[Golden flames spewed out from all five senses, and Hope shouted with the last of her strength:]

“You must kill me!”] Rogan, can you do it? “】

“Kid, I’ll do my best!”] “】

[All over his body was burned into black charcoal by the flames of the phoenix, Wolverine showed his Edman alloy claws and pounced madly! ] 】

[He has completed such a task once before! ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[But at this moment, a red laser light shot over, knocking Wolverine’s body out! ] 】

[It’s a laser eye!] 】

[Seeing Hope as the hope and savior of mutants, he released laser light at the most critical time to stop Wolverine! ] 】

“Abominable, Scott! I’m going to slaughter you!” “】

[These two men who had a feud because of Qin Gray fought together again! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[Just as the X-Men and the Avengers were locked in a melee, the huge firebird was getting closer and closer! ] 】

[At this time on Earth, Professor X, Scarlet Witch, and others with great spiritual powers… They have already felt the arrival of the phoenix! 】

[The end is approaching. 】

[And at this moment, with a series of roars, a huge steel robot rushed into space! ] 】

[This is what Iron Man and Ant-Man Hank Pym teamed up to create… Anti-Phoenix Armor! 】

[Just like the original anti-Hulk armor, Iron Man wears his own suit and controls this armor inside! ] 】

[This steel armor is the last hope of all the people on earth. 】

[Inside the armor, Iron Man muttered:]

[“I hope this trick works…”]

[In the next second, the armored artificial intelligence emitted an electronic sound without fluctuation:]

[“The phoenix has entered the range, decomposing the beam and preparing to fire! “】

[“Oh! “】

[At the moment when Iron Man pressed the launch button, a brilliant beam of light shot out from the anti-phoenix armor. ] 】

[This is a collection of two of the smartest people on earth… The “Anti-Phoenix Decomposition Cannon” created! 】

[“Squeak! “】

[In the cosmic space, the phoenix also seemed to let out a scream! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[Along with the explosion of terrorism, the golden flames on the phoenix’s body scattered in all directions! ] 】

[The blow of the anti-phoenix armor actually blew up the phoenix! ] 】

[“Wow! “】

[On the surface of the moon, the Avengers are all scorched black and look embarrassed. 】

[The shock wave generated when the phoenix exploded almost blasted them to pieces. 】

[But just when Captain America struggled to raise his head, he was in space… I saw a terrifying scene. 】

[Five men and women shining with golden glows floated in midair, releasing endless energy and coercion on their bodies! ] 】

[Laser Eye, White Queen, Steel Lux, Secret Guest, Aquaman Namo…]

[The energy emitted after the phoenix was shattered was actually merged with these 5 mutants! ] 】

[This scene is simply unbelievable. 】

[The host of the phoenix should have been Hope alone! ] 】

[But because Iron Man’s “Anti-Phoenix Decomposition Cannon” smashed the phoenix, this force was instead split into five and attached to these 5 people! ] 】

[These 5 mutants have now gained god-like power. 】

[They are the Five Apostles of the Phoenix! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[Facing the scarred Avengers in front of him, the Phoenix Laser Eye just gently stretched out his hand, and a powerful shockwave rushed them away like ants! ] 】

“Captain America, we have surpassed you, and humans have surpassed mutants! “】

[Laser eyes condescending, said with a proud face:]

“Now, we are the future of this planet, and no one can stop us! “】

[Saying that, Laser Eye and 4 other Phoenix Apostles flew towards Earth with the unconscious Hope. 】

[With the power of the gods of the universe, these 5 apostles will follow their will… Transform this tiny planet! 】

Seeing this, the chat group is also lively!

Deadpool: Hahaha! It’s really interesting that they actually became gods with laser eyes.

Wanda Maksimov: Five phoenixes! The power of the phoenix… Can it still be divided into 5 portions?

Ganata, the daughter of the star-swallowing species: The phoenix is the embodiment of the “life force” in the multiverse! It represents the life and death of the universe!

