Seeing this, the chat group suddenly became lively.

Wanda Maksimov: No, is this Luna so powerful? Even cosmic stars can be manipulated? (⊙o⊙)

Wonder Woman Diana: Is this guy really just a god on Earth?

Wonder Woman Diana: This level is already cosmic level!

Tian Xiaoban: A cosmic-level god… Locked up in a stone statue? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallowers: That’s not right! Kong Su should only be able to manipulate the starry sky of the earth to a certain extent! It does not interfere with the universe itself.

Hermione Granger: Manipulating the Earth’s starry sky, that’s already powerful, okay?

Hermione Granger: This is the power of God, and human beings can’t compare to it!

God of War Kratos: No kidding, a little god representing the moon, what’s so great?

Clark Kent: I think… Human beings have infinite possibilities, but they may not be able to surpass the gods.

Loki Odinson: Oh, that’s a little less persuasive to you.

Dr. Strange: Oh? What about me?

Rocky Oddinson: ……… →_→

Just when Loki was speechless, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After Kong Su was sealed inside the statue, one of the divine messengers picked it up and put it in a hole in the wall. 】

[And this wall, which looks like a display wall, has long been placed with many statues of gods.] 】

[Obviously, the sealed Egyptian gods are definitely more than Kongsu! ] 】

[At this time in the desert, after the moon god Kong Su disappeared, Steven also fainted. ] 】

[And Arthur’s subordinates also rushed over in an armed jeep! ] 】

[Fortunately, Leila, in a hurry, found an opportunity to throw the incendiary rod into the ammunition box on the jeep. 】

[“Bang bang! “】

After a series of explosions, the cultists in the jeep all pounced on the street. 】

[After the disappearance of the moon god, Steven could no longer transform into a moonlight knight and became an ordinary person. 】

[But even so, he still refused to cede the dominance of his body to Mark.] 】

[The two snatched the militants’ jeep and made it all the way to Amit’s grave.] 】

[Unfortunately, Arthur’s group has already arrived here. 】

[However, in order to dig the way to the tomb, everyone went to dig the earth, and there was no one in the camp.] 】

[Seeing this, Steven Leila hurriedly went to the camp to search for equipment. 】

[And at this time, Mark, who was in a state of subpersonality, discovered that Steven… It seems that he has some good feelings for Leila, and he is suddenly shocked. 】

[“You guy, shouldn’t you be fancying my wife? “】

“I warn you, if you dare to touch her, I will definitely slaughter you!”] “】

[Looking at Mark’s “incompetent rage” in the mirror, Steven was suddenly extremely refreshed, mocked him a few words and left. ] 】

[Good death or death, just after Steven and Laila met, the more the two talked about their deeper feelings, and finally… They actually kissed together! 】

[Just after the kiss, Steven’s hand suddenly punched hard… Hit him on his own nose! 】

[“Oops! “】

[Steven let out a scream and was directly knocked to the ground by the punch of “Mark”. 】

[Such a scene looks really weird. ] 】

[Next, with his rich knowledge of Egyptian culture, Steven led Laila and soon came to the depths of the catacombs.] 】

[But at this moment, a scream suddenly came from the tomb! ] 】

[“Ah! “】

[Immediately after. A blue dried corpse, grabbing a cult member, walked out of the deep passage! 】

[In this catacomb, a living corpse actually appeared! ] 】

[Faced with such a terrifying scene, Steven and Laila quickly hid, shivering, ]

[This dry corpse, at first, did not find two people, but put the cult member down on a processing table to unload 8 pieces, and then took out all the internal organs and put them in some containers. ] 】

[It turns out that this dried corpse was in ancient times… Egyptian priests who were mummified! Specially designed to deal with grave robbers in future generations! 】

[But then Laila still made some noises, which alarmed the dry corpse! ] 】

[Fortunately, Steven seized the opportunity to push a table down from a high place and suppress the dry corpse.] 】

[And the two separated.] 】

[Unfortunately, just a table can’t crush this thousand-year-old dry corpse! ] 】

[Soon, this dried corpse climbed up and caught up with Laila again! ] 】

[“Wow! “】

[In the face of terrible enemies, Laila is in the midst of a fight, bravely holding the lighting stick in her hand… Inserted into the eyes of the dried corpse! Then pushed “it” into the deep pit next to him! 】

