“This is trouble…”

Looking at the countless humans on the screen bowing to Luo Ji, as if the survival of human beings was all tied to him, Tony and Strange looked at each other, and both saw the helplessness in each other’s eyes.

Strange shook his head and said softly:

“In this desperate situation, it is human nature to want to find a hero… Or a god, and then give him all the responsibility. ”

“However, this kind of shirking of responsibility sometimes only leads to tragedy.”

“Especially… Luo Ji now has no power of spells. ”

At this time, Black Widow suddenly said indifferently:

“This practice … Not sometimes it creates tragedy, but it always causes tragedy! ”

“Man is not a god and has no power to resolve all calamities and save all living beings.”

“But those humans who hand over responsibility won’t care about this…”

“If they don’t get the right results, they will complain and even resent the gods they worshipped in the first place.”

Before, Black Widow, as an agent, would not have considered human nature and other issues at all.

But after the brain is developed, all kinds of knowledge and ideas … It seemed to spontaneously pop out of her head.

It was only now that Black Widow finally realized why Lucy had become so knowledgeable later

Magneto also sneered when he heard it next to him:

“Human beings are always like this, ungrateful but demanding.”

“In my opinion, even if there are really gods who meet all the requirements of mankind, humans will still ask for more!”

“That’s the root of human inferiority.”

Hearing this somewhat deviant remark, Peter opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but he soon remembered the Spider-Man he saw in the video.

Even in that universe, in another universe, even if he tried his best to save the citizens, he still could not avoid all kinds of bad comments, even hostility.

However, Peter’s nature did not care much about these things, so he shook his head and quickly adjusted his mentality.

And Tony looked at Magneto’s cynical look, but only shrugged his shoulders slightly, and did not mean to argue with him at all.

As the former head of the Military Arms Group, Tony has not seen many different people.

So he does not overestimate human nature at all, but he also does not let these cold opinions … Get in the way of his own heart.

In another universe, the scene of “Variant Tony” carrying the black missile flying into the space rift has always lingered in his heart.

Perhaps, the rescued New Yorkers will not necessarily appreciate him.

But so what?

Save you… It’s what I want to do, what do you have to do with it?

Hearing these dark topics, Little Wanda shook his head a little unpleasantly and asked directly:

“Having said all this, do any of you know what that spell of Luo Ji is?”

“Why, the coordinates of a planet launched into the universe… Will it be destroyed? ”

Hearing this question, the live broadcast room suddenly fell into silence.

Even Tonis Dak and Black Widow had embarrassed looks on their faces.

Although their brains are far beyond ordinary people, they are not in the real atmosphere of the “dark universe” after all.

So it’s like scratching and itching through a boot, and you can’t grasp the last point.

At this moment, a new change also appeared on the screen.

[The screen turned, from the earth to the space. 】

[After Zhang Beihai forcibly manipulated the Natural Selection to leave the battlefield, he knew that because the Natural Selection was not equipped with enough fuel, it was only a matter of time before he was caught up. 】

[Therefore, Zhang Beihai did something that no one expected. 】

[He went back to his cabin and slept for 15 hours.] 】

[After he woke up, Zhang Beihai left the cabin. 】

[At this time, he was ready, ready to face the anger of the crew. 】

[After all, on the surface, he is indeed a deserter, and may even be classified as a traitor.] 】

But when Beihai walked into the battleship’s hall, he found all 2,000 crew members of the Natural Selection standing here. 】

[Beside them, there are also officers and men from the other 4 warships responsible for pursuing the Natural Selection. 】

[Although they did not come separately, they used a projection to transmit their images to the hall. 】

[The thousands of officers and men of these five warships are all lined up in a phalanx. Headed by their respective captains, they saluted Zhang Beihai with a reverent face.

[And the female captain of the Natural Selection … Dongfang Yanxu was the last to salute him, and said at the same time:

[“Senior, our 5 spaceships. It’s the last 5 star-class battleships you’ve saved for humanity, and now all of them are under your command! “】

[By now, everyone in the 5 battleships already knew the outcome of the battle between the human fleet and the water drop. 】

[If Zhang Beihai hadn’t fled before the battle, then on these 5 warships… No one wants to survive! 】

[Next, due to the realization of the horror of the water drops and the trisolarans, the people on these 5 battleships all dismissed the idea of returning to Earth. ] 】

[After all, the human space fleet was completely wiped out… It’s just a detector released by the Trisolarans. 】

[And the same detector, there are at least 9 more.] 】

[In addition to these probes, there are 1,000 trisolaran warships that are 10,000 times larger than these detectors! ] 】

[In the face of such a terrible enemy, everyone knows that the earth is absolutely impossible to fight. 】

Seeing this, little Wanda opened her mouth in disbelief:

“Isn’t it, this guy has become a hero?”

