“Godzilla vs. Kong?”

“No, did those two monsters fight?”

“But such a fight … There is no suspense at all. ”

“yes, how could King Kong beat Godzilla?”

But after hearing the sound of the system, in the multiverse, the audience in front of each display screen exchanged ears and talked about it.

Their views are almost unanimous.

Vajra…… Definitely not Godzilla’s opponent.

In the live broadcast room.

“It’s a joke.”

Little Wanda was first a little surprised, and then shook his head with some disgust:

“Godzilla light is atomic breath… You can melt down a building! ”

“If you unfold the Red Lotus Mode, you can turn the entire city into ashes!”

“That gorilla dares to fight it, that is looking for death!”

Hearing Little Wanda’s words, Tonis Dak’s eyebrows raised, but did not speak, seemingly acquiescing.

After all, although King Kong is a giant gorilla with a height of tens of meters, it is still too far behind the ancient titan like Godzilla.

But just as the screen gradually lit up, a thought flashed in Tony’s mind.

“If King Kong is really vulnerable to Godzilla, this video… Why is it such a title? ”

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

[The morning sun shone down from the sky, and a gorilla lying in the mountains slowly opened its eyes. 】


[Opening his blood basin and mouth, King Kong yawned and slowly stood up. ] 】

[The scenery around King Kong is very similar to Skull Island.] 】

[And it was just like usual, I came to the waterfall and took a bath.] 】

[However, King Kong’s sixth sense as a beast still made it notice something strange. 】

[“Roar! “】

[Pulling up a large tree tens of meters high from the ground, King Kong wiped off all the branches and leaves of the big tree, effortlessly… Just make it into a huge javelin! 】

[Just as King Kong was making weapons, from the ground, a little girl suddenly ran over. 】


[This girl is only a few years old at most, and she doesn’t seem to be able to speak.] 】

[But not only was she not afraid of King Kong, but she ran to this monster and raised a King Kong doll in her hand. ] 】


[Staring at this little girl, a trace of tenderness flashed in King Kong’s eyes. ] 】

[Next, it stood up sharply and faced the sky… Threw the “giant tree javelin” in his hand fiercely! 】

[“Swoosh! “】

[The giant tree javelin pierced the sky, with an astonishing high speed… Stuck in the sky! 】


[A large number of LCD screen fragments fell from the sky, revealing the hidden steel frame behind the “sky”. 】

[“Crackle! “】

[Due to the destruction of this part of the screen, half of the sky began to distort and deform, and electric sparks appeared! ] 】

[It turns out that the “sky” on King Kong’s head is simply fake! ] 】

[In fact, this is not Skull Island at all, but a screen enclosed by an LCD screen… Huge cage! 】

[This cage is a detention facility set up by the imperial organization. 】

[The interior is made of a large number of LCD screens, which fake the natural environment and climate, while the outside is a high wall made of the strongest devices! ] 】

[And the reason why the Imperial Organization did this is only to use this containment measure to prevent Godzilla from finding King Kong! ] 】

[In the battle with “King Ghidorah” a few years ago, Godzilla has already established himself as the king of titan beasts! ] 】

[King Kong, who is not yet an adult, if you run into it… Death is certain! 】

[As for the human little girl, she is the aborigines of Skull Island. ] 】

[Although she can’t speak, she can communicate with King Kong. 】

[Moreover, she is also the only one… King Kong would never hurt anyone. 】

[However, in addition to the Imperial Organization, there is also an organization that is also secretly studying the Titan Behemoths. ] 】

[This organization is “Apex Corporation.] 】

[But at the same time that Apex was carrying out a secret plan, a black guy who practiced conspiracy theories also detected their suspicious behavior. 】

[As a cleaner in a branch of Apex, the black brother has always wanted to find ironclad evidence to prove the evil nature of this company! ] 】

[On this day, he finally found an opportunity to check the secret files of Apex while a staff member went to the bathroom. 】

[“Hong Kong … 33 basement floors. “】

“What did they ship to Hong Kong?” “】

[Before the black brother could take a closer look at these secret files, an alarm suddenly sounded in the company! ] 】

[“Titans are coming, Titans are coming!”] “】

[“Please note… This is not a drill! “】

[And not long after the siren sounded, in the sea near the Apex branch, a giant beast with a height of 100 meters floated! ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[With a roar, a giant beast like a giant dinosaur actually flashed with cyan thunder light! ] 】

[It’s Godzilla! 】

[Godzilla actually attacked! ] 】

[“Hula La! “】

[I saw Godzilla’s dorsal fin shining with a blue glow! ] An extremely intense blue energy beam spewed out from his mouth. 】

[This is Godzilla’s big move… Atomic breath! 】

[“Boom! “】

[Where the atomic breath passed, all the buildings of the Apex Company were bombarded into ruins! ] The powerful explosion turned into a terrifying sea of fire, engulfing everything around. 】

