[The guards of the underground fighting arena were one step late, and could only watch the elevator door close. ] 】

[The guard couldn’t help but be angry at Parker, who was standing on the side, in addition to his chagrin. 】

“What’s going on with you?” You let him go! “】

[Behind the guards, the director of the fighting arena also rushed over with the head injured by the robbers. 】

[Looking at Parker, the bald supervisor asked the same question as the guard with a look of chagrin. 】

“You could have stopped him, but you let him run away with my money.” “】

[Facing the bald supervisor who was angry and corrupted, Parker’s face actually showed a sneer:]

“That’s none of my business. “】

[Looking at the sneer on Parker’s face, the bald supervisor’s expression also stiffened. 】

[He knew very well that Parker was taking revenge on himself… Just hacked his honorarium! 】

[But so what?] Can he fight with this young man? 】

[Have you ever beaten?] 】

[Watching the bald supervisor turn away helplessly, the smile on Parker’s face became obvious. ] 】

In the spider universe one, see yourself on the screen with this method… Taking revenge on the profiteers who hacked his money, Parker looked full of surprise.

Unexpectedly, the “Parker” of another universe not only looks exactly like himself, but also has such powerful means!

That hateful profiteer should have paid himself 3,000 yuan, but in the end he only paid 100 yuan!

But now, the one who was snatched away by that robber is far from worth thousands of meters!

This can almost be regarded as God’s retribution for him!

“Deserve it!”

Just when Parker was still a little proud, someone in the chat group suddenly bubbled.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Another me! You must remember that if something like this happens, you must not let the robber escape!

Peter Parker (Spiderverse 1): Ah, what’s the problem?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): This guy is a gunman, and if you let him go, he’ll hurt everybody else.

Peter Parker (Spiderverse 1): Uh… You mean, I should have caught him like a superhero? I’ve never done anything like this, and… He still has a gun in his hand.

Wolverine: Hey, I don’t know what’s going on, but that Peter boy, you seem to be a little too much to accuse your variant.

Wolverine: He may have superpowers, but he doesn’t have the ability to heal himself like me, and if he is accidentally shot by that robber, he will die.

Having lived for more than 100 years, Wolverine can say that he has seen everything.

So, for this kind of … Some harsh preaching, he still quite unimpressed.

Charles Xavier: Oh, Wolverine, you look very violent, are you very informed? Seemingly…… We can communicate more in the future.

Wolverine: Sorry, I only like women, you better communicate with that Magneto.

Charles Xavier: ……… (ー_ー)

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): No, you all misunderstood, I say this because of the other me… If the robber is not caught, Uncle Ben will be shot by him!

Peter Parker (Spiderverse 1): Huh? What did you say? Uncle Ben?

Wolverine: What do you mean by that, young man?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): In my future, exactly the same thing happened!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Because the owner of a convenience store offended me, I deliberately ignored a thief stealing his money.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): As a result, the thief met Uncle Ben on his way to escape! Finally shot him.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): The scene just now is exactly the same as my future!

Peter Parker (Spiderverse 1): This… How is this possible?

See here. Parker’s eyes widened, and the expression on his face froze completely. An extremely terrifying feeling swept through the body in an instant.

How could there be such a thing?

Because he spared a robber, and then Uncle Ben was going to die?

What is the truth of this?

Charles Xavier: Young man, you are saying this too arbitrarily.

Charles Xavier: I didn’t mean to be rude, but this kind of thing happens to you in the future, and it doesn’t mean that… It will definitely happen to your variant.

Master Mordo: No, the possibility is there, and it’s great.

Charles Xavier: What?

Master Mordo: Although there will be various differences between the multiverses, the fate trajectories of some of the main characters are generally not too far apart.

Stephen Strange: This… Could it be…?

Loki Odinson: Damn, is it that time bureau troublemaker again?! Convex (艹皿艹)

Rocky Odinson: These bastards! To that damn holy timeline theory… How persistent they really are!

Charles Xavier: Holy Timeline?

Stephen Strange: You can understand that the trajectory of fate is predetermined by some people.

Stephen Strange: In other words, your whole life must be lived according to the trajectory set by the Authority of Time.

Stephen Strange: If you deviate from that trajectory, they think you exist… More multiverses will be spawned!

Stephen Strange: In this way, the Time Authority will send someone to cut you out, that is, send your existence to the end of time!

Charles Xavier: What? There is such a thing in the world!!!

Magneto: It’s unbelievable!

Wolverine: You… Are you really not talking about God?

Hearing Stephen’s “popular science”, the elite of the three mutants, Charles, Magneto, and Wolverine, were all frightened and fought a cold war, and their sweaty hairs stood up for a while!

What are you kidding?

There is such a terrible organization in the world! Be able to control the life trajectories of an unknown number of people in the multiverse!

If there really is such a thing, then the existence of this organization has simply surpassed the gods!

Parker of Spider Universe 1 was also stunned by this explosive news, and it took half a day to come to his senses.

At this moment, an extremely terrifying thought suddenly arose in his heart.

If these people in the group are right, then… Could it be that Uncle Ben is destined to die because of himself?

Just as Parker was in a state of confusion, the image on the screen took a new turn.