Ganata, the daughter of the star swallowers: Such an existence, even if it is divided into 5, its energy far exceeds that of ordinary cosmic gods.

Ganata, the daughter of the star-swallowing star: The earth of the 616 universe already belongs to these 5 “apostles”.

Ganata, the daughter of Star Swallowing: No matter how powerful people are, it is impossible to beat the combination of the five of them.

Bruce Wayne: 5 powerful people who want to rule the world?

Bruce Wayne: It’s like…

Rocky Odinson: Son of Red, even Unrighteous Superman! Are you trying to say this?

Bruce wayne:…………

Clark Kent: Bruce, it’s okay, you can say what you want, I’m not that vulnerable.

Bruce Wayne: No matter what motives these 5 mutants come from, relying on super power to rule the world, this kind of thing… Fundamentally wrong!

Runaway Lori Jinx: Error? What’s wrong?

Lori Jinx: The world is not ruled by the strong, is it handed over to the weak?

Bruce Wayne: Once these 5 apostles are gone. Or out of control, who can stop them?

Bruce Wayne: A completely uncontainable force can only bring disaster!

Robert Kiliman: Young man, you’re saying this very absolutely.

Robert Kiliman: In order to correct the world and destroy evil, absolute power is necessary!

Robert Kiliman: Imagine what the world would be like if such power fell into the hands of evildoers? I’m afraid that hell on earth is coming!

Bruce Wayne: Even if a hero gains absolute power, there is no guarantee that he will not fall…

Torrecchia: Oh, because you may fall in the future, are you going to kill the current heroes?

Torrecchia: The human mindset is really interesting. ^_^

Bruce wayne:…………

While everyone was arguing, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After obtaining the power of the Phoenix that overrides everything, the Five Apostles of the Phoenix quickly brought the earth under their rule, and no one could resist them. 】

[Next, they began to use their power to reshape and transform the world. 】

[Soon, famine, drought, war, strife… All disappeared from the face of the earth. 】

[With the help of the Phoenix Apostle, humans have even obtained inexhaustible energy. 】

[Seeing the actions of the Five Apostles of the Phoenix, Professor X… Charles Zell was worried. 】

[In his opinion, it is not a good thing for the Phoenix Apostles to give these things to humans easily. 】

[Because it is too easy to get, humans often do not cherish it.] 】

[And such a drastic change will definitely bring rebound and side effects.] 】

[At the same time, the Avengers are also secretly observing the actions of the Five Apostles of the Phoenix. 】

[Captain America also questioned this, believing that these 5 people were too dangerous. ] 】

[But not everyone agrees with him.] 】

[Like Black Panther T’Challa is very incomprehensible. 】

[What these five apostles have done so far is a good deed, and they have done nothing wrong. 】

[Is it because they are too strong that they have to endure suspicion and targeting from outsiders?] 】

[“Thor is also very powerful, so can I say… Because he is too strong, we absolutely can’t trust him? “】

[Hearing Black Panther’s questioning, Iron Man said terrible things:]

[“My Anti-Phoenix Armor and Phoenix Exterminator Weapon… It’s all still there. “】

[However, I am still a little worried that if they continue to be used, they will further tear the power of the phoenix apart, causing the situation to further get out of control…”

[Hear these avengers… Always treating the Phoenix Five Apostles as enemies, Beast Hank turned his face full of disappointment and turned and walked out. 】

[Inside the Avengers, there is finally a split! ] 】

[At this time, in Kunlun, a holy land in the east, a prophet found Lei Gong, the guardian of Kunlun, and showed him a painting. 】

[On the screen, a female warrior fights a firebird falling from the sky! ] And victorious! 】

[Her name is Wu Fengji! ] 】

“Now, that firebird has come again! “】

[The blind prophet, laughed softly:]

“We need a new iron fist, a new Wu Fengji! “】

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