Some Resident Evil universe.

Raccoon City.

“This is … What is it? ”

A dark-haired woman looked at the large screen that appeared in the room, her brows furrowed tightly.

The woman was sitting at the front of a desk with an open laptop on it.

Apparently, she was reading emails in her notebook.

And if there is a second person in this room, he should be able to see what has been mentioned many times in the email… G virus!

“Is this screen a means made by Wesker?”

The dark-haired woman looked around the room nervously, but she didn’t see any projection devices.

Moreover, this screen is also too lifelike!

Such projection technology, women have never even heard of it!

And under the woman’s uncertain gaze, under the screen, began to constantly jump out of various barrages.

Deadpool: Darkseid! Wow click! Even the Dark Monarch of the Apokolips is here!

Wonder Woman Diana: I don’t know… Is he the demon king in our universe!

Loki Odinson: Well, even if it is, what can you do?

Rocky Odinson: This Darkseid, but far better than Steppenwolf! ‘M afraid…… A glare can kill you! ^_^

Wonder Woman Diana: You!!!

Bruce Wayne: Diana, you don’t have to be nervous.

Bruce Wayne: From Justice League imagery. It can be learned that before getting the anti-life equation, Darkseid was not that strong!

Bruce Wayne: In ancient times, he was defeated by the Earth Alliance and fled in embarrassment.

Wanda Maksimov: That’s right! I also remembered that Darkseid at that time was almost axed by Ares, the god of war … Split in half!

Wanda Maximov: Diana, that Ares, seems to have died at your hands!

Wanda Maksimov: If you convert it this way, maybe… You’re better than Darkseid! o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Just when little Wanda was proud, Darkseid… Finally spoke in the group.

Darkseid: Earth? What are you talking about? When have I been to that kind of place? And when did it fail?

Wonder Woman Diana: You… What did you say? (⊙_⊙)

Deadpool: Wow! This Darkseid in the group has never been to Earth! He is not Diana, in your universe!

Ganata, the daughter of the star swallower: Trouble, if he comes from another universe, he may be weaker, but he may also be stronger!

Darkseid: Anti-Equation of Life! Where did you hear this term?

Wanda Maximov: Oh? Are you still looking for this thing?

Wanda Maksimov: So, your strength should not be strong! Maybe…… Can’t let out that weird turning ray yet!

Bruce Wayne: No! According to what I know, Darkseid acquired the ability known as the “Omega Effect” after returning to Apokolips!

Bruce Wayne: That kind of omega ray, he could have released it a long time ago!

Darkseid: Are you human beings on Earth? I know a lot…

Seeing the crowd in the group, you can casually say the “omega effect”, “anti-life equation” such a top secret…

Even Darkseid, who had always been above the top, was slightly surprised.

At this moment, the sound of the system suddenly sounded again.

[Someone uses the “New Group Member Invitation Card”]

[Demonized Dr. Strange, has joined the chat group! ] 】

“What? Dr. Demonize? ”

In Karma Taj, Strange has round eyes, his mouth is slightly open, and the whole person is like being hit by lightning. Completely silly.

He never dreamed that his … The dark variant that once destroyed a universe has even joined the chat group!

At this time, the sound of the system actually sounded in everyone’s ears again.

[Start to activate the live room substitution mechanism.] 】

[Change of members in the live broadcast room…]

[Loki was replaced with… Demonize Dr. Strange! 】

In the live broadcast room.


Loki’s face changed drastically, and before he could finish a sentence, his figure suddenly disappeared.

In his place was a haggard man in a sumptuous robe with the eyes of Agomoto on his chest.

“Wow! Demonize Doctor! Is it really you? ”

Looking at the man in front of him who was almost exactly the same as Strange, but with a lot of vicissitudes, little Wanda’s whole person became excited.

I saw her running to Dr. Demonization, took his hand without scruples, and shouted:

“Can you teach me… Absorb the magic of those old dominators? ”

“I want to be as strong as you too!”


Looking at the girl in front of her who was full of interest and little stars appeared in her eyes, Dr. Demon’s face was full of embarrassment, and for a moment he actually had the urge to scratch his head.

