“Hladik Cube? What is this? ”

Looking at the strange cube in front of him, Dr. Demon’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of curiosity appeared in his heart.

With his strength, it can be seen at a glance that magic is attached to this cube.

But this kind of magic mode of operation, even Dr. Demon has never seen.

“Hmm… Such a magic flow route seems to be related to fusion and strengthening. ”

Just as Dr. Demonization carefully examined the cube, the voice of the system sounded again:

[“The Hladik block is a mage of a certain universe, a magic prop made by alchemy. “】

[“As long as you pack various magical items or equipment into blocks, you can fuse them and transform them into other items! 】

[“There is a certain chance that a more advanced powerful equipment will be created. “】

“Oh? Equipment that can be used to craft items? ”

After listening to the description of the system, Dr. Demonization looked unmoved, but many thoughts instantly turned in his heart.

The strength of other multiverse-level items, ordinary props are simply not eye-catching.

But if this block is a block, everything can really be synthesized and even strengthened.

That…… There are many ways to play.

“In that SCP world, there seem to be all kinds of strange things.”

Dr. Demonization stroked his chin and fell into deep thought.

“Next time… Please show me around Manhattan. ”

“Maybe by bringing things together, you can create… What about more interesting items. ”

“Well, if you want to synthesize ScP, this block… Further enchantment enhancement is needed! ”

Thinking of this, the smile on Dr. Demon’s face narrowed slightly.

Although, Manhattan once took him to the “crimson field” in the “SCP worldview”.

But until now, he still didn’t know how to open the portal to that universe.

The multiverse under the SCP worldview seems to be better than Dr. Demonization thought… It must be deep and heavy.

Even if he has reached the magic of the “multiverse” level, he still can’t spy on the threshold of this “world view”!

At this moment, the chat group was also lively.

Deadpool: Wow, these engineers are really ruthless enough to use that black water to destroy the world!

Magneto: Not necessarily the destruction of the world, maybe… Just want to destroy humanity.

Charles Xavier: Eric, do you think that makes any difference?

Charles Xavier: This black water can transform bugs into terrifying snakes! Once scattered around the world, life will either become extinct or be alienated into monsters!

Charles Xavier: It’s really going to get to that point, Earth… It’s all turned into a monster-infested hell.

Tian Xiaoban: Yes, you look at that scientist, just because his head was soaked in black water, he became a zombie!

Tian Xiaoban: It’s scary! ╥﹏╥

Big bones boiled into soup: terrible? You…… It must already be a Super Saiyan. Why are you afraid of zombies?

Tian Xiaoban: I just think that this kind of moving corpse is very disgusting, can’t it?

Big bones boiled into soup: Well, that makes sense.

Loki Odinson: Well, I guessed why those engineers were exterminating humans.

Tian Xiaoban: Huh?

Loki Odinson: Guess why did that cyborg, David, drip black water into Holloway’s wine?

Loki Odinson: Later, why did you put the female doctor in the hibernation pod?

Loki Odinson: He’s just a robot, is it necessary to do this kind of thing?

Captain America: Behind this biochemical man, there must be a mastermind.

Captain America: If you guessed correctly, it’s very likely… It’s that Peter Willen!

Big bones boiled into soup: Huh? Didn’t that old man die a long time ago?

Jerome Valeska: I also think this old guy is not dead.

Jeromé Valeska: In this world, humans have mastered the technology of sleeping pods!

Jerome Valeska: Even if this old man is really going to die soon, as long as he is put in a sleeping capsule, he can live for a long time!

Big bones boiled into soup: This… That makes sense. (⊙o⊙)

King Ida: This alien planet has a lot of treasures, such as Blackwater, which can be used as a bioweapon, and a living alien!

Ida Wang: As long as you get these things, that Peter Willen’s company can completely rule the earth!

King Ida: And the alien monster in that woman’s belly is also an excellent experiment.

