[After a failed proposal to Batman, Catwoman made a second attempt. 】

“Since you want to fight the sinners of this city, then let me help you. “】

[“If, in my own way, I can cleanse the city of its evil…”

“When the time comes… Will you take off your mask and stay with me? “】

[Facing the affectionate Catwoman, Batman just shook his head:]

“Impossible, I’m not like you. “】

[That experience in Crime Alley has changed him forever. 】

[Now Bruce Wayne, it is impossible to return to ordinary life. ] 】

[But Catwoman, who still held on to a glimmer of hope, then began his career as a criminal fighter. ] 】

[She used various legal and illegal means to drive criminals such as Penguins out of Gotham City. 】

[This night, Batman finally appeared behind her:]

[“Stop, you can’t fight evil in this way, it’s not justice! “】

Serena said with some annoyance:]

“Oh, then why can you?”] “】

[Looking back at Batman, Selena suddenly realized:]

“Do you think I’m a bad guy too?” “】

[That night, Batman and Catwoman broke up. 】

[Since then, Catwoman has also understood that for Batman, fighting crime is his everything! ] 】

[No matter who this person is, he is already trapped in that tights and will never come out again.] 】

[Since then, Serena has no longer gone to fight crime, but opened a pet store and lived a normal life. ] 】

[But one evening, when Serena closed the shop and was about to go home, Batman, who was injured by a bullet, found him. ] 】

[“Serena… Help me. “】

[Batman covered the gunshot wound on his body and said with difficulty:]

[“The first robbery of the child in that alley, I took it lightly…”

“As a result, his gun went off. “】

[After speaking, Batman fainted.] 】

[When Batman wakes up, he discovers… He was actually tied to a sofa. 】

“You tied me up? “】

[Looking at the indifferent Serena in front of her, feeling the blood in her body, constantly flowing out of the gunshot wound, Batman completely fell into chaos. ] 】

“I came here because you were nearby, I thought… Can you help me. “】

“You… Why do you want to do this? “】

[Serena slowly stood up, he looked at Batman and said coldly:]

“You came here because you loved me, and I let you die… It’s because I love you. “】

[Hearing Serena’s specious words, Batman was still muttering with his last strength:]

[“You can send… I went to the hospital… Call a doctor. “】

[“Not yet… Too late. “】

[Serena turned her head away, not wanting to look at the dying man anymore:]

[“It’s too late…”]

[“I… I still have so much to do…”

[Leaving the last sentence, Batman, who lost too much blood, closed his eyes forever.] 】

[Seeing the body of the beloved man, Serena also stepped forward and gently closed his eyes. 】

[At the funeral site, Serena’s story ends. 】

[And after listening to Catwoman’s story, the “Batman Ghost” on the side shook his head:]

“This story sounds familiar, that’s the legendary Robin Hood way he died, but that’s not how I died. “】

[The gentle woman beside him whispered:]

“No, that’s how you die, at least, that’s how Batman dies. “】

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Hermione Granger: Wow! Why is this woman so ruthless, that Batman wanted to ask her for help, and she actually killed him! (⊙o⊙)

Lori Jinx: Haha, this catwoman… I really love Batman.

Hermione Granger: Huh? Love??? What are you talking about?

Lori Jinx: Little ghost, you don’t know what true love is.

Lori Jinx: This Batman is obviously not normal.

Lori Jinx: He dresses up as a bat all day and beats criminals in the city, but he can’t tolerate Catwoman doing the same, why do you think?

Jeromé Valeska: ……… If your toys are snatched away by others, of course, you will not be happy.

Hermione Granger: Toys?? You mean…… Is the criminal Batman’s toy?

Jeromé Valeska: That Joker, too, used Batman as a toy. It can be seen that they are really the same kind of people. ╮(╯_╰)╭

Torrecchia: Ah, the human mind is so interesting, I kind of get it.

Torrecchia: Batman likes to go out at night and beat up sinners for fun. Moreover, he is already addicted to this life and cannot extricate himself.

Torrecchia: That Catwoman loves Batman very much, but can’t bear to let him continue like this, so she simply kills him to completely free him!

Torrecchia: Hahaha! Wonderful! Humans are such an amazing race, much more interesting than Ultraman. O(∩_∩)O

In the live broadcast room, Young Master Wayne felt everyone’s strange gaze, his expression did not move, but he was thinking about another thing.

Is it this Catwoman who sent Batman into the coffin?

However, the “Batman ghost” said that this was not how he died.