With the $100 he had just earned, Parker walked back to his home with a satisfied look. 】

[Halfway through, he saw a police car whizzing by. 】

[Parker looked ahead and saw a group of people gathered around the street, as if something had happened. 】

“It’s an old guy. “】

[“What’s wrong? “】

“Someone got hurt. “】

[Hearing the word “old guy”, Parker suddenly felt a strong uneasiness in his heart. 】

[He squeezed into the crowd and went all the way forward.] 】

[And when he saw the old man lying on the ground covered in blood, Parker’s face immediately showed an uncontrollable look of horror. ] 】

“Uncle Ben! What happened? “】

[Seeing that it is a relative of the injured, the police officer in charge of maintaining order said:]

“He met the carjacker and was shot. “】

[Peter listened like a lightning strike, and the tears in his eyes couldn’t help but flow. 】

[In the end, Uncle Ben died in front of Parker before the ambulance arrived. 】

“This! It’s actually true. Uncle Ben is really dead.

Look at this horrible scene on the screen. Parker’s eyes trembled, his eyes were full of horror and disbelief, and his mind was blank for a while, and he almost lost the ability to think!

And when he came back to his senses. Shock, remorse, trepidation, pain… All kinds of emotional waves rushed to Parker’s heart like a tide!

This thing… It really happened!

Just because he let the robber go, Uncle Ben was killed by the prisoner!

At this moment, Parker really regretted it, and tears flowed uncontrollably.

I already knew that this would be the case, even if he fought for his life, he would leave that damn robber!

In the live broadcast room, although Strange and the others could not see Parker’s expression at the moment, they could also imagine… This variant of Peter has definitely been overwhelmed by his own remorse.

“Is this Spider-Man’s fate, or divine timeline? It’s really cruel enough. ”

Tony shook his head and glanced at Peter, and found that he was also full of sadness at the moment, apparently recalling “the death of his own Uncle Ben”.

Strange suddenly let out a breath:

“To be honest, if you put me in the same position, I dare not say … Will definitely rush up and fight with that gunman! ”

Peter shook his head at this time:

“The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, since you have great power, you should use this power to stop crime!”

“Otherwise… Good people can get hurt! ”

According to Peter’s more genuine look, Tony and Strange looked at each other and smiled bitterly almost at the same time.

In their opinion, Peter’s character is a little too true, and Parker, who he has never met, seems a little rebellious.

However, for a teenager, this is not a big problem!

It seems that it is too much to let them go through such a cruel fate.

At this time, Tony’s eyes flashed, and he suddenly remembered something.

He looked at Peter, but he didn’t say anything.

“Only after the death of Uncle Ben will Peter Parker in different universes truly mature and become the Spider-Man who promotes good and punishes evil.”

“This logical chain seems quite complete, that is… So unfair to Peter. ”

【Image continues】

[The next plot direction is almost exactly the same as in “The Amazing Spider-Man”. 】

Parker is furious at Uncle Ben’s death and begins to search the streets for the murderous robber. 】

[Finally, he finally found the murderer.] 】

[Facing the incredibly powerful Parker, the robber finally opened his mouth and begged for mercy]

[“Please don’t hurt me, give me another chance!”] “】

Parker was furious, stepped forward, and lifted the robber up by the collar.] 】

“Then did you give Uncle Ben a chance?” Do you have it? Answer me! “】

Just as Parker lifted the robber into the air, he finally saw the other party’s face. 】

[It turns out that this guy is the one who was released by himself in the underground fighting arena. ] 】

[In other words, Parker is also partly responsible for Uncle Ben’s death! ] 】

“Really, it’s really him.”

In the spider universe, looking at the familiar face on the screen, the tears on Parker’s face could not be stopped.

Just doing nothing once actually made Uncle Ben pay such a price.

It’s just too heavy.

【Image continues】

[In a panic, the robber tripped over a pipe on the ground, fell from the window, and fell to his death. 】

[Since then, Parker has become jealous and has sewn a spider suit for himself. 】

[Spider-Man was born. 】

Seeing this, everyone in the live broadcast room was speechless.

Surprisingly, Loki’s expression looked as ugly as Peter’s.

“Hmph! With such obvious traces of setting, behind the birth of these Spider-Man, there must be that time bureau making trouble. ”

Thinking of what the Time Authority set for itself… It is the role of “villain defeated by heroes”, and Loki feels angry.

By what?

Why am I, as Loki, born to be a villain, and this kid has to be a hero?

In order for him to become a hero, even every Spider-Man must live and sacrifice an Uncle Ben?

People who engage in this set of settings, there should be no psychological problems, right?

After playing the story of Spider-Man’s birth, the picture on the screen suddenly turned, and the protagonist of the camera became another middle-aged man.

[Norman Osborne. 】

[Norman of Spider Universe 1 does not have a genetic disease and is also the president of Osborne. 】

His company, though, was desperate to get orders from the military. Otherwise, his position as president may be unstable. 】

[In desperation, Norman Osborne even did not hesitate to put himself on the experimental table to become the experimental product of a new human body strengthening potion.] 】

[But the result… Both succeeded and failed. 】

[This green potion gave Norman Osborne unimaginably powerful power, but it completely messed up his spirit! ] 】

[Not only did Norman evolve a dual personality, but it also turned him into a bloodthirsty madman! ] 】

Seeing this scene, Loki simply couldn’t help but openly sneered:

“Even the setting of the villain is so cheesy.”

“I don’t have to look to know what’s going to unfold next.”

“This pathetic dual-personality villain will definitely start a conflict with that Spider-Man, and finally lose miserably at the hands of this righteous hero and become a pathetic laughing stock!”

The more he said, the more angry Loki became, and finally he simply roared:

“By what? What did this guy do wrong again? ”

“Whether it’s this Norman Osborne, or Harry Osborne in the image just now, none of them are because they want to… Just became a villain! ”

Hearing Loki’s roar, everyone was speechless.

Even Peter himself bowed his head and stopped talking.

To be honest, by now, Peter had begun to suspect that the variant in the image would not give blood to Harry no matter what!

This move… Is it correct?

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