[Sensing the abnormality, Dormammu roared in disbelief:]

“Is this an illusion?” Did I kill a phantom?” 】

Strange stood in front of Dormammu and said lightly: “No, this is reality. “】

【”Very good! “】

[Dormammu angrily urged the spell, and countless spires struck from all directions, nailing Strange to the ground. 】

[But within a few seconds, Strange, who had the eye of Agomoto on his body, appeared in front of Dormammu again. 】

He looked at the green magic ring around his wrist and looked up again. 】

“Dormammu, I’m here to talk about conditions. “】

Looking at Strange who was unharmed in front of him, Dormammu was so surprised that the ghost fire in his eyes flashed:】

“You… What exactly happened? “】

Strange raised his head and said calmly. 】

“Just as you gave Casillas abilities from your world, I also brought something from mine. “】

[He raised his left hand and showed Dormammu the green magic ring wrapped around his left hand. 】

“That’s time. “】

[“Infinite loop of time. “】

At this time, in the otherworldly live broadcast room, everyone was shocked by Strange’s extraordinary brain hole and amazing determination.

“Infinite time loop?”

Little Wanda opened her mouth wide in surprise:

“Isn’t this the same as that Mobius used to deal with Loki?”

Tony said thoughtfully:

Only this time “Loki” became Dormammu, and “Sif” became Strange. ”

Seeing that his black history was brought up again, Loki’s face darkened at once.

Strange just nodded lightly:

“Yes, it’s the same approach. It’s just that my strength is similar to that of an ant in front of Dormammu, and it is impossible to hurt him.

“Fortunately… The time cycle constructed through time gems is eternal. ”

“As long as I don’t break it, Dormammu and that me will be trapped in this cycle forever, repeating itself indefinitely.”

Peter only felt that his heartbeat had accelerated a lot, and asked in a low voice:

“But in this way, don’t you have to face countless deaths?”

Strange shrugged:

“If you can successfully stop Dormammu, this is the price… It is simply negligible. ”

“This cost?”

Loki’s scalp tingled as he listened next to him, and even the corners of his eyes twitched.

Just the “infinite foundation” he saw on the screen before was already a terrifying experience that was enough to make him have nightmares.

Moreover, Sif hit him… At least it won’t kill you.

But what this Strange is facing is a dark dimensional lord who has entered a state of rage!

How much torture does he have to endure in this situation? How many painful deaths do you endure?

Just imagining it, Loki felt his hair stand on end, and the cool breeze whizzed behind him.

“Good fellow, it seems that I really underestimated you before.”

Tony Stark’s eyes changed when he looked at Strange:

“In the army, I have also met many people who claim to be not afraid of death, but they are just not afraid of the kind of death that is a hundred.”

“People like you who dare to take the initiative to endure endless pain… I haven’t even heard of it. ”

Feeling the complex eyes of everyone around him full of amazement, Strange smiled a little uncomfortably:

“Actually, it’s okay, in order to heal my hands, I have probably endured all the pain imaginable to humans.”

“By now, I’m probably immune to pain.”

Hearing this, even Magneto, who was still depressed about the loss of his superpower… They couldn’t help but raise their heads, their eyes full of surprise.

How could this middle-aged man with a bit of gray hair with sideburns in front of him be so firm in his will?

At this time, in that tavern, the corners of Wolverine’s mouth gradually curved.

“Already immune to pain? Hehe…… Sounds a bit like me. ”

Picking up the wine glass and taking a sip, Wolverine suddenly glared and laughed.

Wolverine: The guy named Strange. Lao Tzu has no other skills, but when it comes to the ability to withstand pain, he is definitely the first in the world.

Wolverine: If that monster Dormammu… If you really dare to come to Earth, you might as well use your magic on me and let Laozi and I deal with him!”

Wolverine: Even if he can kill me 100 times! 1000 times! Lao Tzu promises not to blink his eyes! Hahaha…

Stephen Strange: … I am grateful that you have this heart. However, dealing with the Demon God of the Other Dimension is the responsibility of us mages.

Wolverine: If you lose, the earth is gone, but what kind of mage is not a mage in this case?

