Cosmic Prison.

“Plasma sparks… Which Sero was chosen? ”

Beria’s mouth, which was sealed in the wall, kept opening wide, the corners of his eyes were almost cracking, and his expression was even more as if he had seen a ghost.

“How is this possible?”

At first, when Beria wanted to steal the plasma spark, he was eroded by the energy of the spark just by touching it with his fingertip.

That feeling that is like a fire and extremely painful… Beria now thinks back and feels his scalp numb!

It is precisely because he is eroded by spark energy, he can’t survive, he can’t die, Beria will be possessed by the Raybrad Starman so easily!

Because at that time, he was completely powerless to resist!

But on the screen, when Sero Ultraman was close to the plasma spark, the spark not only did not corrode him, but even actively gave him energy!

What’s going on here?

That’s too big a gap, right?

“Abominable, plasma spark… Do you look down on me too? ”

Beria’s mouth was almost closed, his body trembled violently, and a deep sense of frustration surged in his heart, and his world view was about to be shattered!

This Sero… Not only can he defeat himself in hand-to-hand combat, but he also got what Beria never dreamed of… Admission of plasma sparks!

What kind of monster is he?

Just when Beria’s three views were lost and his mentality collapsed, new images appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After seeing the plasma spark slash in Sero’s hand, the original Ultraman immediately turned around and shouted:]

[“Everyone hurry up and cover Sero! “】

[“Up! “】

[When Leo Ultraman and the others heard it, they all immediately understood the meaning of the first generation! ] 】

[They must distract their enemies so that Sero can deliver a killer blow!] 】

[Next, the two Leo brothers squatted one and a half, and one stood behind, combining the energy of the two into one, and then released it with all their strength! ] 】

[“Ultra Double Flash! “】

[Daina Ultraman also crossed his hands and unleashed his most powerful move. 】

【”Soljet Ray! “】

[“Swoosh! Sou! Sou! “】

[The original Ultraman kept releasing eight-point light wheels in an attempt to consume the defense of the hundred-body monster Beludora! ] 】

[Of all the Ultramen, the most ruthless is Yumebius Ultraman. 】

[“Oooooooooooooo “】

[Yumebius Ultraman released a strong light! ] Turn all the Slim energy into flames! 】

[This move is exactly the self-detonation technique of the same principle as Tyro’s Ultra bomb… Dream Bim bomb! 】

[This kind of trick of dying together, after ordinary Ultraman casts, he will definitely die! ] 】

[Fortunately, Yumbius has the “aura of Mengbius”, coupled with Tyro’s guidance, it can be used and not die! ] 】

[“Dream Bim Bomb! “】

[Surrounded by flames, Yumbius desperately rushed to the hundred-body monster, causing a violent explosion. ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[When all the Ultramen frantically attacked Beludora, Sero was also ready to attack! ] 】

[“Swoosh! “】

[At the fastest speed, Sero Ultraman rushed towards Peludora’s head like a shooting star! ] 】

[There, there is this monster the biggest… And the only weakness, Beria herself! 】

[“Oh! “】

[The blow of plasma spark energy slammed into Beria’s body fiercely! ] 】

【”Ahhh!! “】

[Let out a desperate scream, Beria screamed in disbelief:]

[“Impossible! I want to get the whole universe. “】

[“Stop! “】

[Focusing the strength of his whole body on the “holy sword” in his hand, Sero Ultraman stared at the father-killing enemy in front of him, and roared angrily word by word:]

“I am now… End your ambitions! “】

[“Click! “】

[The plasma spark slashed down with a sword, almost splitting Beria’s entire person in half! ] 】

[And the strong energy of the plasma spark spread throughout the entire hundred-body monster Beludora through this holy sword! ] 】

[“Aaaaa I…… I’m immortal!” 】

[Beria only had time to let out a miserable howl, and the whole person slipped into the body of the hundred-body monster. ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[With an earth-shattering explosion, a terrifying hundred-body monster… It was completely disintegrated by the energy of the plasma spark, and it exploded into countless fragments in an instant! 】

[“Boom! “】

[At the same time, the ultimate combat instrument that was like a long stick also exploded violently and turned into nothing! ] 】

[In the smoke and dust after the explosion of the hundred-body monster, the figure of Sero Ultraman still appeared high. ] 】

[“Yay! “】

“Well done! “】

“He really won!”] “】

[Looking at Sero Ultraman suspended in the air, everyone cheered! ] 】

[At this time, on a remote planet, the King of Ultra stared at a certain corner of the sky, nodded slightly, and his eyes showed satisfaction. ] 】

[Next, Sero Ultraman returned to Ultra Star with the plasma spark and placed it on the top of the plasma spark tower. 】

