【Image continues】

[But after saving people with his superpowers, Eric Lanshel also seems to sense that something is wrong. ] 】

When he got home after work, he immediately began to pack his luggage, seemingly ready to run.] 】

[But his wife doesn’t understand this:]

“You saved that man!”] You’ve done a good job! “】

[Because of his years on the run, Eric was very alert, and he said to his wife:]

“On the first day I met you, I told you who I really am, I trusted you then, and now I need you to trust me. “】

“We can’t stay here anymore. “】

[Looking at Eric’s firm eyes, his wife was finally convinced. 】

“I’ll go call Nina now. “】

[But no one expected that the wife went upstairs but found no trace of her daughter. ] 】

[Eric was shocked when he heard this, and quickly went out with his wife to look for it. 】

[“Nina! “】

[“Nina! “】

[The two ran to the depths of the woods, only to find that their daughter had been caught by a group of local police officers! ] 】

“Is this you?”] Are you the Magneto of the newspapers? “】

[Looking at the newspaper held by the police inspectors, Eric decided to turn himself in to the police inspectors in desperation. 】

[He only had one request, that is, for the police inspector to spare his wife and daughter. 】

[But no one expected that seeing her father being arrested by the police, the youngest daughter Nina suddenly burst out with a powerful mutant power. ] 】

[“Hula la…”]

[The countless birds controlled by his power instantly surrounded the police. 】

[Faced with the strange scene in front of them, the police inspectors immediately fell into panic, and one of the police inspectors holding a bow and arrow made a mistake and loosened the bowstring! ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[In order to deal with the legendary Magneto, who can control all metals, these police inspectors are all holding the most primitive wooden weapons. 】

[But sharpened wooden arrows… Unexpectedly, the ghost made a mistake through the youngest daughter Nina, and also pierced the murderous mouth of Eric’s wife! 】

[Kill two birds with one stone! ] 】

[“Don’t! Don’t die! “】

[Seeing his wife and daughter die at the same time, Eric was suddenly grief-stricken! ] 】

[Driven by grief and pain, he turned the metal necklace around his daughter’s neck into a weapon, killing all these police inspectors! ] 】

[Even after taking revenge, Eric is still overwhelmed by endless despair and sadness. 】

[He held the corpse of his wife and daughter, knelt on the ground and wept silently. 】

“This… That’s outrageous. ”

Looking at the human tragedy on the screen, Tonisdak’s brows kept jumping, and the expression on his face became extremely strange.

Did I make a mistake?

How can a wooden arrow, which is not even equipped with a metal arrow, have such great power, and suddenly come to kill with one stone?

“How so?”

Little Wanda covered her mouth in disbelief, and her face showed horror.

For unknown reasons, when she saw that little girl being pierced by a wooden arrow, Little Wanda only felt that her heart twitched, as if that arrow was pierced in her heart!

“Is this destiny?”

Surprisingly, seeing this tragic scene, Magneto did not react much.

But if he looks closely, he will find that his eyes have become extremely deep, like a bottomless deep pool, and the whole person exudes a compelling murderous aura.


I can’t believe them!

In another universe, he has given up the battle for hegemony and just wants to hide and hide.

But humans still refuse to let him go!

Although judging from the video, the wife and daughter of “own” died in an accident.

But…… If it weren’t for those humans coming to the door, how could such an accident happen?

“Only by mastering absolute power can I do it for me… For all mutants, fight for a free sky! ”

“Otherwise, you will have to live in fear all day! I don’t know when there will be a catastrophe! ”

The more he thought about it, the more he hated it, and Magneto clenched his fists tightly, his teeth crunching.

But at this moment, a strange thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

The blue-skinned guy seemed to be a mutant too.

Moreover, he is definitely not as kind to humans as Charles Zell!

In that case, can he use this blue-skinned man… Or work with him?

While Magneto was deep in thought, Bruce Wayne, who was standing on the side, was quietly observing him.

Seeing that Magneto’s face was not good, and he seemed to be planning something in his heart, Young Master Wayne was secretly vigilant in his heart, and at the same time he sighed a little.

In this X-Men universe, although these mutants gain superpowers, the corresponding price is social exclusion.