Black Widow said calmly:

“Judging by the results, if it were not for the escape of this man, these battleships would have been destroyed by water droplets.”

“Therefore, this Zhang Beihai is indeed the lifesaver of these officers and soldiers.”

At this time, someone in the chat group also bubbled.

Carol Danvers: No kidding, what is this consequentialism, he is obviously a deserter?

Carol Danvers: Isn’t it too unfair to treat him as a hero for soldiers who die on the battlefield?

As a former soldier, Carol really can’t accept it… This situation of worshipping deserters as heroes.

Wolverine: Miss, I’ve been in a lot of wars before, so I think I’m still qualified to say that…

Wolverine: For ordinary soldiers, the ones who can bring them back alive from the battlefield are heroes!

Carol Danvers: This…

Wolverine: If you are facing a battle that is absolutely impossible to win, then retreat or even surrender is not unacceptable.

Wolverine: If those idiots in Congress had realized this sooner, I would have been in the more … Nan won’t lose as many friends either.

Seeing this, Captain Marvel was finally speechless.

She used to fly fighter jets in the Air Force, and she went high and high every day, and she couldn’t appreciate the feelings of the lowest level of the army.

Natasha Romanoff: And one more thing, that Zhang Beihai did not start temporarily, and left the queue in order to escape for his life.

Natasha Romanoff: This person judged from the beginning that the human side will lose and the three-body side will win, which is why he made this strategic shift.

Tony Stark: Oh, a person who has been frozen in a hibernation capsule for more than 100 years has just woken up and can judge the gap between friend and foe with such precision?

Tony Stark: This guy is a really amazing soldier.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): In this way, under the command of such an excellent soldier, the humans on those 5 battleships should be able to get through this difficulty.

Natasha Romanoff: Huh… Peter, aren’t your words back to that… Have you given everything to the logic of “heroes”, and even to “gods”?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): This…

Tony Stark: That’s right! No matter what kind of hero he is, he must also follow the basic laws of matter.

Tony Stark: For example, the supplies on those 5 warships must be limited, and if they don’t plan to return to Earth, where are they going to get supplies?

Stephen Strange: I suddenly had a sense of foreboding…

Magneto: There is nothing ominous, in human nature… No! By the nature of living beings, what should happen is bound to happen.

【Image continues】

[After deciding not to return to Earth, the entire crew of the 5 warships held a meeting to take this human settlement that sailed in space… Named Starship Earth. 】

[The members of Starship Earth, discussing the formulation of new laws and new social forms, hoping to continue human civilization in the universe. 】

[All members unanimously agreed to elect Zhang Beihai to become their supreme leader.] 】

[Zhang Beihai refused, claiming that he only wanted to be the executive captain of the Natural Selection. 】

[But… The captains of the next 5 battleships all recognized a terrifying fact. 】

[The new solar system chosen by Zhang Beihai is 18 light-years away. 】

[Since none of the fuel carried by these 5 warships is enough, they can only increase their speed to 1% of the speed of light.] There is simply no way to accelerate the battleship to the forward 4 state. 】

At this rate, it would take them 2,000 years to reach that new solar system. 】

[This is simply impossible. 】

[In this desperate situation, the captains of the 5 warships all came to the same conclusion. 】

[Their only way to survive is to fuel and resupply these five ships.] All on two or even one ship! 】

[In this case, these two … Or a battleship can use enough fuel to accelerate to the forward 4 state and reach the new solar system as quickly as possible. 】

[But then a new problem arises.] 】

[The deep-sea acceleration system on each warship, the ecosystem can only maintain a certain number of people. 】

[Therefore, in the end, only one or two ships of people will survive, and the humans on the remaining three or four ships will all be sacrificed.] 】

Seeing this, the faces of many people in the live broadcast room changed.

“Oops, it’s a dead end.”

Strange’s face was extremely ugly, and he seemed to think of the ultimate problem of “who to save” and “who to save” in medicine.

