Looking at Godzilla, whose strength on the screen has increased greatly, and even his body size has changed dramatically, the chat group suddenly became lively.

Wanda Maksimov: Wow! Godzilla Boss, how did you get so big? Look…… It’s like a hill.

Carol Danvers: The power of this breath is really not simple.

Carol Danvers: In normal conditions, I can hit it with all my might!

Tony Stark: Black bomb, after that black bomb exploded, the effect on Godzilla was so amazing!

Tony Stark: It’s incredible!

As a former weapons developer, Tony is even more amazed by Godzilla’s changes.

The black bullet is arguably the most powerful weapon ever created by mankind!

However, in the face of these ancient titans who feed on radiation, this powerful weapon has become a help to make the other party stronger!

Thinking of it, the military on the screen even wants to use black bullets to annihilate titan behemoths around the world…

Tony just felt a wry smile on his lips… I can’t suppress it.

Fortunately, they didn’t really do this, otherwise those behemoths would only become stronger and more terrifying!

At that time, maybe before Godzilla’s rescue, mankind will be on the verge of extinction!

Godzilla: It was really unexpected. I didn’t expect that the weapons made by humans would be of such great benefit to me!

Godzilla: Maybe I should go to the humans and let them up with this weapon!

Godzilla: That way, I can also become stronger.

Bruce Banner: !!!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Take the initiative to let the black bomb blow up? I…… Did I hear you right?

Wanda Maksimov: Is this the world of the big guys… (⊙_⊙)

Deadpool: Was it blown up by a black bomb? Interesting, maybe I should steal one and try it too.

Deadpool: Maybe after being bombed, I can awaken some superpowers! o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Carol Danvers: Superpowers, don’t you already have a very powerful superpower?

Carol Danvers: When you encounter enemies, you just have to show your face and make sure you can scare them all to death! O(∩_∩)O haha~

Deadpool: Bah! You ugly woman! I see you’ve been fooling around in alien monsters for a long time, so… I don’t know how to appreciate the charm of my Uncle Wade!

At this time, a new image also appeared on the screen.

[Dr. Emma’s daughter, in a stadium, broadcasts the signal of the “Oka device”, interfering with Ghidorah’s orders to nearby monsters. 】

[But all this has also been perceived by the three-headed Ghidorah. 】

[This monster flew directly into the sky and killed the city where the stadium is located. ] 】

[“Crackle! “】

[After finding the stadium, the three-headed Ghidorah emitted violent gravitational rays that swept the entire stadium in an instant. 】

[“Boom! “】

[Faced with the sight of the sky shattering in front of her, Dr. Emma’s daughter managed to escape from the ruins of the building, but was immediately discovered by Ghidorah. 】

[The three-headed Ghidorah stared at the girl like an ant, and the golden light on the three heads lit up again. 】

[It is going to release gravitational rays again!] 】

[At this critical juncture, an incomparably strong blue beam shot straight over and bombarded the three-headed Ghidorah fiercely. ] 】

【”Squeak!! “】

[With a scream, Ghidorah was hit to the ground by this blow, and the fierce and violent power was instantly gone. ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[“Bang! “】

[With the sound of footsteps that made the earth shake, a giant beast shaped like a mountain crossed the sea! ] Rushed over with amazing momentum! 】

[It’s Godzilla who was reborn! ] 】

[After receiving the baptism of black explosion and gaining new powers, the brother finally appeared. ] 】

[In the sky behind Godzilla, countless human fighters have also joined the battlefield. 】

[For this battle to save the world, everyone is desperate! ] 】

[“Roar! Roar! “】

[Quidora and Godzilla glanced at each other, the two most powerful monsters in the world, and let out an earth-shattering roar at the same time! ] 】

[Then, the two giant beasts increased their speed and collided violently. 】

[“Roar! “】

[Even though his body size has swelled a lot, Godzilla still seems to be a circle smaller than Ghidorah at this time.] 】

[In the process of fighting, Ghidorah actually pressed Godzilla under him again. 】

[But at this moment, Godzilla opened his mouth, shining with blue light, and then violently spit out a powerful high-energy beam in his mouth! ] 】

[“Atomic breath! “】

[Although Ghidorah resisted desperately, he was still beaten backwards by this atomic breath. 】

