“Well, it’s actually this woman?”

Strange glanced back at Natasha, already in his mind.

It seems that those who can enter this live broadcast room may not be ordinary ordinary people.

And Loki looked at the corners of his mouth slightly curved.

Sure enough, my experience is not outdated, this woman is not simple.

[Image continues.] 】

“I think I’ve got the hang of it. “】

With these words, a giant golden-red robot rushed in the air, and then began to run rapidly on the ground. 】

[Bruce Banner: “It’s unbelievable, it’s like transforming into a Hulk!” “】

“That’s my Ark reactor!”

Tony Stark looked at the huge red robot on the screen, and even his breathing became rapid.

With this configuration, material, and livery, coupled with the familiar Ark reactor on the robot’s chest, Tony can be 100% sure that this mighty machine must have been built by him!

At this thought, Tony’s whole person became excited.


If I wore such a mechanical suit when I fought Thanos, I wouldn’t have beaten that purple potato monster into meat sauce.

As soon as the thought arose, Tony saw the red robot on the screen swaying. Suddenly, he stumbled on a boulder and suddenly slipped out of the distance on the ground.

“Oh, what is this guy doing?”

Seeing the handsome robot being thrown into the mud, Tony was so angry that his forehead was bruised, and he couldn’t wait to rush to the screen to replace the guy named Bruce as the driver.

“Who is this Bruce? If he doesn’t know how to drive, don’t waste such a good machine! ”

“Hulk? The driver inside the robot. Could it be that Bruce Banner? ”

The halogen’s eyes flashed slightly, and a trace of doubt suddenly flashed in his eyes.

If it really was him, then why did he have to drive a robot?

As long as he transforms into the Hulk, no matter what kind of machine he is, I am afraid that he can be dismantled into pieces!

“I found two targets in the direction of the woods. “】

[A mech very similar to Tony’s suit cut an arc in the air and flew over. 】

“That voice is… Rhodes? ”

Tony was a little surprised to hear this, but quickly clapped his palms.

“So that’s the case, in the future, I also made a suit for this guy.”

“Uh-huh, it’s kind of like my style.”

[A large number of troops came down from the hovertransport and began to line up on the plain].

[Most of these soldiers are black, holding strange cold weapons in their hands.] 】

[There are three exceptions, though.] 】

I saw two men and a woman standing at the front of the team, and that woman was none other than Natasha Romanov.

And as soon as he saw the two men left and right of Natasha, the eyes of the halogen egg immediately changed.

“That’s Captain Steve Rogers! And Bucky Barnes, the Winter Warrior! ”

“How is that possible? It’s actually these two people! ”

Looking at Steve Rogers’ young face, his heart shook, and he almost couldn’t believe his eyes for a while.

This man can almost be regarded as a symbol of American soldiers, and it can be said that he made great achievements in the battle against the Nazis.

But he must have died more than 60 years ago.

And seeing Bucky standing beside the captain of the United States, the halogen’s gaze became cold.

Winter Warrior!

It’s a scary name.

For decades, Bucky Barnes, as an excellent killer, has taken the lives of many important people around the world!

Although I don’t know why he has survived to this day, and still maintains such a young face.

But looking at the current situation, could it be that Captain America and Bucky also belong to the same mysterious organization?

And Natasha actually …

Thinking of this, the brine egg suddenly felt a chill behind him.

Don’t…… Natasha actually betrayed him and became involved with other organizations.

[Image continues.] 】

[Captain America and the others walked towards the direction of the spacecraft. 】

[I saw a woman with horns on her head, and a monster wearing battle armor standing outside the blue barrier, looking at them coldly. 】

[They are Proxima Night and Black Dwarf in the Obsidian Five.] 】

“Thanos will get that gem. Proxima Nighti said coldly. 】

[Captain America: “That’s impossible.”] 】

[King T’Challa: “You are in Wakanda now, and Thanos can think of nothing but blood and ruins!”] “】

Proxima Night sneered: “We don’t care about bloodshed. “】

[Immediately after, she raised the long sword in her hand. 】

[The decisive battle broke out! ] 】

PS: On the shelves at noon! Please order first! ^_^

PS2: Thanks to “176…” for the monthly pass!

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