Huang's first thought was, how could this be?

The maid, the wet nurse, and the coachman thought, it was a close call, son-in-law passed the imperial examination and ranked second from the bottom, it was really close.

There are more than 10,000 candidates, and being able to be in the top 300 is a combination of talent and luck.

"Reward" said Huang Xiucai.

It's a great honor for the master to pass the exam, but the expectations are not that high.

With this rank, you can go back home with drums and gongs.

Madam Huang came to her senses when her husband said reward, although she was a little disappointed, but it was already very good.

She was afraid that her husband would never pass the exam, just like in her dream.

Now, because of the blessing of a certain god, he can pass the imperial examination, and he is very close to that step.

Let's plan slowly in the future.

Luo Baojun ignored his parents, and he kept shouting the system in his heart.

The system did not respond.

When the system got stuck, he had already felt the feeling of being caught.

The system was hidden, and he couldn't do the task.

He could only worry.

But it seems that his father passed the imperial examination today, and it is possible that he has taken root in this place, right?

He didn't know if his mother had the ability to move around, and it was not impossible for her to return home.

He had already felt the benefits of good health and the benefits of having good luck in his body.

But now the system was hiding something, so it could only be hidden. He was just a child, and without the system, he could do nothing.

Let's talk about it when he grows up.

If he didn't do the task in the future, would he be just an ordinary mediocre person?

But at this time, he didn't have the energy to think too much, because he had done some tasks before, and now he was on the busy street, he felt sleepy, so he fell asleep.

Luo Baojun had the ability to cut off the ability of a certain evil system, which was very cunning and hidden.

He couldn't immediately pull the system out of someone's body.

If he really did this, the other party would die.

Although this person's family is full of people who are harming their family and robbing him of his benefits.

He really felt the pain, but he was not so saintly that he would not let these people go.

He just wanted to kill the other party directly, but he couldn't.

Luo Baojun felt like it was a plot move. If he killed the control group of children, the world would collapse again.

Although he counterattacked, he did not succeed in counterattacking because he killed the other party.

His current task is to kill the system and make it unable to do evil tasks. In the end, the system will be internally consumed, and sooner or later, the tasker will also be internally consumed.

Don't beat them to death with a stick, just play with them slowly.

As long as the system appears and does not cause a disaster, he will not pull the system out all at once.

They are both children, he is a cultivator, and his cultivation ability is getting better and better by himself.

The other party relies on the system, and this system is also very bad. It absorbs so much luck that it simply deceives the host.

Still rely on him.

He and his family need to rely on him, and they are chased everywhere by them.

In fact, this kind of hide-and-seek feeling is also very good.

Luo Baojun used his magic power to suppress a certain system, and let his parents do what they should do.

As long as they are not too far away from this family, they can suppress a certain evil force.

Huang Xiucai passed the exam, although it was not the most comprehensive ranking, it was better than failing.

Their family also celebrated happily.

Mrs. Huang thought of it and wanted to make some moves to let her husband be an official in Kyoto, but the position might not be high, so she was ready to go home, right?

A small position in Kyoto is much better than the positions they have in the county.

She didn't have much ability in Kyoto, so she secretly contacted the system, the god, hoping to get his help.

After all, with the help of the system, their dream of appreciating things will soon come true.

But they didn't know that the system was being monitored and didn't dare to show up at all.

The system was also puzzled and afraid. It was a little regretful at this moment. Today, it couldn't help but do a few big things and let the killing god find it.

Now he was suppressed and couldn't move at all. Fortunately, he had taken so much luck and didn't need energy for a while.

He didn't want to become scrap metal. If he couldn't contact the main system, he would know that the main system had given up on him.

The main system was afraid of the God of Death, so of course he was afraid of him.

But life is an adventure. The reason why he could take the risk before was because the other party was too young and his cultivation ability was not enough. He could not find him from a distance, so he had the opportunity to bind the host and issue the task.

Now he dare not take the risk. No matter how Mrs. Huang summoned him, he just kept silent.

Luo Baojun was in the sky with his parents. Regardless of the prosperity on the ground, he and his parents also needed to constantly improve their abilities.

Master Luo recently handed over some business to his subordinates.

This method is a bit risky.

Cultivation made him ambitious and ambitious to protect his wife and children. Of course, he knew that after his ability became stronger, this kind of prosperity in the mortal world was not enough to satisfy his ambition.

Money is enough for them for several lifetimes.

Before, he kept creating wealth to increase the family's wealth.

But now it's different. Maybe the goal of life has changed.

He feels that ability determines everything. Now money can no longer meet his requirements.

If he has the ability, he can protect his son and wife.

If he was strong before, he would not be robbed of his son and replaced by others again and again.

If the son was not protected by the gods, and the son was robbed and replaced, the ending would be that their family would be destroyed.

Only if you are strong, you will not be harmed.

Young Master Luo knew that there were more than one group of enemies in their family.

Just as he thought, the reason why those people lost the last Hundred Days Banquet was because there was a formation in their mansion.

Those Taoists knew metaphysics, but not formations. They could absorb other people's luck, but they could not beat Buddhism.

Luo Baojun's Buddhism happened to be the nemesis of these Taoists' evil.

Those Taoists were unwilling to accept it until they replaced the wrong person. Later, they took action again, but they failed and were injured.

During this period, they were still recovering in the Taoist temple.

Some of them had received the information and knew that the Luo family had moved. Some people had already taken action and came to the direction of Kyoto.

The emperor is old and wants some elixir of immortality recently.

Then there were many Taoists who tried every means to fight and wanted to become the emperor's national master of alchemy.

The Taoist priests in that Taoist temple also received this news, because some of their fellow apprentices passed the news to them.

Some people wanted to become the emperor's favorite.

The emperor was old and wanted to live forever.

The emperor's sons wanted to seize the throne.

This time, the imperial examination was also for many princes to choose a team and strengthen the team's strength.

However, the emperor could no longer care about these. His ambitious sons wanted to live forever, so he asked his sons to do the imperial examination and let them supervise each other.

He also asked people around him to supervise.

The emperor wanted elixirs in secret, but this kind of secret operation could only be successful if he could enter the competition.

People who received the news from different Taoist temples across the country went to Beijing.

So in a hall of an alchemy competition, it was more lively than those imperial examination students, and the Taoist priests competed in alchemy.

If they wanted to become famous, they must have basic alchemy skills. As for whether they could become real immortal elixirs?

In this competition, the winners will be selected.

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