Loki Odinson: Just for scientific research? How could it be that simple?

Loki Odinson: Human lifespan is very short, and that old man is going to die soon.

Loki Odinson: To survive, humans can do everything! Even, the same kind can be used as experimental objects.

Captain America: Loki! Are you trying to say that engineers want to destroy all of humanity because… Sensing evil in human character?

Loki Odinson: Hahaha! Since you guessed it, why ask?

Tian Xiaoban: Human, is it that bad? (⊙_⊙)

No one answered him …

At this time, the picture that had been frozen on the screen was played again.

[Image continues.] 】

[In the Prometheus spacecraft, he finally completed a laparotomy, and Dr. Sean, who took the octopus monster out of his stomach, stumbled around the cabin and accidentally entered a secret room. ] 】

[Here, she met Peter Weilun, who should have “died”! ] 】

[It turns out that the reason why this old man went to great lengths and risked the bankruptcy of the company to carry out the Prometheus plan… Just want to find the legendary engineer! 】

[Peter Weilun wants to use the power of these “earth creators” to make himself immortal! ] 】

[And that biochemical David has always acted under the command of Peter Wilun! ] 】

[Just now, I personally started from… Take an alien monster out of your stomach! Dr. Sean, already full of jealousy of “engineers”. 】

[She suggested that Peter Weilun give up the plan and leave the planet quickly! ] 】

[But the old Peter asked her a rhetorical question. 】

“Right now, we are close to our Creator! You can know the ultimate mystery of the birth of mankind! “】

“As a scientist, aren’t you curious at all? “】


As an archaeologist and female doctor, Sean was finally convinced by Peter Weilun. 】

[Next, Peter Weilun took the cyborgs David, Dr. Sean and others to the control disk in the underground chamber again. 】

[At this time, on the Prometheus, the captain judged through the picture transmitted back by Sean… This so-called underground chamber is actually an alien spaceship! 】

[On the control disc, David blew the engineer’s flute again and started the console. 】

[He told Sean and others that the original goal of these engineers… It’s Earth! 】

[But before they left, something terrible happened!] This directly led to the death of most of the engineers. 】

[The only surviving engineer lay in a dormant chamber.] 】

[Upon hearing this, Sean’s face also changed greatly! ] 】

[She guessed… It is by no means kind for engineers to go to Earth with so many “blackwater jars”! 】

[After speaking, David activated the sleeping capsule and woke up the engineers inside.] 】


[The alien giant walked out of the sleeping capsule, his figure swayed, and he was half kneeling on the ground, obviously not fully recovering. ] 】

【“!!! “】

[Looking at the alien who came back to life in front of him, Peter Weilun was so excited that he almost fell! ] 】

[And just before he spoke, Sean had already stepped forward and asked first:]

“Ask him, where did they come from?” What are those and the black water in the container? It was those black waters that killed his people! “】


[Sean swallowed:]

“You are making those black waters here to deal with us, why?”] “】

[“Stop! No more! “】

Peter Weilun was embarrassed to hear this, and directly ordered his subordinates to stop Sean from speaking again. 】

[Next, he used the cyborg’s David as a translator and relayed it to the engineer… I want to live forever. 】


[After listening to David’s translation, the alien giant showed a strange smile on his face and violently lifted David’s body into the air! ] Subsequently…… He grabbed his head and pulled it off his neck. 】

[“Bang! Bang! Bang! “】

[Next, the alien giant was like destroying and decaying, knocking down all Peter Weilun’s men! ] Only Sean Wen saw the opportunity quickly and escaped. 】

[And the alien giant didn’t bother to chase this woman again, and directly activated the control disc again, and a machine rose from under the disc… Like a space telescope device. 】

[After the engineer sat on the device, with a violent shaking, the earth began to crack! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[And a huge ring-shaped spaceship also rose into the sky from underground. 】

[This reawakened engineer wants to carry those black waters to Earth! ] 】

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