[“Whoosh! “】

[Thor holds Mjolnir, and the place he passes is like thunder and lightning! ] 】

[Even the most advanced high-tech tank, in front of his meow hammer, is destroyed with one blow! ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[The green fat roared and abruptly tore an enemy jeep in half in front of him! ] Then another punch actually knocked a tank car out. 】

[“Ugh! “】

[Controlling the latest suit, Iron Man whistles through midair! ] 】


[And at the moment he flew, dozens of miniature missiles fell from the sky like a storm, blowing up the enemy soldiers on the ground, killing and wounding them heavily. 】

[In addition to them, Captain America, Black Widow, and Hawkeye are also all showing their own powers and defeating the enemy to the ground. ] 】

[In the face of the all-out Avengers, although these enemies have extraordinary superweapons, they don’t even have the power to resist, and they are defeated in an instant. ] 】

Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone in the live broadcast room did not have any special reaction.

After all, they have even seen things like space fleets vs aliens, Godzilla vs. ancient monsters.

With this level of fighting, it is impossible to cause any shock to them.

But the new group of Deadpool and Constantine were stunned at the moment.

Deadpool: God, what kind of people are these!

Deadpool: Are they all mutants, how come I’ve never heard of them?

John Constantine: Mutants? What is that? Are these guys magicians?

John Constantine: That’s not right! How can human magic be so powerful?

Wanda Maximov: Magic? Interesting. This guy named Konstantin, do you know magic?

John Constantine: Uh… Understand a little, smile bitterly, usually swagger, mixed food.

Master Mordo: Actually using magic to deceive people, if you are not lying, then you are really a shame for the mage!

John Constantine: You’re not the first person to say that about me, but I have to pay the rent.

Wanda Maksimov: Good guy, you don’t care if someone scolds you in front of you like this, don’t you cultivate your heart?

JJ: How much is that kind of thing worth?

John Constantine: Besides, now that I’m dying, whoever wants to scold can do so.

Deadpool: Hahaha. Brother John, your mentality is so good! Rest assured, people as interesting as you generally don’t die so easily.

Wanda Maximov: It seems… This time two strange things came in. →_→

John Constantine: Tell what you want to say, but I’m curious to know what’s going on with these images on the screen.

Deadpool: yes, I would love to know the answer too! Who can tell handsome me?

John Constantine: Handsome… Handsome? Didn’t you just say that you turned into mud all over your body?

Deadpool: That’s just the appearance, my Uncle Wade’s temperament is still so handsome! So cool!

John Constantine: ……… In terms of good mentality, I would like to call you the strongest.

Wanda Maximov: Okay, you two weird, don’t blow each other up here.

Wanda Maksimov: I will explain the specific situation to you…

And just when Little Wanda explained the live broadcast system to the newcomer, the picture on the screen appeared a new change.

【Image continues】

[Inside the castle, Baron Strack of Hydra is discussing the situation of the battle with his doctors. 】

[Doctor: “We should send twins. “】

[Baron Strack is still a little hesitant:]

“It’s too early to send them out now. “】

“My men can stop the Avengers. “】

[At the same time, Iron Man also flew over the castle.] 】

[And just when he was about to rush directly into the window, he was blocked by some invisible energy force field. ] 】

[“Damn it! “】

[Bounced into the sky, Iron Man ordered with some annoyance:]

[“Jarvis! Show me this castle. “】

[Soon, Jarvis’s voice rang out.] 】

“Some kind of energy shield protects the entire castle. “】

“Baron Strack’s technology is far more advanced than the 9-headed snake base we took before. “】

[Iron Man, directly ordered:]

[“Jarvis, continue to analyze and see where the energy source of that protective shield is! ] “】

[At this time in the castle, Baron Strack was giving an impassioned speech to his subordinates:]

[“The beautiful countrymen sent their monsters to test us, and we will send these guys back as corpses! “】

[“Never surrender! “】

[Hearing his declaration, the soldiers of the hydra also brandished their weapons and shouted:]

[“Never surrender! “】

[And in the midst of this excited shout, Baron Strack turned to the Doctor and said:]

“I’m ready to surrender, you go and delete all the information.”] “】

The Doctor asked, “What about the twins?” “】

[Baron Strack said with some impatience:]

“They’re not ready. “】

[“No, I’m asking…”

[The Doctor pointed to the back of the Baron:]

“Where’s the twins?” “】

[The Baron looked back and saw that Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver had disappeared without a trace. 】

[At this time, in the battlefield outside, Hawkeye had just pulled out an arrow and was knocked to the ground by an invisible figure. ] 】

“Didn’t you see me shoot? “】

[Quicksilver walked past Hawkeye with a proud face, and then his figure accelerated and disappeared in an instant. ] 】

[Next, the captain of the United States was also hit by Quicksilver, but he just flipped his head in the air and fell to the ground unharmed, and there was still room to inform the others:]

【”Be careful! Capable enhancers on the battlefield! “】

Seeing this, everyone in the live broadcast room felt a little surprised.

“This quicksilver… It seems to be much weaker than the one in the mutant world. ”

Strange said thoughtfully:

“If it’s that quicksilver with an eye patch, I’m afraid… These Avengers who have no superpowers have already been knocked out. ”

Little Wanda’s expression was also not good-looking, and she stomped her foot slightly.

“This stupid Pitro, even if he obtains superpowers, he is still not comparable to the variant of other universes, and he is simply a person who lost me!”

Although whining, Wanda’s eyes also showed a hint of worry.

This Quicksilver is so weak, so will it be injured in the next battle?

Even die!

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