[Godzilla took the initiative to attack humans, and this explosive news suddenly spread all over the world! ] 】

[At the same time, Simon, CEO of Apex, also found a scientist.] 】

[It turned out that this scientist specialized in the “Earth hollow theory”. 】

[He believes that under the earth’s crust, there is a huge space, and there may be monsters of the ancient era living in it! ] 】

[Simon fully agrees with this scientist’s theory, and even made additions! ] 】

[According to Apex’s research, all titan behemoths know everything about underground space]

[They can easily use the secret pathways located all over the earth to come and go freely in this space! ] 】

[Moreover, in the underground void, there is also a powerful energy that can support the operation of the earth. 】

[CEO Simon claims that as long as they can seize this earth energy, they can create weapons that are enough for Godzilla to contend with! ] 】

[Simon’s plan is to follow King Kong, rely on the memories imprinted in King Kong’s genes, and find the center of the earth all the way! ] 】

[In order to do this, he spared no expense and formed a huge underground expedition! ] 】

[The guide of this expedition is King Kong! ] 】

[In order to send the stunned King Kong to the South Pole, humans even did not hesitate to use it… A whole fleet, including aircraft carriers. 】

[During the transportation, King Kong’s hands and feet were locked to the deck of the transport ship by thick iron chains. 】

[Faced with this situation, King Kong was very dissatisfied, and only because of the comfort of that aboriginal little girl did he barely keep it calm. 】

[But it turns out that transporting King Kong out of that containment facility is really a failure. 】

[It didn’t take long for Godzilla to notice this titan behemoth that was loaded on the ship! ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[On the aircraft carrier, Godzilla began to roar madly! ] 】

[The radars of all battleships have detected a behemoth approaching from underwater! ] 】

[“Bang! Bang! Bang! “】

[Due to the previous Godzilla attack, the aircraft carrier fleet was extremely wary of Godzilla, and when it sensed the other party’s approach, it immediately launched an attack! ] 】

[But these human weapons can’t even tickle Godzilla! ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[Let the body float to the surface, Godzilla directly erected the dorsal fin, like a giant sword, and cut a battleship in two from the middle! ] 】

[“Swoosh! Sou! Sou! “】

[Fighters in the air, constantly firing missiles at Godzilla! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[The dorsal fin floating on the surface was hit by a missile, and Godzilla seemed to feel the pain and let out a roar! ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[Then, it raised its huge tail and swept into the air.] 】

[“Ahhh! “】

[The fighter pilot only had time to let out a scream, and he didn’t even have time to eject the parachute dive, and he was beaten into powder by Godzilla’s tail! ] 】

[“Swoosh! “】

[Not counting the destruction of the fighter, Godzilla’s tail fell directly from the air, immediately sinking two nearby human warships! ] 】

[In front of the king of giant beasts, human war weapons are like toys! ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[After being destroyed by several human warships, Godzilla slammed into the transport ship transporting King Kong, and slammed the ship into the sky. 】

[“Gollum! “】

[Although King Kong desperately wanted to resist, his hands and feet were firmly chained, so he could only face down… Got sunk into the water! 】

【“!!! “】

[Fortunately, in the captain’s room of the mothership, the scientist in charge of this operation quickly pressed the button and opened Godzilla’s shackles, allowing this titan behemoth to regain its freedom! ] 】

[“Roar! Howl! “】

[Under the water, King Kong and Godzilla started a fight! ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[I saw King Kong slammed the head mallet and smashed on Godzilla’s head, and then took advantage of Godzilla’s dizziness to kick it on it, and actually kicked the king of monsters out. ] 】

[“Hula! “】

[Temporarily repelling Godzilla, King Kong climbed to the edge of the transport and reached out to turn the ship over again.] 】

[At this time, those humans in the cabin waiting to be drowned can also be considered saved. 】

[“Roar! “】

[Climbing onto the deck of the transport ship, King Kong completely broke free from the shackles that remained on his body, clenched his fists with both hands, beat his chest fiercely, and raised his head to the sky and let out a cheerful roar! ] 】

[Soon, it discovered… Godzilla’s dorsal fin, resurfaced! 】

[Observing Godzilla’s movements, King Kong roared, jumped up from the transport, and suddenly landed on the deck of the aircraft carrier next to him. ] 】

[And in the next moment…]

[“Boom! “】

[A giant beast jumped out from the bottom of the sea and also pounced on the deck! ] 】

[Godzilla! Also climbed to the aircraft carrier. 】

[“Bang! “】

[Seeing the ancient enemy in front of him, King Kong clenched his fists, and came up to strike hard! ] Beat Godzilla to a pulp! 】

[The first round of Godzilla vs. King Kong unfolded on the deck of this aircraft carrier! ] 】

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