[Dance Technique: Through the use of qi, practitioners can move freely in the air, not limited by gravity, which is a secret technique that can fly freely in the air. 】

[Sun Fist: Use qi to turn into light energy to temporarily blind the enemy, and then quickly attack the enemy’s eyes. The effect is like a flash bomb, the more air is used, the stronger the light source. 】

[Cave Wave: Concentrate your attention, gather the qi in your fingers, and then instantly release it, turning into a white beam. It is extremely powerful, but the scope of destruction is small. 】

[Qigong cannon: turns the gas in the body into an energy bomb, radiates it in one breath, and the destructive power is very large. ] However, excessive gas consumption can cause a burden on the body and may even affect lifespan. 】

“Can you make your body shine? You can also fly freely in the air??? ”

“How can there be such a martial art in the world?”

Carefully savor the information that pours into your head. Bruce Wayne’s mouth opened slightly, his expression was full of shock and shock, and his heart set off a huge wave.

In order to better fight crime and maintain the peace and stability of Gotham City, Bruce used the funds and contacts of the Wayne Group to collect almost all the world’s martial arts skills.

But this “Crane Immortal Stream Martial Arts” … Or completely subverted his worldview!

Through cultivation, humans can actually fly into the sky, and even shoot laser cannons from their fingers?

This is martial arts, this is simply magic!

After all, Bruce has a rare genius IQ in the world, and in addition to being shocked, his brain turned quickly, and he quickly grasped the essence of this crane fairy flow martial art.

“Gas! The core of this martial art is the use of qi. ”

“And this qi is not something illusory, but seems to be some kind of… ‘life energy’!”

“The most important question now is, is there such qi in my body?”

Thinking of this, Bruce Wayne did not hesitate anymore, directly sat cross-kneeled according to the Crane Immortal Flow cultivation method in his brain, and began to try to mobilize the qi in his body.

I don’t know if it was because of talent or luck, Bruce only practiced for a few minutes, and he already noticed a trace of qi.

“Gas! I actually have this energy in my body! ”

The thought that he might fly into the sky in the future, or even put a laser in his hand, Bruce Wayne’s face turned red at once.

Now he has not been a Batman for a long time, that is, a young man in his twenties.

How can you calm down when you encounter such an exciting adventure?

After seeing the infinite hope, Bruston focused all his thoughts on penance, whether it was a chat group or a live broadcast of the system, he didn’t care for a while.

And at this time, the chat group is by no means calm.

Wanda Maximov: No, the new man who just joined actually answered correctly at one time!

John Constantine: Crane Immortal Stream Martial Arts, what is this reward?

Wolverine: Sounds a bit like an oriental school of martial arts.

Deadpool: Let me see… Interestingly, that blues kid is sitting cross-knee like a monk and seems to have begun to practice.

Dr. Manhattan: This peeping ability to break through the multiverse at will is really enviable.

Divine Kesha: ………… It is impossible to understand how this strange Deadpool did it.

Wolverine: Bruce didn’t even watch the live broadcast, and directly began to practice, is this kind of martial arts really so attractive?

Natasha Romanoff: Martial arts? I don’t know which multiverse this Crane Immortal Flow martial art comes from?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Hey, isn’t this the time to talk about this? In another universe, Iron Man and Captain are about to break up completely!

Bruce Banner: We can’t control this kind of thing.

Carol Danvers: Hmph, although I can’t get used to the conceit and arrogance of that Iron Man, but… If he wants to avenge his parents, that’s absolutely right!

Ghost Rider: Click… If I see that Winter Soldier, I must completely burn his soul with the flames of hell!

Wanda Maksimov: I’ll go, can you not laugh so terrifyingly, it’s like a ghost.

Charles Xavier: What if… That Bucky the Winter Soldier was indeed brainwashed and controlled, so he was also a victim.

Magneto: Hahaha, Charles, is this a discovery of your conscience?

Magneto: Words and words… How many people have you brainwashed to have such a great sense of guilt?

Charles Xavier: ………

At this time, Tony Stark stood in the live broadcast room with a solemn look on his face.

Since the answer chosen by Bruce Wayne is correct, it means… This time, his variant failed to kill Bucky.

As for the reason, it is too easy to guess.

It must be because of the captain of the United States and his comrades… Bucky Barnes teamed up to defeat Iron Man!