[“Hula! “】

[The soft energy of light soon spread throughout the entire country of light! ] 】

[The entire Ultra Star soon recovered from its original icy appearance to its original lush green world. 】


[Tyro Ultraman, who had recovered from the ice, shook his head, and didn’t seem to figure it out yet… What happened. 】

[At this time, in all corners of the Land of Light, those frozen Ultramen have also returned to their original state. 】

[The father of Ott and the mother of Ott stared at each other, their eyes full of affection. 】

[And the lonely Sero Ultraman, looking at the laughter on the street, suddenly felt lonely like never before. ] 】

[He grew up alone, and now even if he wants to celebrate, he doesn’t know who to look for. 】

At this time, a familiar voice came from behind Sero. 】

[“Well done…”]

【“!!! “】

[Sero Ultraman couldn’t believe it, looking back, Severn, who was obviously already in her arms, was standing on the street at the moment, with a faint smile on his face, staring at him. ] 】

[“Dad! You…”

[Sairo’s face was full of surprise and hesitation, and he slowly stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to hug each other, but did not dare. ] 】

[In the end, it was Severn Ultraman who opened his hands first and held his son in his arms. 】

[The homeland is restored, father and son are reunited, and the terrifying wicked are defeated! ] 】

[Everything is back to the way it was. 】

[And on this happy day, the King of Ultra also descended on the Land of Light again and gave a speech to all the people.] 】

[“O Ultra warriors! We have recaptured the power of righteousness, and the Land of Light has risen again! “】

“But not all evil has been defeated. “】

“In the universe, there are still various threats lurking. “】

“We must fight tirelessly to save the weak! “】

[“This is the mission of our Ultra Warriors! “】

[Looking at the countless Ultramen under the high platform of the speech, the King of Ultra opened his hands and said the last sentence:]

[“O warriors of the Land of Light, for justice and peace! For the vast universe! “】

“Let’s work hard. “】

[“Oooo “】

[Hearing this exciting speech, all the Ultramen in the Land of Light raised their hands and shouted excitedly! ] 】

[But on the day when the country of light was celebrating nationwide, in a corner deep in the depths, a scarlet light suddenly lit up in the eyes of a black Ultraman covered in scaly wounds. ] 】

[Dark Ultraman… Beria. 】

[He’s not dead yet!] 】

And here, the screen gradually dimmed.

[“Big Monster Fighting-Super Galactic Legend! End of playback. 】

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Wanda Maximov: Wow, Beria is really hard, so many monsters have been blown up, he is not dead!

Big Bones Boiled into Soup: No wonder the King of Ultra finally said that not all evil has been destroyed, probably… He had already seen this scene.

Tian Xiaoban: Really? That old man is so powerful. (⊙o⊙)

Big bones boil into soup: He is the god of the Ultraman world, who knows what he can see?

Tian Xiaoban: If he is really a god, why didn’t he suppress Beria himself?

Wonder Woman Diana: I guess this Ultra King is trying to give that Sero Ultraman a “trial” to make him stronger!

Wonder Woman Diana: For true warriors, the more they are tempered, the stronger they become!

Morty: Isn’t that like bosses in video games, the stronger the boss, the more experience points you give?

Tian Xiaoban: Wow! If that were the case, how strong that Sero would have become after knocking out Beria.

Beria: Trials? Experience points? Damn it!

Beria: That kid named Sero, you wait for me! (▼皿▼;)

Thinking that he had finally gained freedom, he was treated as “experience points” by the King of Ultra and gave to a certain young junior!

Beria was so angry that he was so dizzy that he almost vomited out a mouthful of blood.

Bruce Wayne: Although there is evil and darkness, there is still a “god” in Ultraman’s world!

Bruce Wayne: How powerful is God?

Tony Stark: You’re looking too far, I care more about the gods than the gods… It’s that plasma spark.

Tony Stark: If you can study the structure of this spark, I don’t know what will happen.

Torrecchia: Human, you speak to my heart.

Torrecchia: If one day, I conquer the Land of Light and get the plasma spark, maybe I can divide you a little. Hee-hee…

Big bones boiled into soup: Huh? Do you want to go to the Land of Light?

Wanda Maksimov: Yin and yang guy, you think you are Beria?

Torrecchia: Hehe, what even Beria can do, there’s no reason I can’t!

Beria: Bastard! You fucking bastards! When I get free… I……

Just when Beria was so angry that he almost cursed, the sound of the system sounded again.

[Ding… Pick random lucky members…]

【Selected Target: Dr. Manhattan】

[Start broadcasting related multiverse live broadcasts.] 】

[The content of this broadcast has been decided: “Doomsday Bell! 》】

PS: Next time, I plan to play the Belial Galactic Empire first, let Noah appear, and then Nexus Ultraman! ^_^

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