Hermione Granger: Luna Kongsu? Why did he appear on earth? (⊙o⊙)

Hermione Granger: And with that look… To scare Steven? Wasn’t that his messenger?

Wonder Woman Diana: Who knows? The actions of these gods are often unfathomable.

God of War Kratos: Gods? Whether it is a Greek god or an Egyptian god, for mankind… None of them are good things!

Deadpool: No gods, this Steven’s transformation is quite handsome!

Deadpool: Although, it’s still not as good as me. ^_^

John Constantine: Is this the Moonlight Knight? Looks a bit like an “albino version” of Batman.

Bruce wayne:…………

Bruce Banner: Who is that wolf-headed man? Does looking like this have something to do with Anubis?

Jeromé Valeska: Who knows, maybe Arthur’s cult made it….

Just as everyone was talking, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[“Yay! “】

[On the morning of Day 2, Steven woke up from a nightmare again. 】

[After coming to his senses, he forced himself to believe that everything that happened last night was just a dream, and he went to work as usual.] 】

[After arriving at the museum, Steven discovered that the area where the restroom was located had been sealed.] 】

[Colleagues also told Steven that a water pipe exploded last night. 】

【“!!! “】

[Steven, who was terrified, quickly ran to the monitoring room and asked a security guard who had a good relationship with him to turn on the monitoring. ] 】

[But on surveillance… There were no huge wolf-headed men at all, just a crazy Steven, running around the museum and finally escaping into the toilet. 】

[“How is that possible? “】

[Looking at this scene in front of him, Steven was completely stunned. 】

[What he experienced last night… Is it a dream? 】

[Or is he really crazy?] 】

[The museum believes that the damage to the restroom was caused by Steven, and does not hesitate to fire him.] 】

[After becoming an unemployed vagrant, the lost Steven returned home and suddenly remembered… The key he had found from the hollow in the wall before! 】

[Looking closely, Steven recognized the letter on the key, which represented a “warehouse company.] 】

After a long time of trying, Steven finally found the right warehouse location. 】

[Using the key to open the door of the warehouse, Steven went in and found that it was a simple single room with a military bed inside.] 】

[Nervous, Steven opened a black package in the warehouse. 】

[In addition to the coins of various countries, there is also a pistol and a passport. 】

[The photo in the passport is Steven himself, but the name is Mark! ] 】

[Steven, who was surprised, searched the bag carefully and found the golden scarab. 】

“Really, those are true! “】

[Looking at the scarab in his hand, Steven trembled slightly, and involuntarily swallowed his spit. ] 】

[In that mysterious European town, he fought with those cultists, and the people who died under his hands… It’s all facts! 】

[Steven, who was panicked, casually activated a switch on the scarab, and saw that this beetle actually spread its wings and flew. ] 】


[The golden beetle made a buzzing sound and hovered above the chassis.] 】

[No matter where Steven goes, this little thing’s head is always pointing in a certain direction. 】

[It seems that this scarab is a compass made of some kind of black technology! ] 】

[At this time, on the translucent wall of the warehouse, Mark’s reflection suddenly appeared again! ] 】

[“You! It’s you again. “】

[Looking at Mark on the wall, Steven suddenly became angry! ] 】

[He accused Mark of being a demon and possessing his own body! ] 】

[And Mark just told Steven to go back to sleep and leave all this to him.] 】

[But Steven insisted on disagreeing, and in the face of this situation, Mark had to take a step back and tell part of the truth.] 】

[“I serve the Egyptian moon god Konsu, and I am his incarnation on earth. “】

[Mark said coldly:]

“That means, and so do you. “】

[Kong Su’s incarnation is the Moonlight Knight! ] 】

[This white knight will protect the weak and punish those who bully in the name of Kong Su. 】

[“What the hell are you talking about? “】

[Hearing this absurd myth and legend, Steven thought that Mark was fooling him! ] 】

[In a fit of anger, he directly picked up the black bag, prepared to hand over all the money and pistol inside to the police station, and turned himself in by the way! ] 】

[Just left the warehouse, Steven was in the black aisle and encountered the terrifying “Skeleton Bandage Man” Kong Su:]

[“Wow! “】

[It was the monster in front of him who was so frightened that Steven screamed as he rushed out of the warehouse company. 】

[Due to excessive nervousness, he was almost knocked down by a woman on a motorcycle. 】

[Looking at Steven, who was holding his head in his hands and shivering on the ground, the motorcycle girl was also surprised. 】