Otherwise, Tony would never believe that he in a steel suit would lose to a super soldier!

As soon as he thought of this, a trace of anger welled up in Tony’s heart.

The reason why Steve Rogers became the captain of the United States, in addition to the super soldier serum, the vibranium shield that Howard Stark created for him… Also played a big role!

But this guy will actually take revenge!

If he doesn’t help Howard avenge it, he actually takes the shield he made for you, and the murderer who killed him to deal with Howard’s son?

Steve Rogers! Are you worthy of my father’s shield too?

“Captain America, it seems… I can’t believe you anymore. ”

Tony’s eyes were deep and he shook his head without a trace.

【Image continues】

[Looking at the Winter Soldier on the black and white screen, twisting his mother’s neck alive, Iron Man was blinded, the muscles on his face were constantly shaking, and his eyes showed indescribable sadness and pain. ] 】

[He never dreamed that his parents would not only die, but also die so painfully! ] 】

[Under the fury, Iron Man turned sharply to stare at the Winter Soldier, and he was about to make a move. ] 】

[But the captain who stood on his side quickly grabbed him. 】

“Tony, Tony, calm down! “】

[Watching the captain pull himself, Iron Man turned around in amazement, and the expression on his face changed instantly. ] 】

[After all, he is also a first-class smart person, who links cause and consequence, and quickly figured it out. ] 】

[Staring into the captain’s eyes, Iron Man asked angrily. 】

“You know what? “】

[Although this sentence is simple, the meaning contained in it is extremely complex! ] 】

[What Iron Man wants to ask is… Did the captain already know that the Winter Soldier was the murderer of his parents! 】

[And I kept it hidden from him!] 】

[If this is true, between them… Cut off the righteousness! 】

[Meeting Iron Man’s knife-like eyes, the captain’s throat, head, roll, and movement moved, and said as if defensive:]

“I didn’t know it was him! “】

[And looking at the captain’s wandering eyes and hesitant expression, the anger in Iron Man’s heart became more and more intense. ] 】

[Iron Man’s intuition told him that the man in front of him was lying! ] 】

[Steve Rogers… It’s shielding his comrade Bucky! 】

[The more I think about it, the more angry I became, Iron Man’s tone was full of coldness, and he asked word by word:]

“Don’t lie to me, Rogers, you know what? “】

[Facing Iron Man’s eyes full of pain and anger, the captain’s face also changed, and the complexity of his mind can be imagined. ] 】

[Bucky is his old friend for many years, I don’t know how many times he has been born into death. 】

[In order to protect him, Steve Rogers will not hesitate to sacrifice his life. 】

[What if… Bucky really killed innocent people out of his own volition, and the captain would not shield him. 】

[Now it seems that Bucky the Winter Soldier was obviously brainwashed by Hydra and turned into a tool! ] 】

[In this case, the real condemnation should be the 9-headed snake who kills with tools! ] 】

[However, having said that, watching Iron Man whose parents both died, the captain couldn’t continue to lie. ] 】

“Yes! I know…”

“What? You!!! “】

[Hearing this cruel answer, Iron Man’s body trembled, and he involuntarily took a step back, which shows how shocked the captain’s words were to him. ] 】

[After fighting side by side for so long, Iron Man has treated the captain as his friend. 】

[Even in desperation, forced by Ross Wuqing to arrest the captain, Iron Man still thinks that he can try to persuade the captain to take the initiative to surrender to reduce his responsibility. ] 】

[But Iron Man never dreamed that this man, whom he has always regarded as a friend, would actually hide such a big secret from him! ] 】

[And. He has even been shielding… The murderer who killed his parents. 】

[Thinking of this, the corner of Iron Man’s mouth twitched, faintly revealing a bitter smile. ] 】

[Then he threw his right fist violently, knocked the captain out in one fell swoop, flipped several heels in the air, and fell violently to the ground.] 】

[Steve Rogers, henceforth… I don’t have your friend! 】

[After knocking down the captain, Iron Man didn’t say a word, and immediately turned his head to face the Winter Soldier. ] 】

[No matter what, he will also avenge his parents today! ] 】

[Watching the two giants of the Avengers finally turn their faces completely, Colonel Zemo slowly retreated into the shadows and turned away with satisfaction. ] 】