Just now, under the persuasion of Manhattan, he used the “new group member invitation card” that he had long obtained.

But Dr. Demonization just wants to use the help of chat groups to see if he can make a few friends.

He never expected that this system would be so “vicious” that it directly pulled him into the live broadcast room!

Feeling everyone’s strange gazes, especially Bruce Wayne’s vigilant eyes, Dr. Demonization spread his hands and made a friendly gesture:

“Guys, I didn’t expect this to happen.”

“Still, I’m happy to join you.”


The outgoing Tony laughed first:

“I didn’t expect that I would actually see the second Strange in the live broadcast room!”

Looking at Doctor Magic, Tony complained with a blank face:

“You should already be a strong person who has surpassed the multi-monolithic universe, why don’t you even shave your beard?”

“Is this your interest?”


Touching his chin with a wry smile, Doctor Magic’s eyes showed a trace of loneliness:

“People who would say I have too long a beard… It’s long gone. ”

“So, I don’t care anymore.”


Unexpectedly, Dr. Demonization suddenly turned to such a heavy topic, and everyone didn’t know how to answer for a while.

At this time, someone in the chat group bubbled up again.

Thor: Manhattan! I’m a friend of yours, but can you say hello before you come to my house? (▼ヘ▼)

Dr. Manhattan: Have you disposed of your sister?

Loki Odinson: What? Sister? What you guys said… Is it Hela?

Thor: ……… Sighing, in the end, the father was still reluctant to kill her, but locked her in the dungeon below the palace.

Thor: But looking at Hela’s appearance, it seems that I can’t wait to… We killed her.”

Loki Odinson: Wait, what’s going on? Who explains it to me! (⊙o⊙)

Dr. Strange: Ahem, guys, I’ll just say it all.

Dr. Strange: During this time between the live broadcasts, Manhattan and I traveled through some parallel universes and did some… Affair.

Ganata, the daughter of the star swallower: traveling to parallel universes? You guys…… What was done? How many universes were destroyed? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Dr. Strange: Hey, is my image with Manhattan that bad?

Demonized Dr. Strange: We just caught that goddess of the underworld, Hela, and by the way, eliminated the SCP “worldview”… King of Crimson.

Tian Xiaoban: World view? What are you talking about? (⊙_⊙)??

Dr. Manhattan: The world in which SCP is located is subject to the “upper narrative”, and it is difficult to include the concept of the “multiverse”…

Dr. Manhattan: That’s why he chose to use the term “worldview.”

Tian Xiaoban: … I don’t understand at all.? ╮(╯_╰)╭

Runaway Lori Jinx: King of Crimson? You eliminated Tickle’s Dad?

Dr. Strange: Hmm… To be precise, what I ate was just an “avatar” or “projection”.

Dr. Strange: I didn’t see anything, but Manhattan told me that this crimson being, which represents all “malice”, is located in a higher dimensional world.

Dr. Strange: Even Manhattan is difficult to break through the dimensional barrier of that level for a while.

Lori Jinx: You… Ate the Crimson King??? ( ̄ mouth ̄)!!!

Wanda Maximov: So handsome! How do you eat? Do you eat it with your mouth?

Wanda Maksimov: Or swallow him into your body like you eat those dimensional monsters? O(∩_∩)O

Dr. Strange: Little girl, someone said… Are you weird? →_→

Darkseid: A higher dimensional existence… The doppelganger that descended?

Darkseid: Huh…

Wonder Woman Diana: Dark Lord, what are you laughing at?

Darkseid didn’t answer.

Beria: Hmph! Here comes another guy pretending to be a ghost.

Torrecchia: The existence of our dimension, may be a projection of a stronger person in a higher dimension?

Torrecchia: Hee-hee, the multiverse is really unfathomable, and it’s a long time to see.

And at this moment, the sound of the system sounded.

[Ding… Pick random lucky members…]

【Selected object: Beria】

[Start broadcasting related multiverse live broadcasts.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided: “Super Decisive Battle Belial Galactic Empire! 》】

[This live broadcast will start in one minute! ] 】

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