Wolverine: Aren’t you going to look down on me as a mutant?

Stephen Strange: Well, no. Well, if there is such an opportunity, I will definitely inform you.

Wolverine: Hahaha! You can say that again!

Although he barely coped with Wolverine, Strange also muttered secretly in his heart.

“Mutants? What the hell is this? How come a few newcomers joined this time… Are you mentioning this? ”

“And humans … Fight side by side? ”

Looking at the interaction between Wolverine and Strange in the chat group, Magneto Eric frowned slightly, but in the end he didn’t say anything.

The crisis that appears on the screen in front of you is really beyond the racial boundaries of humans or mutants.

This battle… But it is related to the survival of the earth!

【Image continues】

[Finding that he actually fell into the trap of this little ant in front of him, trapped in an endless time loop, Dormammu was so angry that his body was full of demon light, and the ripples on his giant face trembled! ] 】

[“You are so daring! “】

[Seeing that Dormammu raised his right hand, which was larger than the mountain peak, and slapped it straight down, Strange showed a trace of helplessness in his eyes, but still did not make any dodging movements. ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[Dormammu’s giant palm landed on the ground, and the flying stones splashed everywhere, and Strange was instantly smashed by the giant palm. ] 】

[But then everything went back to square one.] 】

“Dormammu, I’m here to talk about conditions. “】

[Having understood what happened, Dormammu’s ghostly eyes shot dazzling purple light, but he did not rush to attack again. Instead, he said coldly. 】

[“Human! You can’t go on like this forever. “】

[There is no fear in Strange’s voice:]

“Actually, I can. “】

“That’s the way it is now. “】

Strange raised his hands fearlessly, ignoring the countless deaths that were imminent. 】

“You and I are both stuck in this time period, just like this infinite loop. “】

[Dormammu roared, “Then you must face endless death. “】

“Yes, but the people of Earth will survive! “】

[Strange looked serious, and seemed to be ready to awaken. 】

“Be prepared to suffer endless pain. Dormammu’s voice became even more angry, as if it was about to erupt in the next moment. 】

[Strange’s voice already has a hint of self-deprecation: “It doesn’t matter, I’m used to pain for a long time!” “】

As soon as the words fell, Dormammu opened his mouth. A raging wave of purple light shot out, instantly dissociating Strange into elementary particles. 】

[However, such an attack is meaningless to Strange, who is in an infinite loop. 】

[He was killed again and again, but appeared again and again.] 】

“Dormammu, I’m here … Yes!!! “】

“I’m here to talk about conditions!!! “】

[Faced with the seemingly endless time loop, even though Dormammu is the lord of the dark dimension, he is a little crazy for a while. 】

“Give me a stop!!! “】

[“Dormammu! I am…”

[“Dormammu! I…”


Watch Strange face endless death without fear and without hesitation.

Everyone in front of the big screen was chilled to watch, and a creepy feeling arose.

It’s terrible.

Is this guy’s will ironclad?

“Ancient One Mage!”

At Karma Taj, Master Mordo sighed faintly, and there was actually a bit of respect in his eyes.

“I finally understand now why you are so optimistic about Strange.”

The ancient mage had stopped the fan in his hand at this time and nodded slightly.

“Strange’s wisdom and courage so far is beyond my imagination.”

“This man… It is indeed born to belong to Karma Taj. ”



Little Wanda swallowed his spit with difficulty, glanced back at Strange, and asked cautiously:

“Are you really preparing… Drag Dormammu with this endless death? ”

“It’s crazy.”

Black Widow also shook her head next to her, obviously not optimistic about this.

“Just like the ancient mage and Kang the conqueror, even if your body is constantly resurrected, your spirit and will have limits.”

“If this death lasts too long, your whole person will collapse!”

Hearing this, Peter couldn’t help but interject:

“Mr. Strange, since you have control of the Time Gem, why don’t you rewind Dormammu’s time like you did with Apple before?”

“You mean, let me rewind it into the dark dimension?”

Strange spread his hands and smiled bitterly:

“That otherworldly me might love to do that, but unfortunately… That’s not impossible. ”

“As you saw earlier, I tried to restore the time of the Hong Kong Temple, but a single Casillas attack interrupted my casting.”