[Unlike Leila, who died nine lifetimes, at this time, on the other side, Steven was a fool and a fool, and without encountering any danger, he came to the deepest part of the ancient tomb and found the tomb of the pharaoh! ] 】

[Steven was taken aback when he saw the patterns and words on the coffin! ] 】

“This is a Macedonian record! “】

“Could it be that the pharaoh here is Alexander the Great?”] “】

Steven, who was astonished, opened Pharaoh’s coffin with a trembling hand. 】

[There is a mummy lying inside.] 】

[Steven first gasped, and then after thinking, he broke Alexander the Great’s mouth and took out an idol from his body! ] 】

[It turns out that Amit is not dead, but sealed! ] 】

[Looking at the stone statue in his hand, Steven’s heart was full of joy, and at this moment, Leila, who had a livid face, suddenly appeared in front of him. ] 】

[It turned out that Laila had met Arthur in the tomb just now. 】

Arthur told her that her “husband” Mark may have indirectly killed her father. 】

[Angry Leila, forced Mark to appear and confront him, and Mark’s personality… Sure enough, it also came out. 】

[Looking at the woman in front of him, Mark confessed that he was in that expedition. It was his companion who suddenly changed his mind and wanted to kill everyone! 】

[Not only was Leila’s father killed by his “companion”, but even Mark was shot down and almost killed. ] 】

[At this chaotic moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the tomb, apparently Arthur and others arrived! ] 】

[In a hurry, Mark hurriedly asked his beloved wife to find a way, and himself… then stay after the break. 】

[It’s a pity that in the face of a group of armed men with live ammunition, even though Mark is skillful, he was finally shot several times by Arthur and fell into the pool next to the coffin. ] 】


[In the pool, Mark sank deeper and deeper, as if sinking into the abyss of hell. 】

[But after a while, he suddenly woke up again.] 】

【“??? “】

[Looking at the sick white coat on his body and the scene around him, Mark was completely stupid. ] 】

[Here, it’s a psychiatric hospital. 】

[He is not a mercenary, nor does he have multiple personalities, just a patient locked up here. 】

[The most terrifying thing is his wife Leila. Just a nurse who usually cares about him a lot! 】

[Mark’s archenemy Arthur… It’s the director of this psychiatric hospital! 】

[According to the description of the hospital director, the adventure stories in Mark’s mind are all derived from a movie. 】

[He… Just a poor bug with mental problems! 】

“Nope! No! “】

[Feeling that the whole person was about to collapse, Mark frantically knocked down the hospital staff and fled into the aisle. ] 】

[In a hurry, he hid in a room of the mental hospital and found that here… There was actually a pharaoh’s coffin! 】

[“Wow! “】

[Soon, the coffin board began to shake, and a person appeared from inside. 】

[That’s Steven!] 】

“So it’s you!”] “】

[The two “personalities” hugged each other excitedly, and their faces were full of joy. 】

[Although I don’t know what this is all about, it is always good to meet a “kind” in this crazy mental hospital. 】

Just as the two were about to continue their escape journey, they did not notice that in a nearby room, there was another coffin. 】

[Moreover, this coffin is constantly shaking, as if it contains something! ] 】

[Steven and Mark, running around the hospital like headless flies, finally came to a gate. 】

[Just before they opened the door, the door suddenly opened, revealing a one standing behind them… Hippopotamus! 】

[This hippopotamus, dressed in ancient Egyptian-style gorgeous clothes, looked at Mark and the two and raised his hand in friendship:]


“Wow! “】

[Looking at the weird “hippopotamus man” in front of them, the muscles on Mark and Steven’s faces twisted wildly, pulling their necks and screaming! ] 】

“You really look alike.”] “】

[The hippopotamus people also seemed a little confused, tilted their heads, looked at the two and asked:]

“You guys… Wouldn’t it be twins? “】

At this time, in the chat group, someone suddenly bubbled.

Wonder Woman Diana: A hippopotamus man who makes a woman’s voice, and the Egyptian shirt…

Wonder Woman Diana: She’s not a hippopotamus, she’s a goddess!

Tian Xiaoban: Huh? Goddess of hippos? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Wonder Woman Diana: That’s right, she’s Tavolit, responsible for the people who will die… Egyptian goddess extradited to the underworld!

Wonder Woman Diana: Mark and Steven, both dead!

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