[And at this moment, Mozilla actually flew over and launched an attack on Ghidorah. ] 】

[“Poof! “】

[Mozilla sprayed a cobweb, and glued Ghidorah’s three heads to a nearby tall building. 】

[Seeing this, Godzilla quickly chased after the victory and collided with his body! ] Just knock Ghidorah down with the building! 】

[Seeing that the situation was reversed, the “Sky Demon” Raton actually killed him and became entangled with Mozilla. ] 】

[This two-five-headed boy, after being defeated by the three-headed Ghidorah, seems to have completely surrendered and became Ghidorah’s subordinate. 】

[With Ratton’s help, Ghidorah also breathed a sigh of relief and fought Godzilla again.] 】

[Seeing that the strength of this old enemy has greatly increased, and it is difficult to win by ordinary means, Ghidorah made a surprising move, and lowered his head to bite the high-voltage power lines in the city. 】

[“Crackle! “】

[In an instant, the electricity of the entire city was sucked clean by Ghidorah. 】

[Immediately afterwards, this three-headed monster from an alien star was surrounded by electric light, fiercely spread its wings, and raised its head with a tyrannical and ferocious, terrifying roar! ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[A strong golden gravitational ray burst out from Ghidorah’s body, tearing the entire heavenly dome apart in an instant. 】

[In an instant… Heaven and earth change color! 】


[Under the overwhelming golden thunder, countless human fighters were smashed and exploded in the air! ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[Godzilla, can be described as the first to bear the brunt, just hit by Ghidorah’s “full burst”! ] It was hit hard. 】

[I saw his huge body shake and actually fell to the ground with a bang! ] 】

[And after knocking out Godzilla, Ghidorah was also merciless, directly hugged Godzilla’s body, spread his wings and flew into the air! ] 】

Seeing that the situation took a sharp turn, there was another uproar in the chat group.

Wanda Maximov: Hey, no, Godzilla bosses have been strengthened by the black bullet! Why can’t you beat this three-headed monster?

Bruce Banner: This, this, this… Godzilla’s current body size is only afraid that it is already more than a hundred thousand tons! How could that Godzilla fly into the sky with her in his arms, this is fundamentally contrary to basic scientific principles.

Tony Stark: Gravity! The trajectory of this monster, this monster does not fly by wings, but by controlling gravity to fly into the sky!

Bruce Banner: Yes… Is that so? No wonder I kept wondering why he actually flew out of the sea! Wings alone will never be able to do such a thing.

Charles Xavier: Soar freely through the air by manipulating gravity. Is this an alien monster?

Carol Danvers: My guess is that he may have used this gravitational manipulation to fly through space.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Cosmic ??? That monster can travel through the universe? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Carol Danvers: It depends… The flight speed of these three-headed monsters is very slow, if it is going to fly from an alien to Earth, I don’t know it will take hundreds of thousands of years!

Carol Danvers: But Ghidorah doesn’t need oxygen anyway, and maybe even food! So, this time should be nothing to him.

Wanda Maksimov: Manipulated gravity to travel through the universe for thousands of years? Oh my goodness!

Although he also has the ability to control gravity, little Wanda just thinks about this situation, and only feels that the cold hair stands on end, and even goosebumps appear on his body.

Even such a terrifying thing can be done, this Ghidorah is really a monster.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): What to do? Depends on the situation, that Ghidorah…, is it going to throw Godzilla into the universe?

Godzilla: !!!

Upon hearing this, Godzilla himself felt a pang of horror.

As the leader of the titan behemoths, Godzilla is definitely not greedy for life and fears death.

But thrown into the dark cosmic starry sky?

If it really falls to this point, it is simply worse than death!