[His plan has come to a perfect end. 】

[As long as this battle starts, no matter what happens next, the rupture of the Avengers is already inevitable and irreparable! ] 】

[The empire subverted by the enemy can still make a comeback!] But the empire that collapses from within can only perish forever! 】

[Just as Iron Man knocked out the Winter Soldier and prepared to kill him, a shield flew from behind, knocking him to the ground. ] 】

[Captain America has finally struck! ] 】

[After all, how could he watch his friend die like this?] 】

[Even though his heart is full of hatred, Iron Man still has not lost his mind, looking at the stalker captain, he just shot out the restraint device and locked the captain’s legs. ] 】

[But such restraints may be useful to ordinary people, but they can’t stop the super soldiers who are eager to save friends.] 】

[In the melee, the entire underground base began to gradually collapse. 】

[The captain quickly seized the opportunity and prepared to escape with the winter soldiers. ] 】

[And Iron Man rushed up again to intercept the killing.] 】

[After a melee, Iron Man, whose suit had been damaged, fell to the bottom of the patio with the captain. 】

[After finally getting up, the captain looked at the angry Iron Man. I also want to try to defuse this hatred with words. 】

“What you did … You can’t change the past. “】

“I don’t care. Iron Man said coldly:]

“He killed my mother! “】

Seeing this, the live chat group became lively again.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): I think Bucky and Iron Man… It’s all pathetic.

Bruce Banner: One was brainwashed into a tool to kill, the other killed his parents with a tool on his back, indeed… It’s all tragedies.

John Constantine: What’s tragic, isn’t this a revenge drama? Besides, that Winter Soldier killed so many people, just one sentence was manipulated, can you clear all guilt?

John Constantine: If you want to put it this way, who in the world needs to go to hell!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): But… As long as he is brainwashed, he can’t help himself, and he can’t be blamed for this.

Loki Odinson: That’s nice, boy, let me ask you, Captain America and the Winter Soldier came to this Hydra base, what are they here for?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): It’s against Colonel Zemo and the frozen super soldiers… Yes?

Loki Odinson: Haha, you finally got it.

Loki Odinson: Aren’t those super soldiers all brainwashed by Hydra? What is the difference between them and the Winter Soldiers?

Loki Oddinson: And the captain brought a doctor with them when they came, with anti-brainwashing drugs? None at all!

Loki Odinson: He’s here to take out these super soldiers!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): ………

Captain America: You… I…… ( ̄△ ̄; )

Seeing this spicy remark, don’t say Peter, even the captain himself was stunned.

To be honest, if Loki didn’t say it, they wouldn’t even think about it from this angle!

Rocky Odinson: Hehe, these super soldiers of Hydra claim to be able to subvert a country in a matter of days!

Loki Odinson: Such a dangerous existence should be eliminated.

Rocky Odinson: But if you talk the other way around, what’s the difference between Bucky the Winter Soldier and these soldiers?

Loki Oddinson: By what… The Winter Soldier must be saved and forgiven for killing countless people, and these super soldiers must be eliminated before they have done anything?

Rocky Odinson: Just because they’re villains? Wrong! It’s because they don’t have a good friend named Steve Rogers!

After watching the video of the “Time Authority”, Loki already knows that his fate has long been set as a villain!

This is his sacred timeline!

Because of this, Loki is not only unconvinced, but also even more uncomfortable… The faces of those so-called decent heroes!

Ghost Rider: Hehe, this angle is novel… Even if you are a villain, if you have a back, a back stage, you can get free from death! Even get whitewashed!

Ghost Rider: Ridiculous! Hypocrisy!

Ghost Rider: If I run into that Bucky Barnes, I’ll definitely make him baptized by the Eye of Judgment!

Ghost Rider: If his soul is completely burned by hellfire, it proves that he is dead!

Seeing this, the captain’s expression was completely stiff, the corners of his mouth kept twitching, and even cold sweat flowed from his forehead.

Just now, he also thought that Bucky was indeed not wrong, and that his variant wanted to defend him… And rightly so!

But the words of Loki and the Evil Spirit Knight caused him an unprecedented shock, and almost even the three views were a little shaken.

All along, the captain considered himself a selfless and righteous person.

But now it seems… Deep down, is there really a hypocritical side hidden in his heart?

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