This situation, in turn, further exacerbates their danger!

Once they become marginalized people who are not tolerated by society, these mutants either choose to commit crimes or take revenge on society!

“Trouble, such a social problem, that Professor Charles’s school can’t solve it at all.”

The more he thought about it, the more headache he had, Young Master Wayne shook his head, his mind suddenly flashed, and his face changed suddenly!

To solve the problem of mutants being rejected by human society, there is only one solution to think of it!

That’s the build… Country!

Form a reading on Earth·· Nation of mutants!

As soon as he thought of this, Young Master Wayne immediately turned his head, lest his face change be discovered by Magneto.


If this kind of thing really happens, I am afraid that the other earth will be turned upside down!

However, as soon as this idea came up, it seemed impossible to press it.

Recalling the previous picture, Bruce Wayne was vaguely sure that there seemed to be no pattern to follow from human awakening to mutant.

But once a mutant awakens, there is also a great possibility that its descendants … Still a mutant!

Just like Magneto’s youngest daughter Nina, although she is only half of the mutant bloodline, she still awakens superpowers!

According to this situation, the number of mutants will only increase.

And the contradictions and conflicts between them and human beings are probably inevitable!

【Image continues】

[At this time, the picture turned, and I came to Charles Zell’s gifted youth school. 】

[It’s night, but Chingre seems to be having a nightmare and alarming the other students in the dormitory]

[Faced with this situation, Charles Xavier pushed a wheelchair into Chingray’s room and tried to use his telepathic abilities to calm her down]

[But as soon as he came into contact with Chingre’s dream, Charles was taken aback. 】

[Overwhelming flames! ] 】

[People, buildings, streets! ] City! 】

[Everything turned to ashes under the flames! ] 】

[These scenes in Qin Gray’s dream are as if hell has come to earth! ] 】

[But the most incredible thing is that in these terrifying images, Charles actually saw a strange man with blue skin! ] 】

【”Jean!!! “】

[Charles did his best to wake Jean Grey from her nightmare. 】

[When she woke up, Qin Gray’s face was full of horror and said in horror:]

[“I… I saw the end of the world. “】

“It was just a dream. “】

[Professor Charles tries to comfort the frightened Jean Grey:]

“The power of your mind is so powerful that I have never seen before in my life, perhaps it is an illusion caused by the loss of control of this power. “】

[“Not right…”

[Cold sweat broke out on Qingray’s forehead, and she said intermittently:]

“The dark power inside me seems to be getting stronger and stronger, like a flame that wants to burn everything out! “】

[Charles finally convinced Jean Grey not to continue to be afraid:]

“One day when you can fully control your power, then… You don’t need to be afraid of anything anymore. “】

[After leaving Jean’s room, Charles learns something incredible from Hank McCoy. 】

[It turns out that at the same time that Jean Grey had a nightmare, Hank McCoy also recorded… There was some kind of burst of energy in Egypt. 】

“It may have been someone else who caused this burst of energy, and it also resonated with Jean Grey. “】

[Hank McCoy proposed his hypothesis and suggested that Professor Charles use a brainwave enhancer to observe it for himself.] 】

[After turning on the brainwave enhancer, Charles’s consciousness soon locked onto a local Egyptian acquaintance. 】

[It was a female agent. 】

“What’s going on with that girl?”

Seeing the terrifying scene in Jean Grey’s dream, Bruce Wayne’s pupils shrank and he took another deep breath.

This scene is simply like the hell that Konstantin entered in the previous “Hell Detective”!

But hearing Jean Grey’s words, this is not some hell, but the end of the world!

Moreover, she actually saw the blue-skinned weirdo in her dream.

Do you say… This girl has the ability to foresee?

Just then, someone in the chat group also bubbled.

Charles Xavier: Jean? Wait a minute, I seem to recognize this girl.

Magneto: Charles, are you taking students everywhere again?

Charles Xavier: This time I didn’t go to someone else, it was this girl’s parents who found me

Charles Xavier: They heard that I can treat people with special symptoms, so…

Magneto: Heal! These stupid humans, do they think mutants are some kind of disease? (▼ヘ▼#)

Charles Xavier: Eric, don’t be so cynical, what can ordinary parents do in the face of children with superpowers?