[“Mark? It’s you? “】

[“Leila? “】

[Hearing this familiar voice, Steven immediately remembered. 】

[This is the one… The woman on the other end of Motorola’s phone! 】

Next, Laila pulled Steven directly onto the motorcycle. 】

[While cycling.] Laila was also nagging. 】

[Through this woman’s words, Steven was shocked to find that she turned out to be Mark’s wife! ] 】

Steven led Laila back to his apartment. 】

[Seeing that the apartment was full of ancient Egyptian documents and materials, Lyra seemed to have found a confidant, and her eyes softened when she looked at Steven. ] 】

[Unfortunately, the warm time is always short. 】

[It didn’t take long for Laila to pull out a document and ask Steven to sign it!] 】

[It turned out that this was a divorce agreement. 】

[Faced with this chaotic situation, Steven actually thought of opening the black bag and using the passport inside… Prove yourself not Mark! 】

[Finally. Filled with doubts, Laila took the initiative to open the bag and found the golden scarab hidden in the bag. 】

[Seeing this beetle, Leila suddenly became angry. ] 】

[At the beginning, she and Mark experienced the adventure of nine deaths, just for this beetle. 】

[But this man in front of him actually hid it and didn’t let himself know! ] 】

[“You guy, is it worthy of me? “】

“I said it all, I’m not Mark.”] “】

[Just as Steven and Laila were talking to the duck, there was a sudden knock on the door of the apartment! ] 】

[It turns out that it is two policemen! ] 】

[Laila quickly escaped through the window of the apartment, but the two policemen found the black bag. and the “Mark passport” hidden inside. 】

[At this time, Steven was taken into the car by them and taken back. 】

[However, instead of taking Steven to the police station, the two “policemen” transported him to an unfamiliar place.] 】

[As soon as he got out of the car, Steven saw a familiar face. 】

[Cult leader “Arthur”! 】

[He was deceived! ] 】

[Those two people are not police officers at all, but Arthur’s disciples!] 】

[At this time, the vision of the moon god Kong Su reappeared in front of Steven, ordering him to kill Arthur. 】

[“Oh? He’s here again, isn’t he? “】

[Looking at Steven staring blankly at the open space beside him, Arthur looked calm and didn’t care at all. 】

[He took Steven into the building next to him and told him…”

[Before, he was also the messenger of the moon god Kong Su! ] 】

[Kong Su, only those who have already committed crimes will be punished, this is too late! ] 】

[Arthur believed that the god he now served, Amit, could have been committed before the crime was committed… Stop the wicked! 】

[That golden scarab can guide him to Amit’s tomb! ] 】

[But Steven knows Egyptian mythology very well, and he knows that “Amit” is not a god at all, but a terrifying monster! ] 】

[More importantly, if before a person has not committed a crime… Just judge him, isn’t that hurting an innocent person? 】

[Therefore, Steven refused to hand over the scarab, and did not want to be complicit with Arthur. 】

[“Hmph! “】

[Facing Steven, who was soft and hard, Arthur finally lost his patience. 】

Just as those cultists were about to strike, Laila suddenly appeared with a scarab. 】

[Before evading the fake cops and escaping the apartment, Laila was out of that bag… Stole the scarab! 】

[“Run! Run! “】

[Seeing the cultist getting closer and closer, Steven quickly pulled Leila, turned around and ran. ] 】

[“You guys! “】

[Arthur’s face was livid, he raised his cane, and slammed it on the ground. 】

[“Boom! “】

[The purple light spread in all directions, and a portal actually opened on the earth! ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[A hideous and terrifying wolf-headed man crawled out of the portal! ] 】

[It turns out that this monster was summoned by Arthur from hell. 】

[“I don’t care who you are, hurry up and summon the battle uniform to transform! “】

[In the process of fleeing, Laila kept urging Steven… Summon that suit with superpowers. 】

[But Steven was confused and didn’t know what he was talking about.] 】

[At this time, Mark told him in the mirror next to him that he could kill the monster by surrendering control of his body! ] 】

“No, don’t try to control me anymore! “】

[But Steven didn’t want to lose control of his body again, and the two sides were at a stalemate for a while.] 】

[“Howl! “】

[At the critical moment, the wolf-headed man suddenly appeared and pushed Steven out of the window. 】

[“Transform! Uniforms… Wow wow! “】

[Falling from the air to the ground, Steven screamed while frantically trying to transform.] 】


[“Bang! “】

[With a muffled sound, a man wearing a white suit and a hood fell to the ground with a “superhero landing pose”! ] 】

[“Uh It hurts.”

[The man in the white suit was handsome for only three seconds, and he fell down covering his knees. ] 】


Seeing this, Deadpool also laughed in the chat group.

Deadpool: I said it all, this “superhero landing” is very hurting knees! It’s useless except to be handsome. ^_^

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