“Dormammu’s strength does not know how many times that of Casillas, facing such a terrifying dark lord, only with a pre-set time loop can he be completely trapped.”

Peter asked incredulously:

“But… Do you have to die like this endlessly? “

“Trade your infinite death for peace for the people of Earth? That’s too much to do. ”

At this time, a smile suddenly appeared on Strange’s face.

“It’s not there yet.”

“Peter, you should remember what I said to Dormammu when I appeared?”

Tony Stark listened thoughtfully on the side:

“‘I’m here to talk about the conditions?’ So it is…”

It seems that his nature as a profiteer suddenly awakened, Tony clapped his hands lightly, and laughed:

“This infinite loop is your chip!”

“Just like before, Mobius used this cycle to suppress Loki. That otherworldly you also want to use this method to force Dormammu to submit! ”

“Hey! How do you speak? ”

Loki complained with a look of displeasure: “You humans, why do you always like to use this god to make such an impudent metaphor?” ”


[Image continues.] 】

[Facing the angry Dormammu. Strange faced one horrible death after another. 】

[I have to say that as the lord of the dark dimension, Dormammu’s means of killing people are really strange, and almost every time is different. ] 】

[In the end, Dormammu will not even kill Strange all at once, but reduce the power of the attack, wanting to slowly torture him to break his will. ] 】

【”You will definitely lose!”] Dormammu’s terrifying roar resounded throughout the dark dimension. 】

“Yes, I will lose!”] “】

[Strange, who was seriously injured, struggled to raise his head and stood up from the ground. 】

“Then I can repeat… The non-stop losing! Forever! “】

“In this way, you will become my prisoner!”] “】

“Nope! No way. “】

[Finding himself trapped by the trap set by the ant in front of him, Dormammu finally fell into a state of madness. 】

“Stop me. Let me out!!! “】

“Nope! “】

Time looped again, and Strange walked in front of Dormammu with a smile of victory on his face. Say that line again. 】

“I’m here to talk about conditions. “】

[Faced with this human being, who seemed to be invincible, Dormammu finally relented. 】

[It’s terrible. 】

[He crisscrossed the universe, I don’t know how many planets and civilizations he devoured, but he has never encountered such a thing. ] 】

[As the lord of the dark dimension, he was actually imprisoned by this little human being! ] 】

[Dormammu has done his best, but he still can’t break the cage of this time! ] 】

“What exactly do you want to talk about?” Dormammu asked hatefully. 】

“Take your followers out of the earth, never do evil in my world, and never return. “】

[Strange put forward the conditions with a solemn expression. 】

“As long as you can do it, I’ll stop this time loop. “】


[The screen turned, and I came to Hong Kong. 】

[Casillas, thinking that he had won the victory, began to talk in front of Mordo. 】

[“This is a world beyond time, beyond death, it’s so beautiful”]

At this moment, Strange slowly landed behind him. 】

[As if sensing that something was wrong, Casillas turned around and asked in a deep voice. 】

“What have you done?” “】

Strange said leisurely: “My conditions have been negotiated. “】

[The voice just fell.] A purple mist began to appear on Casillas’s body. 】

“What is it?” “】

Casillas exclaimed in amazement. 】

[Strange shrugged lightly:]

“That’s all you want. “】

“As part of Dormammu’s life, live forever. “】

“But… You won’t like it. “】

Casillas, as well as his two disciples, had terrified expressions on their faces at the same time. 】

[Immediately afterwards, their body surfaces began to disintegrate, their bodies were devoured by purple magic, and finally turned into some kind of one-eyed weirdo.] 】

[“Aaaa “】

[Three one-eyed monsters were involved in the spatial cracks in the sky by some invisible force. 】

[Immediately afterwards, the crack slowly closed, and the dark dimension completely retreated from the earth. 】

[Dark Demon God Dormammu, defeated! ] 】

“You know what? “】

[Looking at the fate of Casillas and the others, Doctor Strange said leisurely. ] 】

“You really should have stolen the whole book in the first place, because warnings are usually written behind spells. “】

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Doctor Strange is over, and Avengers One follows.

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