Magneto wanted to sneer a few times, but after thinking about it, he suddenly remained silent.

After all, if faced with such an ultimate dilemma, how much better can even mutants be than humans?

Strange pondered for a moment, and finally sighed:

“This situation reminds me of the famous tram problem.”

“There are two railways in front of the tram, and all of them are tied to them, no matter which one you choose, someone will be run over by the tram in the end.”

“In this case… It seems that the only way is to choose the path with fewer people! ”

Black Widow closed her eyes and pondered for a while, then suddenly opened her eyes and shouted:

“I see, I understand what that chain of suspicion means.”


“Chain of suspicion?”

Hearing this somewhat unfamiliar term, little Wanda and Peter blinked, and they didn’t react for a long time.

Strange, who still never forgets, first said:

“This is the theory in the Sociology of the Universe proposed by Ye Wenjie.”

“The woman mentioned some other points at the time.”

Black Widow’s eyebrows jumped, and she said calmly:

“I haven’t fully figured out the rest of the stuff, but…”

She pointed to the space battleships on the screen:

“You guys see… Isn’t a living cosmic society formed between these warships? ”

Upon hearing this, Tony suddenly changed his complexion:

“Could it be… In a cosmic society, the relationship between each individual is mutual suspicion? ”

Black Widow nodded:

“I don’t know if this is the case in our universe, but there is no doubt that it is the case in that three-body world.”

“Now these 5 warships are just in a state of chain of suspicion.”

Now, everyone on every battleship is thinking, “Although we have no intention of attacking each other and killing them all, but… Do other people have this thought? “”

“And will others believe us?”

“If other people think I’m about to attack them, will they start first, in order to protect themselves… Destroy us all? ”

Seeing Peter’s face turn whiter and whiter, Black Widow spread her hands and said indifferently:

“This is the chain of suspicion, one link after another, and it is simply unsolvable.”

“So, the only solution is…” Loki suddenly interjected, and said in a cold voice:

“Start first and kill everyone else, so that there is no chain of suspicion!”

Hearing these gloomy words, Little Wanda couldn’t help but shiver.

【Image continues】

[Under the torment of the chain of suspicion, the five captains all had the same idea in their minds. 】

[That is, use the infrasonic hydrogen bombs carried on the battleship to kill the rest of the humans on the battleship, and then plunder their supplies.] 】

[Faced with such a dilemma, after a month of pain, struggle, and struggle, the captain of the Natural Selection, Dongfang Yanxu, decided to take this responsibility himself and wipe out all the humans on the remaining 4 warships. 】

[Attacks with infrasonic hydrogen bombs can kill only humans, but will not cause any damage to the hull and materials.] 】

[But just when Dongfang Yanxu was about to strike, he found that Executive Captain Zhang Beihai had taken the lead and locked the other 4 warships with his own authority. ] 】

[Dongfang Yanxu and the others rushed to Zhang Beihai’s control room, but only heard him say calmly while operating:]

“Children, let me do this, don’t get your hands dirty. “】

[Zhang Beihai is willing to act like a father, replacing Dongfang Yanxu, and the entire crew of the ship to play the role of the devil. 】

[Dongfang Yanxu heard tears in his eyes outside the control room and shouted loudly:]

[“Senior! You let us in, I launch with you, we go to hell together! “】

[However, just before Zhang Beihai pressed the button, an astonishing alarm sounded on the Natural Selection. 】

[It turned out that another warship had opened fire first, firing infrasonic hydrogen bombs at the “Natural Selection”. 】

[In the face of the incoming flick, Zhang Beihai did not press the launch button, but looked back at Dongfang Yanxu and laughed softly:]

“It’s okay, it’s all the same. “】

[Immediately afterwards, the Natural Selection was hit by an infrasonic hydrogen bomb, and all the people on board, including Zhang Beihai, died at the same time. 】

Seeing this, a series of gasping sounds suddenly sounded in the live broadcast room.

“I really didn’t expect that this man was actually one step slower.”

Loki said with some regret:

“I thought… He’ll be the last one to survive. ”

Little Wanda’s face crumpled, and she seemed to be in a bad mood, but she gritted her teeth and asked curiously:

What does that man mean when he said before he died, “all the same?” ”

“I look at him… It seems that he does not care about himself, or even about the death of the people on the entire battleship! ”

“What’s going on?”

PS: The next chapter is the Dark Forest! \(^o^)/~

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