【Image continues】

[Fortunately, Ghidorah did not take Godzilla all the way through the atmosphere. 】

[He just flew a few kilometers in the air, then released his claws and threw Godzilla out of the air.] 】


[Godzilla’s body is 100 meters tall, with a body of more than 100,000 tons, cutting through the air, falling from the sky like a bolide, and finally smashing the ground. ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[With a deafening loud noise, the earth shook violently, the ground burst and rolled, and debris splashed everywhere! ] 】

[The huge storm generated by the shock wave swept everything around! ] 】

[Thick smoke billowed and dust filled the air, obscuring people’s vision.] 】

[By the time the three-headed Ghidorah flashed his wings and landed on the ground again, Godzilla was already lying in the “crater” that fell out, and he couldn’t even stand up.] 】


[Lying in the pit, Godzilla let out a roar of pain, obviously extremely weak. 】

[And at this moment of despair, a beautiful figure suddenly landed on Godzilla’s back. ] 】

[That’s Mozilla.] 】

[Just when Godzilla was fighting with Ghidorah, Mothra tried his best and finally killed Raton. 】

[But at this time, Mothra was covered in injuries. ] The beautiful wings were also scarred by the flames of Radon, and they looked extremely embarrassed. 】

[In order to be seriously injured, Mozilla still unafraid still spread his wings again and pounced on Ghidorah, as if he was ready to fight this tough opponent! ] 】

[In the face of Mothra, who was like a moth fighting fire, Ghidorah did not hesitate, and his three heads opened at the same time, and suddenly released terrifying gravitational rays. ] 】

[Originally, the injury was not light, and Mozilla didn’t have time to dodge, and was hit by Ghidorah’s gravity ray! ] 】

[“Boom!!! “】

[Just listen to a loud noise, the shining golden light suddenly shines the heaven and earth brightly! ] 】

[Mozilla’s body was actually shattered by Ghidorah’s blow, turning into countless blue scales that fell from the sky. 】

[Most of the scale powder almost fell on Godzilla’s body. 】

[Godzilla, who was scarred and lying dying on the ground, suddenly raised his head and hissed after receiving these scale powders! ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[Immediately afterwards, Godzilla’s body suddenly emitted a crimson light! ] It seems that his body is undergoing some kind of abnormality! 】

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): No, Mozilla died like this?

Wanda Maksimov: It’s a pity that she looks so beautiful with her wings outstretched! In the end, it was gone!

Wolverine: I think you’re worried in the wrong direction. Even Mozilla lost. Isn’t it Godzilla’s turn next?

Mage Mordo: This three-headed monster is really terrifying. Probably, with ordinary means, it is simply impossible to defeat it!

Godzilla: In my opinion, my variant should win!

Wolverine: What? Under such circumstances, can you actually turn defeat into victory?

Godzilla: Mozilla’s scales, which have always been said by humans to have the effect of “bringing the dead back to life”.

Godzilla: I didn’t expect that there were other functions besides that!

Wanda Maksimov: What? Back? Other functions? How I don’t understand.

At this time on the island, Godzilla’s eyes showed a complicated expression, and he couldn’t help but look down at the phoenix feather held by his small short hand.

“Mozilla, are you going to trade your life for my victory?”

“It looks like your gamble has really succeeded!”

Godzilla could see clearly, and the shining red light from his body on the screen… It is precisely the sign of that “burning mode” starting!

It’s just that no one expected that Mozilla’s scale powder actually made Godzilla awaken this new terrifying power!

As soon as you enter burn mode, Godzilla firmly believes… There is no monster in this world that cannot be defeated by itself!

【Image continues】

[Seeing that Godzilla seemed to be on the verge of death, Dr. Emma, who had already repented, quickly used the Oka device to attract Ghidorah’s attention and lured the monster away. ] 】

[And at this critical juncture, an indescribable red heat wave burst out in the city! ] 】

[Even Ghidorah felt something strange and couldn’t help but look back. 】

[I saw that Godzilla, who was seriously injured himself, stood up again at some point. ] 】

[And at this moment, he is full of red light flashing, and the heat wave is rushing! ] 】

[Crimson cracks appeared on the surface of Godzilla’s body, and there seemed to be magma crumming and flowing in the cracks, emitting all the time… High enough to dissolve everything! 】


[Under the intense heat wave, the terrifying temperature emanated, causing the air to be distorted by the scorching! ] 】

[A thousand degrees Celsius… Two thousand degrees Celsius… 3,000 degrees Celsius】

【The temperature in the city began to soar wildly! 】 】

[Around Godzilla, everything in sight is burning and melting, whether it is steel bars, cars, and even high-rise buildings, they are quickly dissolving like candles on a birthday cake! ] 】

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