Charles Xavier: In short, this girl seems to have mind reading skills and motivation. Her name is Jean Grey, and she is just 10 years old.

Wanda Maksimov: 10 years old? It’s so young,

Charles Xavier: It’s not surprising that a lot of mutants have superpowers that awaken as children

Charles Xavier: However, after watching this video, I think… In addition to mind power and telepathy, this Chingrey may also possess the ability to foresee.

Wolverine: Did you foresee the end of the world? It’s really getting more and more interesting

Bruce Wayne: Professor Charles Xavier, I have another question, what is the brainwave enhancer you used in the video?

Charles Xavier: Uh… This device simply does not exist now.

Bruce Wayne: This kind of device that can locate humans all over the world is too dangerous.

Charles Xavier: ………

Magneto: Charles, aren’t you going to tell him? The real use of this brainwave enhancer of yours is not positioning at all, but controlling the minds of people all over the world!

Bruce Wayne: What? You’re not kidding. (⊙o⊙)

Wayne’s surprise is really extraordinary.

With one instrument, you can control people all over the world!

That’s scary.

Charles Xavier: Wait a minute… This thing. Ay……

In the tavern, Charles sighed a little helplessly.

Just a few days ago, Hank McCoy had the inspiration to try to make a prototype of a brainwave enhancer.

But Charles had always been hesitant.

From the previous images, he has seen that once the brainwave enhancer is fully powerful… How scary it really is!

Is it really a good thing that such a device is manufactured?

At this moment, a new image also appeared on the screen.

[In Egypt, the awakened apocalypse knew nothing about his own time. 】

[By chance, he rescued Storm Girl, who was being hunted down. 】

[In thanksgiving him, the storm brought the apocalypse back to his abode.] 】

[Relying on television, Apocalypse learned all about modern society, as well as language, in an instant. 】

[In his opinion, the human beings who were supposed to serve him as a god now actually rule this planet! ] 】

[This is simply a big contrarian! ] 】

[In anger, Apocalypse immediately decided to purify the world and regain its own rule. 】

[Apocalypse has a special power that can develop and strengthen the super powers of mutants!] 】

[Relying on the information of the storm girl, he subdued the spirit butterflies and angels along the way and strengthened their abilities. 】

[At the same time, Eric Lansher, who was in disarray, killed the factory where he originally worked. 】

[He exposed his superpowers because he tried to save a colleague.] 】

[Originally, I wanted to save people, but it ended up killing both my wife and daughter. 】

[The angry Eric is ready to kill all the humans in the factory to vent his hatred! ] 】

[But just before he could strike, the portal opened by the apocalypse appeared behind him. 】

[Without saying a word, Apocalypse directly killed those workers with his super powers, and then pulled Airee into the portal. ] 】

[On the other side of the portal, Eric returns to his childhood nightmare… O. S. Vi Xin Ji Crowd Camp. 】

[In front of Eric, Apocalypse claims to be a god, claiming that his mission is to light the flame that awakens humanity and push the gears of civilization. 】

[Heaven uses his own power and words to guide Eric and let him unleash his full potential. 】

“You don’t understand the power you have. But I know. “】

【”Get close to the ground and feel the metal contained underground. “】

“Do your best to go as deep as you can into the heart of the earth. “】

“You will find… You have the power to shake the earth! “】

[Under the guidance of the apocalypse, Eric burst out with unimaginable power! ] 】

[The entire Ji Crowd Camp was all torn to pieces by the iron stream he summoned. 】

[Now, Storm Girl, Spirit Butterfly, Angel, Magneto. 】

[Apocalypse has finally succeeded in gathering the new Apocalypse 4 Knights! ] 】

“What? I’m so strong!!! ”

See Eric on the screen… Even the iron ore under the earth’s crust was pulled to the ground! And formed a roaring iron dragon!

Magneto gasped, and his whole body trembled with excitement.

At this moment, Magneto had only one thought in his mind:

Maybe…… He can try to revive this blue-skinned guy!

In this way, he can gain unprecedented power!

And get true freedom for mutants!

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