Which of these two parties is lying?

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

After Serena went down, Alfred also stood in front of the coffin and told everyone his story. 】

[When Fu was young, he was an actor and worked in a theater troupe. 】

[He loves his job, the oil paint on his face, the costumes he wears, all kinds of makeup, and the applause of the audience. 】

“One day, his father sent a letter. 】

[In the letter, the father claims that he has cancer and is dying, so he hopes that Alfred will continue the family tradition and replace him as the housekeeper of the Wayne family.] 】

[Alfred hurried back to Gotham City, but his father had died of illness. 】

[According to his father’s last wishes, Alfred took over the position of housekeeper and began to serve the Wayne family. 】

[In the beginning, Alfred’s life was calm and joyful. 】

[Wayne’s family of three are good people, and they are not bad for him. 】

[However, the tragedy in the alley of crime completely destroyed the family. 】

[Hit hard by this heavy blow, little Bruce was deeply damaged and did not recover for a long time. 】

[Finally, one day, as if he had found his purpose in life, he began to train himself like crazy. 】

[When Young Master Wayne grew up, he covered his face and began to go out to fight crime. 】

[However, Bruce’s behavior began to become more and more bizarre. 】

[This young man actually dressed himself up as a bat! ] 】

[Alfred also felt that Young Master Wayne’s behavior was very strange and unusual. 】

[However, this anti-crime action did make Bruce happy and no longer as depressed as before.] 】

[Therefore, Fu also began to support Bruce’s “cause”. 】

[But a new situation has appeared, and every night Bruce dresses up as Batman and goes out. ] 】

[Sometimes, he can find a crime and stop it. 】

[But the problem is, sometimes… He couldn’t find it. 】

[If Bruce Wayne does not encounter a crime for several days in a row, he will be controlled by melancholy and depression again, and his whole person will become gray. 】

[Seeing the pained Young Master Wayne, Alfred decided to do something. 】

[It just so happened that a friend he had met in the troupe was also passing through Gotham City. 】

[That man’s name is Eddie. 】

[Alfred found him.] 】

[And this actor friend also happens to be at a low ebb. ] 】

[Eddie’s problem is, “too deep into the play.”] 】

[As soon as he gets on the stage, he will become some kind of “drama maniac”, and he will not be able to come out of the role. ] 】

[Looking at his old friend in front of him, Alfred came up with a genius idea.] 】

[He wants Eddie to play a criminal, a master crime who is good at riddles.] 】

“Such a peculiar criminal must be able to make Young Master Wayne… Let’s have fun again. “】

[That’s what Fu intended. 】

[“Oh? Criminals out of riddles? That’s great! “】

[Eddie was excited when he heard it. 】

[He not only agreed, but even made a green uniform for himself! ] 】

[Seeing this, Alfred simply gave him a nickname called “The Riddler”! ] 】

[After the appearance of the “Riddler”, Young Master Wayne seemed to have been reborn, and the whole person became refreshed! ] 】

[After all, where is the refreshing feeling of fighting ordinary petty theft comparable to dealing with a super criminal like the Riddler?] 】

[Seeing that his trick worked, Alfred took his former friends from the troupe… All called over! 】

[These drama actors have dressed up as brand new supervillains. ] 】

[They put on costumes, painted makeup, and appeared in Gotham City! ] 】

[In the process of fighting these villains, Bruce Wayne has gained amazing happiness, and his depressive episodes are becoming less and less. 】

[But that’s not enough. 】

[Observing his beloved young master, Alfred realized one thing. 】

[Those villains dressed as actors alone can’t satisfy Batman. ] 】

[What he needs… A real nemesis! 】

[It’s like Moriarty of Sherlock Holmes!] 】

[So, Alfred did it without hesitation… What he thinks should be done. 】

[Retracing his old line in the troupe, in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, Alfred painted white oil paint on his face, applied red lipstick, and even dyed his green hair.] 】

[Maybe these props are isolated and don’t have much effect, but when Elfield Alfred, curl the corners of his mouth, show a smile…”

[A strongest and most evil criminal prince was born! ] 】

[Joker! 】

[Alfred dressed up as a clown! ] 】


“Penguins, they’re all actors?”

“That’s an exaggeration.”

Seeing this incredible scene, countless viewers in front of the screen in the multiverse all exclaimed in disbelief!

Batman’s loyal old butler turned out to be the Joker!

And among everyone, the most shocked is Bruce Wayne himself!

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